Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ouija John Wick

Been thinking of the kick scooter that I have to buy one.

For my Day 4 (tomorrow), plan to ride in one. But first, went to SM Megamall where I was able to buy the JD Bug Deluxe Kick Scooter at Toy Kingdom.

After, was dropped off at Glorietta, where I bought discounted movie tickets for Ouija and John Wick.  A movie marathon!  But first, had a quick lunch before my movies.

When their friend died, a group of friends decided to "talk" to her of her suicide through an ouija board.  But first, the rules: (a) do not play near a graveyard, (b) do not play alone, and (c) always say goodbye when ending the game.  The rule was broken; thus, the friends die one by one until it can be stopped.  Just when you thought it is the end, the story still continues.

For my second movie, a hitman returns to his ways when his dog was killed--the dog which is the last gift given to him by his wife who just died.  If you want action, this is it.


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