MSI Wind and Neo eXplore X1
I've been waiting for Acer Aspire One to be released here. Unfortunately, the specs of the sub-notebook that will be initially released is not what I was hoping for. Looks like I would have to wait for a looooooooooong time for the Windows XP version with 3G capability to arrive.Thus, switched my sights on MSI Wind. The only color available is pink. The white one is already out of stock! To think, it is just a few days when it was introduced...

But what to do with my Neo eXplore X1? A friend was buying it. I hated for it to go, but what would I do with two sub-notebooks? Had a nice time with my X1. And ever reliable. Even had a funny incident when I brought it to McDonald's one Sunday.
Once I arrived home, installed all the software I wanted. And then... my video editor does not work in my MSI Wind!!! The computer's resolution should be 1024x768. MSI Wind is 1024x600. Guess, I have to make-do with Windows Movie Maker, the video editor whose minimum requirement is 800x600. (My Neo eXplore X1 has no problem with my video editor.)
August 8, 2008, Sunday
After using the MSI Wind for a month, over-all, I can say I made a good buy!!! (",)
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