Barangay Election
Today is a holiday as 2007 Barangay Election would be held. First thing I did (after a quick shower, quick breakfast, etc.) is go to the polling precinct to cast my vote--it is best to vote in the morning.
Yesterday, surfed the internet to know what to do if I decide not to fill-up all the position. From Article XVIII Section 211 of the Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines, it states that "Circles, crosses or lines put on the spaces on which the voter has not voted shall be considered as signs to indicate his desistance from voting and shall not invalidate the ballot."
Afterwhich, went home for a short rest, asked Manong to drive me and look for the venue of the meeting I would be attending tomorrow, and drop me off at The Landmark. This is where I bought some candles for the All Souls Day. Manong then picked-up my nephew from the gym and asked them to pass by The Landmark so that they can already bring home the candles I bought (it is a bit heavy). Was thinking of watching a movie--and decided against it. Thus, after buying a few things, proceeded home.
A sad day... FASTPhone, one of the systems I implemented at the Bank, has finally retired. Steps to replace the hardware was put to a halt with the (impending) merger as the other bank's system would prevail. It did not even wait until the conversion has been completed. I wonder if "it" was saddened when we transferred to Ortigas that "it" just gave up... c",)
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