Saturday, July 10, 2010

George Cabig's Travel Photography Workshop

Our office's camera club invited Mr. George Cabig to be the speaker during their monthly meeting. Non-members can attend; but, they have to pay a certain fee. They also have the option to become a member. Many new members joined the Club.

The South Chapter of the Club were also able to participate in the morning lecture through the first video conference with Manila.

George Cabig lectured on composition, using his images as examples. He made the talk lively with his sprinkle of jokes.

After, the group went to Harbor Square where they would have lunch at Dencio's; then, do a shoot until sunset. Joined the group but left early. I don't think we will have a good sunset that day. LOL

Went to Glorietta to catch the anticipated Mass and had dinner at Pizza Hut Bistro.


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