Saturday, October 31, 2020

Nobody Sleeps In The Woods Tonight

 Watched another Netflix (international) film while bracing for the impact of #TyphoonRolly .  It is signal number 1 in our area; but, there are predictions that signal number 4 may be raised to areas on its path.  Pray that this typhoon weakens.

The movie "Nobody Sleeps In The Woods Tonight", by its title, is a horror movie.  In time for Halloween?  The movie relies on gore for its scare.  Ho-hum.

Kids were in a camp to "detoxify" them from gadgets, social media, etc.  They'll be experiencing adventure in nature.  But unbeknownst to them, twins that were mutated by an object that fell from the sky while they were young have escaped (by killing their mother who locked them).  And the gore begins..  Ho-hum.


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