PCCI: Studio Portrait Photography, Day 1
Today's the first of the two-day Studio Portrait Photography workshop under the Ibarra Deri, conducted by the Philippine Center for Creative Imaging.There is a short lecture/review in the morning on lights and posing. Afterwhich, actual studio shoot (see below for the studio set-up and the image taken using the set-up).
APERTURE -- lens opening
* controls amount of light
* depth of field
* fenestra (f), e.g. f1.4, f2
* opening (aperture) -- the smaller the opening, the greater the DOF
* focal length -- the longer the focal length, the shallow the DOF and compresses the perspective
* distance of subject -- the nearer the subject, the less DOF
* shutter opens either horizontal or vertical plane; the horizontal plane opening is faster
* shows motion -- the higher the shutter speed, freezes motion
ISO -- sensitivity of film (or sensor) to light
* the higher the ISO, more noise
* the higher the ISO, the less light needed
* fixed
* zoom
* For environmental, you may use fish eye lens but must consider placement.
* Closer than 5 feet, there would be distortion.
* Establish rapport with the subject.
* Basic:

= For female, weight should be at the back.
= For male, weight should be at the front.
= For group shots, try to keep the eyes in different height/level.
* Umbrella
* Softbox
= When taking a picture of the bride, you can put tracing paper on the softbox so as not to overexpose the gown.
* Triggers -- e.g. Pocket Wizard, Flash Waves, Infinity Gadget
* The nearer the light source, less shadow.
* Try changing the direction of the light to give a different effect on the lighting.
* In portrait photography, what is important is the eyes. Put life in it thru catch lights.
* When taking photos of a woman in swimsuit, try placing the camera at the level of the bikini.

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