Saturday, September 22, 2012

Advanced Photoshop

Our office's camera club sponsored an advanced Photoshop workshop.  I would just be assisting (and taking down notes).  LOL

One Time Set-up
a)  Open Photoshop.
b)  File>New, any paper size, white background.
c)  Image>Adjustments>Curves;  double click black dropper, RGB value to 20-20-20 (from 0-0-0); double click white dropper, RGB value to 244-244-244 (from 255-255-255);  double click gray dropper, RGB value to 133-133-133 (from 128-128-128);  close and save as default.
e)  Dropper tool, choose 3x3 average.
f)  Close Photoshop.

Raw Processing
*  From Bridge, export to Photoshop as Smart Object.

Adjusting Selected Items
a)  Select portion of image
b)  Ctrl+J (duplicate to a new layer the selection).
c)  To select the selected items in the new layer, click Ctrl+layer. 

Texture Mapping/Displacement Maps 

stage1 - preparing the displacement map (textured surface)

1.Open texture in Photoshop.  Click channelspalette and check for  channel withhighest contrast.
2.Duplicate this channel. under document choose new. Name it whatever you likeand save it.  This creates a new documenton a new tab.  This is the base for the displacement map.
3.Lower detail by using gaussian blur, set to 0.7.  This will make the image smoother later.Convert to grayscale. Save the displacement map as psd.

stage2 - applying the map
1. Select the person's face.  Go to theSelect menu item and Save Selection. Name it whatever you like.
2. Load the original texture file.
3.Load the selection (face) via select/load selection.
4.Go to Channels & cmd/ctrl click on the face selection.
5.Switch back to layers to see the selection outline. Create a layer mask.
6.Change Blend Mode to Overlay
7. Select Texture Layer and unlink the mask.
8.Apply the displacement map…in filters displace/distort 

Face Mask/Clean up

1.Open image
2.Cleaning the face - spot healing brush
3.Select the "mask" and duplicate
4.Select the duplicated mask and run filters/blur/gaussian blur
5.Adjust opacity to taste

During the break, we had our lunch at Chic-Boy.

After the workshop, proceeded to Glorietta to attend the anticipated Mass.  Had dinner at Pizza Hut Bistro.


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