Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas 2024

Would be attending the 9 AM Mass at Sto. Niño de Paz Greenbelt Chapel.  I was only able to attend the online Mass last night.  It (online Mass) is not a sacrament but a devotion.  Thus, I must attend today's Mass.  In the Philippines, there are only three (3) days of obligation, that is, Christmas or the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (December 25), Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God (January 1), and the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8). 

I arrived at the chapel just in time for me to join in praying the rosary as a community.  But first, left the gifts of my nephew and nieces the rosaries and the bag charm (with Mama Mary in crochet) on the table where the priest will do his blessing after the Mass before going to my seat.

I was not able to get the name of the priest who is the Mass presider.  For his homily:
  1. Christmas is the fullness of grace.
    • Because the Son became one among us.  Is Jesus born in our hearts?
    • There is rejection.  While in still in the womb, Jesus already experienced rejection.  Thus, He was born in the manger.  He is with us even in the rejections in our lives, even if we are unworthy.
    • He came to the world to bring light in the midst of darkness.  The true Light is Jesus.
  2. John the Baptist is to prepare the hearts of the people to embrace the Light (Jesus).
As mentioned by Fr. Dave last night, kids will be given apples after the Mass and they would be giving away calendars today.  Last night, they were also giving away prayer cards for Mary, Mystical Rose, and not sure if I understood what Fr. Dave said about the devotion of the Mystical Rose to be promoted by the Vatican this coming year--so, asked for one while waiting for the priest to bless my rosaries and bag charm.  As researched, the apparitions of Rosa Mystica were formally approved by the Vatican last July 5, 2024.  Oh!  I was not able to receive a calendar.

Passed by Lydia's Lechon at The Landmark Food Center to buy 1/4 kilo pork lechon before leaving the Ayala Center.  Went through the McDonald's drive-thru to buy our breakfast.

Back at home, I would now be opening my Flexispot desk bike. 😉


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