Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Thingy For Me

First, I asked a friend who's going to Hongkong for a vacation to buy one for me, hoping she can find one and it would be cheaper than here. Received an SMS from her as soon as she arrived that she was not able to find one. TAJOINK! Went to my suki and bought me the Black Rapid strap. c",)

Next, always been for natural light. But I also think, I should be familiar with the use of strobes (electonic flash). Thus, last Friday--a holiday, tried the strobe thing at home. With my Canon 420EX, always have my images over-exposed because I cannot adjust the flash's power. (My set-up: camera in my right hand, flash on a monopod in my left hand--sometimes I bounce, sometimes not, but I just can't extend my hand that much. LOL) My Speedlite transmitter and a master flash was delivered to my office.

As soon as I arrived home, "played" with them... c",)

(My first shot using my Canon 420EX off-camera [left] and Canon ST-E2.
Not over-exposed. Yes!!!)

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Feng Shui, the occult, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.


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