Saturday, November 21, 2015

More Gifts

Took 12:47 min/km pace for a 1.19 km walk.

Would try something new for lunch, so went to Cafe Mediterranean.  Tried their shawrbat addas majroosh for soup and Gyros grilled beef.  While having lunch, a woman is making a scene against another woman eating at Reyes Barbecue.  Learned that this woman is asking for food from the woman eating and wasn't given any.  That's when she flared up.  And they do not know each other!  Duh?!

Have no plans of watching a movie, so just walked to meet my daily target. Was able to buy a photo journal at Typo... for me!  Hehehe!  Bought a lens protector filter at Infomax.  Bought again additional Christmas gifts at It's Personal!

Attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at Chili's.  We are finally complete so I would be able to treat them for the birthday dinner.  Weh!


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