Monday, March 12, 2018

Endosopy, Colonoscopy

After all the clearance (cardio, blood tests, etc.), will have the endoscopy/ colonoscopy procedure today.  Have to be at Makati Medical Center an hour before 8AM.

One of the blood tests requested by my gastro made me sure I still don't have diabetes.  Hehehe!  My 360 degree turn to drink water, avoiding soda made my chance of not having diabetes most likely.  My Kuya has one.

Since Saturday, started with the preparation.

Saturday: No veggies, no fruits, no meats except fish. Can eat rice, egg, tofu, cheese, pasta, noodles, sandwiches except wheat bread.

Sunday breakfast and lunch:  Same as Saturday.

Sunday 5:30PM:  Lugaw (plain) soup, can eat ice cream except chocolate flavor.

Sunday 6PM:  Surelax 14 sachets in 2 liters of Gatorade (except red and violet color).

Sunday 9PM:  2 tablets of Dulcolax followed with at least 1 liter of clear liquids.

After the procedure, had light lunch and waited at my doctor's clinic.

The result:

Endoscopy:  Gastritis, mild.  Duodenitis.

Colonoscopy:  Sigmoid colon polyp, S/P extirpation polpectomy.  Internal hemorrhoids, Grade 1.

Was given medicines that I would take for two weeks to cure the gastritis and duodenitis.  Once I finish my medicine, will return to my gastro for the result of the biopsy of the polyp.  Although my doctor mentioned that it is likely to be benign.

Then, walked our way to Ayala Center.  (Lyn was with me while I am undergoing the medical procedure.)  Wanted to watch Red Sparrow.  Bought discounted movie tickets.  Since Lyn wanted to buy a Nokia "dumb" phone, accompanied her.

Back to the movie.  After an accident (or was it an accident?), Russion ballerina Dominika Egrova was recruited by a Russian intelligence service where she was forced to use her body as a weapon.  Twists and turns.

Had merienda at Big City first before proceeding home.


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