Election Day

Today, we would be practicing our right to vote. It is also the first time we would be doing an automated counting of our votes. The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) calls it automation.
Was already at my voting precinct (0286-D) at 8AM.
Queueing in order to vote
The BEI in action
The senior citizens, handicapped, pregnant women were given priority.
At 10:55AM, was already on my way home. That's almost three (3) hours just to exercise my right to vote!!!
BTW while waiting to cast my vote, witnessed vote buying while in line. Even saw the woman show an envelope containing the money and giving a sample ballot to a voter. Too bad did not have my video camera.

After a short meeting with the Tilak Hettige, rested a bit and went to the Cuneta Astrodome for the canvassing.
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