Thursday, December 31, 2020

2021's Eve

 My usual last day of the year activity is to buy food and fruits for our media noche.  What is unusual is that we always have food from Emerald Garden Restaurant; but now, our food would be from The Aristocrat Restaurant instead as the former has closed shop due to the pandemic.  Sad...😞

At around 9AM, left the condo.  Would have left earlier as The Landmark Supermarket is open at 8:30AM.  It was the first time I have to queue in order to get inside the supermarket.  I would just be buying my usual Thursday purchases for my Friday bread and water fasting.

It is also here where I bought two round Goldilocks cake and have "Happy 2021!" written on them.  One for me and one for Edgar.

Since it is still not 10AM (opening of the malls and department stores), Edgar and I walked to SM Makati's supermarket to buy the basket of fruits.  Edgar would be carrying two baskets--one for me and the other for my niece's mother.

I, then, proceeded to Baskin-Robbins to buy a half-gallon of World Class Chocolate.  It is on 31% discount.  Edgar would be waiting while the pack is being prepared while I would be searching for the items I plan to buy:  calendar for the office and trumpet that you would not blow through your mouth (to stop the spread of #coronavirus ).

Was not able to find both.  Checked True Value, Toy Kingdom, National Bookstore, The Landmark's toy section, Office Warehouse.  So, asked Edgar if he can buy one for me at Libertad.  He can also buy one, too for his son, Luis.  We will use it to welcome the new year.  There is this Chinese belief that noise wards of bad spirits, bad luck.

Dropped my purchases at the condo (due to the ice cream) before proceeding to "The Aristocrat Restaurant".

At 5PM, joined the online Mass.

Would have eaten at 12 midnight but that would be Friday already.  So, my niece and I had a late dinner instead.  Watched Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (a.k.a. Goblin) in Netflix while waiting for the year to crossover.

Wanted the dinner table to be full of food, preferably round, with the belief that we would not want for the coming year, and all my pockets would have money in them (belief that "may madudukot kapag mangangailangan") when the year changes.

A happy and blessed 2021 to all of us!!!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.


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