Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chinese New Year 2010

Supposed to meet at Glorietta 4 at 6:30AM. I was late... Set the alarm at 4AM but still went to sleep. We then proceeded to Binondo.

There was still no activity. We proceeded to the Church and attended the Mass. After, looked for an authentic Chinese restaurant for our breakfast. The difference between "regular" and "special" original mami? The size!!! Hehehehe!

Then, slowly walked around Ongpin and nearby streets, hoping to catch our "winning" image. The hustle-bustle related to the Chinese New Year started around 10AM.

Before leaving Binondo, had lunch at another authentic Chinese restaurant, Sincerity.

Was dropped off at Glorietta 4. Mall? What else but window shopping and shopping! (wink) Went first to the World of Feng Shui (WOFS) to check predictions for the metal tiger. Then, tried Travel Club for the new model of Pacsafe belt bag. Since the color I like is not available, decided to go to Bratpack at Greenbelt 5. But first, dropped by at The Landmark so that my friend can buy her feng shui items.

While at Greenbelt 5. caught some "dragons" visiting the stores of the mall. Took some shots before proceeding to Tutti Frutti at Glorietta for my day's yogurt fix. Hehehe!

Since I would be visiting my niece at the hospital, wanted to give her a stress ball so she can do her exercise (to help improve her condition). Went back again at The Landmark for the stress ball and proceeded to Makati Medical Center.
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Feng Shui, horoscope, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.


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