Birthday House
The day after the ITG Idol social activity, the office still seem to have the "euphoria" of the previous night.
In between work, a chit-chat and passing commentary of the singer, the song, the food, the audience, etc. has been going around. Everyone was also curious why one of the contestants did not make it to the top 3. Thus, the organizer of the activity has to answer questions like, who would have won based only on the judges' scores? Well, the one who did not make it actually is the winner. The SMS votes of the top 3 winners overtook his points. Tsk! Tsk!
After office, with some of my officemates, went to a friend's house as he invited us for his 34th birthday celebration as well as his house's blessing. There were lots of food and a few games. What made the night entertaining, one of my officemates was imitating our bosses and other people in the office while the rest are trying their best to guess who it is. She even imitated me wherein one of my staff went to my desk to have some documents signed. But, I was busy eating and enjoying my (BIG) Brown Sugar Muffin! You can just guess how I looked... hehehe! c",)
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