Second day of my five-day mandatory leave. Decided to have my hair-day... some pampering. LOL
Since am already in the mall, decided to watch a movie, which I wasn't able to do for fear that I may again experience seven hours of being stranded due to Typhoon Ondoy, with Typhoon Peping within PAR.
The movie is Surrogates, an action, sci-fi, thriller movie starring Bruce Willis. A different concept of having people live their life through surrogates. Supposedly, their operators are safely tucked in their homes while their surrogates do their activities. But then, there is a rash of high-tech murders which also affected the surrogate's operator, a policeman has to leave his surrogate to investigate the murder.
I wonder if the surrogate of Bruce Willis is a CGI. They sure made "it" look a very young Bruce Willis. Hehehe! Surrogates? We don't even have to look far. People who are addicted chatting, social networking, blogging, etc. already "creates" their surrogate in the internet.
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