Wanted to jump start the list of movies I want to watch this week. Thus, decided to watch
Zodiac, a drama, mystery, thriller movie, based on the actual case files of the San Francisco serial killer.

There's not much gore in the movie (for those who are after this would be disappointed--not me) but one would be engrossed as one tries to out-guess the characters who tried to solve the serial killing. The director tackled it on the perspective of the four men who were obsessed to hunt the killer and how it affected them (and their family).
After the movie, ticked-off from my list to buy, including my wish list--a Manfrotto tripod. c",)
At World's End

Decided to watch
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End after office as I would also like to watch the two movies opening this week, namely:
Zodiac and
Paano Kita Iibigin (translation: How can I love you)... c",)
I always love watching Johnny Depp movies as he is able to pull-off the odd characters he portrays. And Jack Sparrow did not "escape" Johnny Depp's talent and handling of his persona.
At World's End is the third of the
Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy. This time, Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley) and former enemy, Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush), are on a quest to save Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) from the dead. They must save Jack Sparrow as he has one of the items (Piece of Eight) that would release Calypso, who would hopefully save them from the reach of the military. The pirates must unite (even with traitors among them) in order for them to fight for their freedom--the pirates' way!
FPPF: Advanced Photography Workshop, 5th Day

The fifth Sunday of the
Advanced Photography Workshop is the judging of our works: bridal, still life, photo essay/pictorials. My photos did not get the nod of the judges per category, but over-all? I am third place!!! c",)
A Wedding

Finally, after several years of nagging them when they would marry, they tied the knot.
Since the wedding and reception is far from the office, those invited left the office early to attend even the reception. The reception was held at
Gazebo Royale, Visayas Avenue Extension, Quezon City.
More Still Life
Wanted to improve the pictures I took of the two olive oil bottles. Thus, set-up again my mini-studio using our dining table.

Did it improve?
Still Life: Glass (Glassware?)
Needed this coming Sunday are the following:
1) Bridal
2) Photo Essay or Pictorials
3) Still Life showing glass/glassware
Since I already have the two (bridal and photo essay), decided to take some shots tonight. Besides, I still have to conduct a survey which image is best and have it developed.

What do you think?
FPPF: Advanced Photography Workshop, 4th Day
The topic for today is Still Life.

Things to note:
* The farther the light, the harder the shadow.
* You can use a Krylon Dulling Spray so that hotspots (light) reflected will not appear on reflective objects.
* Use Scotguard (fabric protector) on the product and let it dry for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Then, use pure glycerine (glicerina pura) on the product to simulate water drops (chilled-look) using 50% glycerine and 50% water.

* Use black reflector to show the edge of the crystal.

After the workshop, went home and edited the pictures I would submit next Sunday (photo essay and bridal) based on the requirements. Then proceeded to Glorietta to have them developed.
Decided to watch
28 Weeks Later while waiting for my pictures developed. The movie is horror, sci-fi, thriller--a sequel to the movie
28 Days Later. With Britain plagued by a the Rage Virus, it was declared free of infection after 28 weeks, as those infected have died of starvation. But unknown, the virus has become deadlier as it no longer shows any symptoms.
More Training
It is the second of the two Saturdays for the training of the other bank's systems being used by their Call Center. Learned nothing much (learned most from the lectures last Saturday) except that the other bank's call center uses fourteen (14) systems to cater to their customers needs.

After the training, proceeded to
Glorietta to attend the anticipated Mass and had dinner at
Super Bowl.
Fractured Whisper
Considering what's happening in the canvassing and the election process, watching/monitoring the canvassing prove to be a futile exercise.
Thus, decided to spend the day on a movie marathon.

First stop is
Whisper. It is a drama, mystery, thriller movie. Its stars are from TV series like Lost, Prison Break and Psyche. A boy was kidnapped on his 8th birthday. What should have been a routine kidnapping proved a big mistake for the group as the boy has a mysterious gift. There are scenes that would cause you to shout in surprise. There is someone behind the kidnapping, and you would never guess who it is until the mastermind is revealed.
After the movie, had my pictures developed and spent sometime window shopping before the next movie.

