Saturday, July 01, 2017


Visited Vangie, my brother's secretary, at Makati Medical Center.  She was scheduled for 1PM to be operated on for her stage 2 breast cancer.  Missed her by 10 minutes.  Will visit her again with my "angels" after my anticipated Mass.

Instead of walking, took a taxi to Glorietta.  Must be the heat that I feel I'll be tired walking.  Decided not to watch a movie.  Had Mongolian lunch at Food Choices, dessert at Baskin Robbins, bought long-nosed plier at The Landmark's hardware section, inks for my Canon printer at CompLink, lemonade at Jack's Lemonade then to Glorietta 5 for the anticipated Mass.  Noticed whenever I drink lemonade, I "move". Hope that's healthy.  Weh!

After the anticipated Mass, had dinner at Bistro Ravioli.  Was supposed to be picked-up at The Landmark with my "angels".  Lo!  My niece also joined.  Since I received an SMS message that Vangie is still in the recovery room (was advised earlier she would be at the recovery room for two hours), I have them have dinner at The Landmark's food court.  Bought groceries and proceeded back to Makati Medical Center to visit Vangie.  For someone whose been operated on, she never stopped talking.  LOL.  Pray that her biopsy will show that she does not need to undergo chemotherapy.


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