Santi (International Name Mirinae)
Woke up by sounds of galvanized iron (roofing) as if it is being blown away. Alas! Typhoon Santi has made a landfall. It was supposed to pass by Metro Manila and Central Luzon.
Heard from the radio that Santi shifted its route. Just think, if it did not, it would have been worse!
(Writing this using my netbook running in its battery source. There's no power. Learned later that five electrical posts in our area fell down.)

Since there's no cable, which was affected by the typhoon, my niece asked that we go to the mall/theater and watch a movie.
After lunch, it's as if no storm has passed. There were lots of kids (with their parents) in the mall, all gaily dressed for a trick-or-treat. The kids go from one store to another which have candies/goodies for the kids.
While waiting for the start of the movie, my niece and I did some window shopping and some photo shoot. The movie we are to watch is Jennifer's Body starring Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox.
After an accident at a local pub, a cheerleader, Jennifer, gained an appetite for human blood. Offered as a sacrifice gone wrong, Jennifer became possessed by a demon. Her BFF "Needy" Lesnicki took upon herself to stop her.
After the movie, attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at Italianni's.
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