Next stop is
Fracture, another drama, mystery, thriller movie. Ted Crawford admitted that he shot his young wife, Jennifer, to Detective Rob Nunally, who happened to be Jennifer's lover, who he (Rob) really never got to know. Would the up-and-rising Assistant District Attorney, Willy Beachum, be able to prove it given that the evidences supposed to convict Ted Crawford is of no help as it got "twisted" in the process. Everyone (the audience) knows that Ted Crawford is guilty, but how to prove it...
Central Canvassing
The start of the canvassing at the central site is booooorrrrriiiiinnnnggggg....
Most of the day is spent with lawyers from each party raising their objections. There was also an instance where one lawyer "snatched" the microphone while the other lawyer is still talking. Could this be the "sign" that the election was "snatched" from the candidate/s truly elected by the people?

The counting started only at night wherein only five election returns (of a ballot box) was counted for the day.
Election Day!
It's The Day!
Normally, whenever my brother is a candidate, I am usually awake overnight, preparing the (computer) system I developed and would be using in the central canvassing site, putting in the control information to ensure that no switching of election returns (ER) occurred, double counting of ERs, etc.
This is the election (manual) process:
a) The day before the election, ballot boxes containing the ERs, ballots, seals are given to the teachers. A copy of the inventory of the election paraphernalia assigned to each Barangay/Precinct is given to concerned parties. This is the information I key-in to my computer system as controls.
In the previous election, my system was able to catch the same ER number counted for two barangay/precinct. One is valid and the other is a case of wrong "switching".
b) On the night of the election, a watcher is assigned at the central canvassing site to note down the completed ERs placed in a specific ballot box to be used in the central canvassing. There are around 21-24 ERs per ballot box. The reason for this is for the quick count results obtained by parties can be arranged based on how it is received in the central canvassing site. This way, if the ERs for a said box is already to be counted, the poll watcher in the central canvassing site would already have a copy to verify those being "read"/counted.
For this election, all these are gone (not provided, not allowed to be done/taken)!!! I wonder why...?c) When a ballot box of ERs is opened at the central canvassing site, the scores are recorded in the Summary of Votes (SOV).
d) The total of the votes per SOV is tabulated and recorded in the Summary of SOVs.
Our watchers even attempted asking the teachers at the precinct just the ER number, but they were denied. But if watchers of the other party asks for them, they readily give them.
After the "closing" of the precincts, counting at the precinct level would begin. Our watchers were not allowed to go inside the precinct to "witness" the counting. One of our watchers even borrowed a shirt from PPRCV to allow her inside the precinct.
The proper way is for the watchers to be behind the teacher reading the names written in the ballot to verify that what the teacher is "announcing" is correct. But, some teachers demand that it be like a "classroom" type where the watchers are facing the teacher! Tsk! Tsk!
If this process still continues, would it be possible to assign nuns and priests to conduct the election process at the precinct level?
FPPF: Advanced Photography Workshop, 3rd Day
It is a day before the election, thus, we are given a respite from the campaign jingles, campaign propaganda, etc.
On our third Sunday of the Advanced Photography Workshop, we are to take bridal pictures. Ivy modelled for us gowns--wedding, etc.

Flash Photography:
* For bounce, adjust two stops.
* You can use a universal flash for off-camera, just use a slave attachment.
Numeric Training
Could be luck (or not), our Call Center would be having a training on the systems being used by the other bank's Call Center. Since they do not use an integrated system, it would be a training of sorts of the different systems by the other bank. A good excuse to learn these systems as we don't seem to be able to get information about their systems from our counterpart.
What I've learned? It's not true that they do not perform batch on their CASA system, which they made me (us?) believe.

