Saturday, June 25, 2005

Mall Shopper's Guide to the Movies (MSGM)

Unlike last Saturday's failure to accomplish all the activities lined-up for that day, today, everything went as planned, and much more...

First stop is the dentist. The appointment is 2pm. Had lunch first, brushed my teeth and was at the clinic 15 minutes before the scheduled appointment. Oddly, I know that I have set it today. But when the doctor's assistant checked her appointment book, she wrote my name for next Saturday! Good thing, no one was scheduled at that time; thus, the dentist was able to see me. After cleaning, she checked my teeth. The tooth I'm complaining is healthy. Can't say the same to the wisdom tooth beside it (sad...). She says she can't do pasta on it as it is hard to do it. She suggested that the tooth be removed (ow!). Hmmm.. decided not to have it done, it's not aching anyway. hehehe!

Next stop is the movies. Initially, I thought I won't be able to watch one today. But since the visit to the dentist took only 30 minutes, it is the movies for me! Now, what to watch? Would it be Monsters-in-Law or The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (H2G2)? I hope am not offending J Lo fans, but never "feel" for her. Thus, it's H2G2 for me. c",) The movie's story is quirky and it goes for the laughs. Although, I just can't understand, why would a towel be the most useful thing in the universe...?

Next would be at Brown Sugar Muffins to buy myself a Belgian Chocolate Muffin. Since it's 30 minutes before the mass (and the store is a long walk away), decided to buy instead a new set of toothbrush (must be the effect of the dentist's visit).

Then, participated in the anticipated Mass and ate dinner. We were supposed to eat at Pancake; but since they sitted a group of customer ahead of us even if we were there first, said my piece to the waitress and we transferred to Mexicali. Hmpt!

Before finally leaving for home, walked to Greenbelt 1 (believe me, it's a long distance from Glorietta) to buy that Belgian Chocolate Muffin. When I arrived at the store, the Belgian Chocolate Muffin is no longer available. And all the muffins on display were already reserved! Huh?! The one who reserved them must really be hungry. hehehe!


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