Saturday, February 01, 2025

Ikinari Steak

It is the first Saturday of February 2025.  I should be leaving the condominium much earlier because I still have to buy groceries before observing my Saturday devotion.

I woke up late.  Left the condominium 1 1/2 hours later than I planned.  But I am blessed because it was very easy to find a parking slot and there are a few customers at The Landmark Supermarket that we are second in the queue at the checkout counter. 🙏

Paid for our groceries and left Edgar, the driver, to bring the items home.  He still has to walk Theo, the dog, for his exercise.  LOL

I walked my way to the Sto. Niño de Paz Greenbelt Chapel.  A Chinese (?) family of three is ahead of me in the queue for the confession.  The father is already doing his penance, the mother and their son are waiting for the priest to go back to the confessional.  Fr. Alemar is the confessor.

After doing my penance, I did my 15 minute meditation of the fourth Glorious Mystery.  

The family is actually behind my pew.  And I do think they are waiting for me to finish my meditation because as soon as I finished, the father asked me the time of the Mass, the schedule of the anticipated Mass and if it is in English. I answered their queries.  Also informed them that the chapel at The Landmark is a Jubilee Church and they can earn a plenary indulgence if they visit it.  Told them the schedule of the Mass there.  Also shared with them how to gain the plenary indulgence, that is, to be in the state of grace, directly ask the grace to gain the plenary indulgence, have taken the Holy Eucharist, went to confession within 20 days before and after going to the church, prayed the Apostle's Creed and prayed for the intentions of the Holy Father.

They left.  I do think they would be attending the anticipated Mass at the Mary, Mother of Hope Chapel at The Landmark.

Prayed my Precious Blood of Jesus chaplet, and prayed the rosary as a community.

The Mass presider is Fr. Paulo.  He started by talking about the Sleeping St. Joseph. Pope Francis has a devotion to St. Joseph, and he has an image of the Sleeping St. Joseph wherein if he has any petitions, trials, etc. he writes it in a piece of paper and puts it under the image.

Like father, like son, the Gospel gives us an image of the sleeping Jesus.  To sleep during a crisis is something else.  It is a lesson on faith  Deep sleep is a manifestation of deep faith.

Instead of asking "what if...", we should be saying "even if...".

When we sleep, we allow God to be God.

After the Mass, I went to Mary, Mother of Hope Chapel, hoping to gain a plenary indulgence.

And for lunch, I would try the Ikinari Steak at One Ayala.  I was given a seat.  But instead of the waiter getting your order, you should be going to the counter to place your order and pay for it.  Also, I was advised it is not allowed to bring home leftovers. 

Tried their Wild Combo (PhP777.00).  This way, I would be able to try their Wild Steak and the Ikinari Hamburg Steak.  Not bad.  But next time, I'll just buy the Wild Steak.

Ikinari Steak
Wild Combo

Of course, would not forget my Frappuccino fix for the week. Went to The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf where I started this blog.

The Mass presider for the anticipated Mass is Fr. Dave.

Candelaria which is also celebrated every February 2.  Candelaria is the light of the candle.

The Feast of the Presentation of the Child Jesus is also celebrated.  The presentation is:

  1. To be made present.
  2. Called to be a present--an offering to God.
  3. Acknowledge the gift of life
There are three gifts:  gift of life, gift of freedom, and gift of family/ community that helps you fulfill your purpose.

You can find Christ in all things.  God acknowledges that we can find God in the temple.

Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament.  This is why Simeon acknowledges him.

The first place a child or baby should go is the Church (not the mall).  Forty (40) days after birth should be baptized.

There is a time to let go, time to hold on.

While queuing to receive the Holy Eucharist, a friend gave me a candle so I can have it blessed later.  Thank you!

After the Mass ended, I did not leave at once since I am curious about the girl beside me.  I asked if she was sick.  Indeed, she was just discharged from the hospital.  I cannot recall what her sickness is exactly but she says she bleeds.  Thus, she is often taking blood transfusions.  Gave her a bottle of exorcism oil.

Before going home, I passed by Mercury Drug at The Landmark to buy Fern-C, Lyn's vitamin C supplement.  Also bought a 6" solo Original Basque Burnt Cheesecake (PhP750.00) at The Manila Baker.

As soon as I arrived home, I tried it.  I prefer the Chocolate  Mascarpone Cloud Cake.

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