Thursday, November 04, 2021


Worked onsite today as I will be taking the rapid antigen test.  Negative.  Thank, God! 🙏

Since I am already at the building where our office clinic is, went to have my canker sore checked.  The doctor I liked is manning the clinic.  Reported that my De Quervain's tenosynovitis is improving.  And yes, the steroid may be the cause of the canker sore (which I suspected).  Was advised to use Bactidol (which I am already doing when I first detected the canker sore) and take vitamins B and C.

Even if she did not tell me, was planning to buy Debacterol for the canker sore.  But according to the drug store, it is no longer being sold.  So, bought Daktarin instead.  Was told to take it three times a day.

After office, went to the mall buy a splint (Olympic Village), flashlight (True Value) and a case to protect my St. Michael the Archangel relic (Beabi).


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