Saturday, July 28, 2007

FPPF: Studio Lighting Fundamentals, Day 3

Third and last day of the workshop. Expect to learn more. Today, we would have someone to model for us.

But first...

* Camera's metering tends to 80% gray.
=> For a white subject, overexpose by 2.
=> For black, underexpose by 2.

* f/8 is an ideal aperture for face, portrait.

* Always use the lens hood when shooting in the studio.

* For mobility, it is best to use the umbrella. For studio, the softbox.

Beauty Shoot

* For a beauty shoot, there must be no shadow.

Standard Formal Portrait

* Accent light can be a Standard Disc with Honeycomb or a Strip Softbox (long rectangular shape).


* Try to figure out if the sitter is capable of doing it.

* With gray card, you can get the correct texture of the surface.

* Ideal lens to use is a long lens.

Two or More

* When photographing two or more persons, safest is to use the umbrella behind the camera as the main light.

Big Group

* Arrange the people.

* Use several reflector disc light.

* Light should be at eye-level.

Dramatic Light

Set-up 1

Set-up 2

After the workshop, we had a small salo-salo of pizza, pastry and soda.


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