Sunday, October 01, 2006


I was supposed to go to the parlor to have my hair trimmed. Unfortunately, Celso, my hairdresser is not around. (I asked Tita Leony to check if he is there before I go to his shop.) That's one plan that went pfffttttt...

After lunch, as promised to my niece, I accompanied her to the mall to buy the colored contact lens she's been raving about. When we were there, she finally decided that won't be needing one. Actually, the doctor who was there advised her to wait for six months. (She only had her corrective eye glasses for one month.) Wearing the colored contact lens so soon may not improve her vision. That's another plan/wish that went pfffttttt...

Since we were already at the mall, decided to buy me a ribbon. It has to be BIG! Well, able to buy one at Broadway Gems but the clip is not that big. I hope I can make do with it.

We then had our merienda at Iceberg's. We each have our own banana split and shared on the clubhouse sandwich.

Afterwhich, we went to look for my niece's hat (or is it cap?) and half-glove. Guess, she wanted to be a female Michael Jackson?! Hehehe! With her new hair cut, she looks like the Filipina actress Jody Sta. Maria. Ahhh... A female Michael Jackson-Jody Sta. Maria look-a-like. LOL!


At 10/05/2006 12:38:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just for the record.. found elegance flamboyantly dancin' here. excellent read all over the place.

p.s. n' hey!.. nice magical pictures too. wish you to carry the good work... n' please take care.

At 10/07/2006 09:08:00 PM, Blogger ~GFA~ said...


your posts are also quite original... c",)


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