Friday, December 03, 2021

License, Reconciliation, Eucharist

Took a leave from office today for the renewal of my driver's license.  But most importantly, to have the Sacrament of Reconciliation and attend the Holy Mass physically.

Already finished with my online driver's test yesterday.  So, went to the MRT Branch of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) for the renewal.  It is already closed and with a notice that they have transferred to The Link.

So walked my way to The Link.  Their office there is still closed and according to the security guard, they will open on December 8.  Looked for the next branch of LTO nearby.  Saw one at the Mall of Asia (MOA).  So off I went.  LTO no longer have a renewal office of said mall.  Tsk! Tsk!

Decided to proceed with the confession.  At Sta. Clara de Montefalco Parish Church, there are no priests are available for everyone is at the Manila Cathedral for the ordination of one of their new priests.  Was advised to return before the 5PM Mass.  Undeterred, went to the Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Church.  There is priest there but he would already start his 12 noon online Mass.  Was advised to return before the 5:30PM Mass.  I guess, will just have to return.

Went back first to the condo to have my lunch and would leave around 3PM.

At Sta. Clara, was still advised to wait for the 5PM Mass and talk to the priest before said Mass as I wanted to take the confession.  I wrote my name on the list, showed my vaccination card (which is a requirement for you to be able to attend the Mass), and waited outside.

But lo and behold, the staff there informed me that Fr. Nick will have a 3PM Mass and she asked me to wait inside the Church.  When Fr. Nick was there, same staff called me.  The last confession I made was in 2019, before the pandemic broke loose.  I made my list.  And when I took the communion, felt teary-eyed. 🙏 Thank You, Jesus, Mama Mary and St. Joseph.

Practice CARES.

Went to our Dolores property.  Prayed for blessing and its deliverance.  The same to our family corporation's Zamora property.


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