Pre- and Post-Birthday Celebration
Had a pre- and post-birthday lunch celebration at Super Bowl in Glorietta. They are the June birthday celebrants... c",) The birthday of one of them is tomorrow, June 27, the other was last June 10.
As expected, we were there first. The rest of the party arrived 30 minutes later... tsk! tsk! Anyway, we started without them. We were getting hungry. Good thing, we were just halfway thru the appetizer when they arrived. Or, there would be no food left for them! LOL
After lunch, I asked them if they want to join me to Greenbelt 1 so I can buy the elusive Belgian Chocolate Muffin. Besides, it is a good walk for all that food to be digested and several minutes of chit-chat. The Belgian Chocolate Muffin is really elusive. All the store has is Blueberry Muffin, Chocolate Chip Muffin, Cheddar Cheese Muffin and Butter Muffin. I bought my companions a muffin of their choice so they can taste this new find! And I bought myself a Chocolate Chip and Butter Muffins. (wink)
tsk tsk tsk...seems that the weekend was an excuse for you to eat all those stuff that is on your bawal-list. are you sure that your tummy is feeling okey now?
meron naman pong buko juice... nde bawal yun! c",)
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