Tuesday, September 15, 2020


 My dog, Tsubasa, is now playing with his ball in dog heaven... 😢  He is almost 12+ years old.

He is actually not my dog.  He is my niece's.  But we always have this idea that she does not have a "green thumb" because even a cactus plant dies on her--which she insists she did not own the cactus plant that died.  So, I sort of "adopted" Tsubasa.  Although, my niece named him--his original name is Disney.

Tsubasa is actually a trade made with my brother for a Rottweiler puppy.  The original owner of Tsubasa bought him for his General father who is about to retire.  But since he can't imagine a retired military general walking a pomeranian, he wanted a Rottweiler instead.  Tsubasa is already trained for he can fetch the ball, proper walking the dog, etc.  He is already two years old then.

Tsubasa has undergone several calamities (fire--twice, earthquakes, floods) and survived!

Tsubasa waited for me to arrive home from the office before he went to a long sleep.


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