My Aspire
Left the office early, was still able to see sunlight when I stepped out of the building. (hehehe!) Have to pick-up the laptop I ordered.My first laptop, an Acer Travelmate, is really crying out that it be replaced. I originally bought one so I can use something for the election's quick count. It served me loyally for six years. And it may still last as it is still running and I have just to bring it to the service center from time to time to "glue" parts that are getting loose... Good thing, its owner does not need to be "glued". LOL

My timing is lucky. Two weeks before, I was making rounds of the computer shops at Glorietta, taking brochures and comparing prices. Until I finally decided what laptop to buy. By Friday, informed the computer store to order the model I want so that I can pick it up on Saturday. Good thing I checked the website Friday night, it is when I learned that the price of the model I liked dropped by P7,000.00. That means, I can pay the unit for 12 months at 0% interest with its new rate! And the store would also be providing me with freebies. But the unit was not available by Saturday, but the store promised to call me once it is available. And that is today!
Originally, I thought the unit does not have a firewire. Because from Acer's website, it is not included in the specifications. Even Googled for any model of Acer that has a firewire, and that model does not pop-up in the list. Lo and behold! When I checked the unit when I got home, learned that it has one. Haayyyy... Now, I can even edit videos (not just photos) mobile. c",)
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