Canon Photomarathon 2011
Woke up really early for the Canon Photomarathon 2011. Have to be at Philippine Trade Training Center by 6:30AM. Registration is from 5:00AM to 7:30AM.I requested Manong to drive for me and borrowed my brother's AUV. Left the house around 6:00AM.
Unlike the previous photo marathons, there would only be two (2) themes. Good decision. Considering the number of participants (2,700+ photographers), it would take some time to upload the photo entries. Thus, we would be given 3 1/2 hours to shoot and upload our photo. We were told to set our camera's date to December 12, 2012.
In the Concrete Jungle of our Nation,
Find the Beauty of Your Own Imagination,
Use your Creative Passion,
To Showcase this Beauty...

Took this image around the Rizal Memorial/ Luneta Park.
In this City of Wonderful People,
Different Lifestyles, we venture
A Mirror of our Colorful Culture
Truly Preserved for Our Future.

This time, we went to Intramuros and took this image inside the Fort Santiago.
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