Sunday, November 09, 2014

Stonehearst Hero

Was not able to watch a movie yesterday and there are four (4) movies currently showing today that I wanted to see.  So, instead of my usual Sunday rest, decided to tick off two from my list.

But first, had an early lunch at Bistro Ravioli since the ticket counter is still not open.  My target first screening is 11:30AM.

Stonehearst Asylum takes place days before the New Year of 1900 when a young doctor arrives at a remote asylum where the rich and and powerful are hidden away to recuperate from various mental illness.  There are several twists to the story but can't help but sympathize with the villains.  Can't help, too, but be captivated with the performance of Ben Kingsley.

In between movies, bought some dollars for the upcoming trip.  Also meryenda at Big City.

My next movie is Big Hero 6.  A group of nerd friends have to become superheroes to stop a mad villain with an army of micro-bots at his command.  This movie have a lot of heart.  Even one of the kids watching is crying when something bad is happening to Bigmax.  Like!


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