Saturday, December 02, 2017

Refresher, Again

It would be Day 3 and Day 4 for my refresher course on driving using automatic transmission.

Notes on reverse parking:
a)  Car should be about two meters away from the other car.  Tail light is aligned with the other car's emblem (middle of the car).
b)  Full right of steering wheel.  Emergency light.  Reverse.
c)  Stop when dashboard is straight from the street.  Straighten wheel.  Reverse.
d)  Getting out of parking, forward until middle of your car is aligned with the other car's front light.  Stop.  Full right of steering wheel.  Drive.

Additional notes:
*  From a parked position with a car infront of you, reverse until you see bottom of the other car's bumper.  Turn steering wheel and drive from parking position.

Remind on Day 5 to teach parallel parking.

Then, went home to pick some items and was dropped off at Glorietta.  Will not watch a movie but will order my (food) Christmas gifts.  But first, Mongolian lunch at Food Choices.  Ordered at Mary Grace and at Hungry Pac for my gifts.  Dessert at Baskin Robbins.  Went to Conti's to order food for our Noche Buena.  Will pick it up on the 24th.

Attended the anticipated Mass, we had dinner at Bistro Ravioli, groceries at The Landmark before proceeding home.


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