First Day Of 2025
I would be attending the 9 AM Mass at Sto. NiƱo de Paz Greenbelt Chapel. So, with the niece, we left the condominium at 7:30 AM as we would be dropping her off at her condominium. I am sure, she would continue her sleep and wake up in the afternoon. LOL
Thus, I was able to arrive at the chapel by 8 AM. I wanted to take pictures of the altar as the flower arrangement is pretty nice. Noticed one cat cleaning itself in one of the pews. The Ayala Management let stray cats in the mall, leaving pet food on specific areas of the park. Right in front of the altar, I noticed the cat is beside me, clawing the portion of the pew where you kneel. After taking my pictures, I stood up to leave--the cat put its claws on my pants. Good thing my pants is a bit thick that I was not hurt. Going back to my seat, the cat followed me! As an afterthought, I think that the cat is interested in the small (exorcism) bell I attached to my bag. I made sure that it did not make a sound as it made its way towards me and passed me by. Hehehe!
The Mass presider is Fr. Andy. Today is the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.
We (should) begin our day with the intercession of Mary, mother of God and our mother. Theotokos, meaning bearer of God. We ask her (Mary) to "carry" us through the new year.
Reflect: If people see you, would they know you are a Christian? A disciple of Jesus? Christ must be felt by others in how we live.
After the Mass, Fr. Andy blessed my St. Joseph bag charm. I also showed him my Our Lady of Lourdes bag charm. He asked me if I use it "against" the labubu. He knows! Many deliverance ministers are saying that they have cases due to having this (labubu) strange doll, which actually symbolizes a devil dog. This doll has become popular. The same way that teletubbies was popular then. I both don't like them. I have a different feeling when I saw the teletubbies, ditto the labubu.
Before going home, passed by Lydia's Lechon at The Landmark Food Center for 1/4 kilo of lechon. Went through McDonald's drive thru to buy breakfast.
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