Salamat Tita Cory at Paalam...
It was declared a holiday because it is the interment of former President Corazon Aquino.But because it is also the birthday of Tilak Hettige, my friend and I have planned to meet at SM Megamall to pick-up our gift for Tilak. We are supposed to meet at Pollo Loco and have our lunch there. Since I was early, watched the goings-on at the Manila Cathedral. Was able to catch Kris Aquino's speech. Believe me, I cried, too.
Ate our lunch and proceeded to Bake and Churn to pick-up ice-cream cake. Of course, we had dessert first of strawberry cheesecake ice cream.
Also bought the gift for our friend at Hua Mulan.
Took a taxi ride to Tilak's house. As soon as we were at the gates of Forbes Park, we noticed a Pajero ahead of us. We suspect that Tilak is in that car. We were right. Our taxi went ahead. By the time we stopped at Tilak's house, the Pajero is just arriving. He was definitely surprised for he did not know that we would be there to give him a gift.
We were dropped-off at Glorietta 4 where we parted ways. Did some business there (paid my bills, that is. hehehe!) and took a jeepney home.
The jeepney won't proceed to cross the South Luzon Expressway (SLEX). Why? Tita Cory's funeral procession has not yet passed that way!!!

Immediately stepped off and was among those who waited for her to pass by.
Received an SMS and wanted to share it...
"The only person in world history who became a President by fate and not by ambition. The only speaker who has the longest standing ovation in U.S. Congress. The only woman who led her people to win a revolution with nothing but faith in God.
'President Corazon "Tita Cory" Cojuanco Aquino'
The mother of democracy. The light of our nation and her legacy lives on forever...
Let's pass this message as sign of our respect and gratitude. Thank you, Tita Cory!"
06 August 2009, Thursday
My after thoughts, etc...
* Just learned that the Mass performed for Tita Cory is performed only for Bishops, and she is the only civilian allowed to have her wake at the Manila Cathedral.
* People may raise their eyebrow, but, I think President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo did it correctly. Visiting Tita Cory right after arriving from the U.S. Also, staying only for 10 minutes because of her concern for those who are still lining-up to pay their respects to Tita Cory.
* It is not supposed to be a state funeral, but it was still done (not officially) as befitting her. Again, people may raise their eyebrow, but I think this is not possible without the instruction from President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
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