Sunday, February 10, 2008

Burgoo Birthday

It would be my birthday lunch treat to one of my Nanay's "angels" and to one my brother's staff. Since I received a Sodexho from the office, decided to use it for their treat.

Thus, it was Burgoo at SM Mall of Asia. We're eleven (11) in the group, including my niece, who find the food delicious. The price is reasonable. We were not able to finish the food we ordered as we are all full that we even have to bring home (several) "doggie bag".

Picked-up my "monkey on elephant".

From "Monkey sitting on elephant will help you get the highest position possible in your career when one is already in a high position, but seeking to go even higher. In represents stability of an important position in the company. This symbol will keep you there so that you will never get overthrown away... In today's competitive environment work environment, this animal together with the monkey can help one win over any tough battle in the office and triumph to the top position. It will not only ensure you go all the way to the top, but also stay there with power and authority... It would also help you gather more support from subordinates and peers, besides having more command over difficult employees."

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Feng Shui, the occult, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.


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