N95 8GB? TyTN II?
My Nokia N90 has been acting up. Even when it should be on the phone mode, it keeps setting to the camera mode Sometimes, it gets heated up as it is constantly in camera mode. Thus, brought it to Nokia Care to check it up and have it repaired, just in case.

I was toying with the idea of purchasing a new cellphone with Wifi capability. Been going from one store to another. It was between Nokia N95 8GB and HTC TyTN II. Found one shop that sells the Nokia 95 8GB about P1,500.00 cheaper from my suki, and about P4,500.00 cheaper from other stores. Also, found another store which sells the HTC TyTN II about P4,000.00 cheaper from the other stores.
Using my Nokia 6600, surfed on the review for both items (while at the mall). It is now a question of how I use them. Bought my choice after attending the anticipated Mass and dinner at Italianni's.
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