Rubik's Cube
This cube puzzle was a hit during my high school days. Now, it's raring a comeback.Used to know how to solve it... and I can't seem to recall now how to do it. Thus, checked the internet.
One should solve the Rubik's Cube by layer.
Layer 1
Solving the first layer is the easiest. Just be sure that the "cross" formed is in the right position, that is, the edges color matches that of the middle color of the sides.

Now for the corners, put the correct color combination on the lower right of the 3rd layer. Then, follow the following algorithm:
Rcc Bcc Rc Bc
where R=Right, B=Bottom, c=clockwise, cc=counterclockwise
Repeat until the 1st layer's lower right has the correct color combination.
Layer 2
Flip the cube so that the completed layer is at the bottom.

The intention is to put the middle color in the 1st layer either to the left or right of the 2nds layer.
The algorithm for the putting it to the left is as follows:
Tcc Lcc Tc Lc Tc Fc Tcc Fcc
where T=Top, L=Left, F=Front, c=clockwise, cc=counterclockwise
The algorithm for the putting it to the right is the reverse:
Tc Rc Tcc Rcc Tcc Fcc Tc Fc
where T=Top, R=Right, F=Front, c=clockwise, cc=counterclockwise
Layer 3
The intent is to form a "cross". Look for an "L" shape. Position it to be on the upper left. Repeat the following algorithm until a "cross" shape is formed:
Fc Rc Tc Rcc Tcc Fcc
where F=Front, R=Right, T=Top, c=clockwise, cc=counterclockwise
Below are the sequences of changes when you perform the above algorithm.

Next is to correct the position of the colors in the "cross". Put the (middle) blocks already in their correct position at the back and at the right. (If the correct middle blocks are opposite to each other, put one at the back and the other at the front.) Then, repeat the following algorithm until all the blocks in forming the "cross" are in the correct position:
Rc Tc Rcc Tc Rc Tc Tc Rcc
where R=Right, T=Top, c=clockwise, cc=counterclockwise

Next step is to solve the corners. First aim is to position the correct color combination blocks in their proper places. Put in the lower right the block which is already in its right position. Then, perform the following algorithm until all corners are in their correct position:
Tc Rc Tcc Lcc Tc Rcc Tcc Lc
where T=Top, R=Right, L=Left, c=clockwise, cc=counterclockwise

Rcc Bcc Rc Bc
where R=Right, B=Bottom, c=clockwise, cc=counterclockwise
Do repeatedly until correct. Then turning only the top layer, put again in the block to arrange in the lower right. Repeat the above algorithm until the Rubik's cube has been solved!

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