During lunch break, searched for a numeric keypad which I need during my "watch" of the election canvassing in our city.
Was able to catch the anticipated Mass at
Glorietta (the training is from 8AM to 6PM) and had dinner at
A Veneto Pizzeria Ristorante.
Additional Photos for my Photo Essay
On my way to the office yesterday, saw the area that would add a "fiesta" feel on my series of pictures about the election. Thus, woke up really early, brought my Canon EOS 350D to take the following images:

The poster that says "
Pangit ang lugar na ito na palaging may basura" (translation: This place is ugly because it always have garbage) posted on top of campaign posters posted on the wall is a good "ending" picture in my photo essay.
Note: Good thing I was able to take the picture of the poster. The next day, when I passed it again on the way to work, new campaign posters covered it.
FPPF: Advanced Photography Workshop, 2nd Day
The topic for this week are:
a) photojournalism
b) studio lights
Too bad! The theme for our photo essay is the May Festivals... (groan) The festivals suggested are...
a) Obando, Bulacan --> May 17, 18 and 19
b) Pahiyas at Lucban, Quezon --> May 15
c) Carabao at Pulilan, Bulacan --> May 14
Good thing, we were able to convince our instructor, Mr. Ed Santiago, that we can also submit about Election 2007. (Yes!)
Studio Lights:
a) Main light
b) Fill-in
c) Back light (hair light)
d) Kicker light (light that shows the contour of the face)
Light Modifiers:
a) Diffuser
b) Bounce
c) Honey comb (spot)
White Balance -- 6400K Color Temperature
For reflections (like eyeglasses), move to check angle of reflection to 90 degrees.

Main = f/11
Fill = f/8
Back light = f/16
* Camera's apperture is set to the main light's apperture
Spot Lighting
* Lighting only one half of the face
* Be sure light does not spill to the background
* Usually used for men because it provides texture
* Light is in front and top.
High Key
* Light background with another light source
* Be sure no white balance shift
To create a vignette in Adobe Photoshop:
* Duplicate image
* Curves
--> For low-key, move upper most point 1/4 down.
--> For high-key, move left most point up-way.
* Create an oval marquee.
* Select>Inverse
* Select>Feather
* Create mask (in Layer template)
To turn black and white to sepia, more red and more yellow.
To create a border or make the correct image size for printing:
a) Open image to be printed.
b) Create new image, adjusting width, height and resolution.
c) Go to original and alt-drag image to new image.
d) Adjust image (new layer)
e) Effect Stroke for a border on the dragged image.
For a Photo Essay
Since I know I would be busy by next week, wanted to jump start the photo essay assignment for my Advanced Photography Workshop. Due to the election fever, as a wild guess, the theme to be assigned to us is the election.

It would be a series of pictures that would present a story or message. Thus, my story line is as follows:
a) A van/tricycle/jeep blasting a candidate's campaign jingle.
b) As the vehicle passes by, a campaign leaflet is tossed in the air.
c) The campaign leaflet on the ground.
d) A hand picks up the campaign leaflet and crumples it.
e) Throws the crumpled campaign leaflet in the trash.
After lunch, went to the mall for some window shopping, attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at
Firehouse Dog... Pffftttttt.....
We were supposed to make a collage of the pictures we took of the model last Sunday for the Advanced Photography Workshop I am attending. We would be giving it to her for her portfolio.
Since it is a holiday, decided to have it printed. Decided to watch the
Firehouse Dog movie while waiting for the 5R picture to be developed.

Alas! It is also the first day of
Spiderman 3. There were a lot of people in queue to buy a ticket. Of the seven theaters of
Glorietta 4, five are showing Spiderman 3. The remaining two will show Spiderman 3 after initial two screenings of another movie, including Firehouse Dog! All of the cinemas of
Glorietta 1 are showing Spiderman 3!!!!
Went to the lady at the counter and asked her if there is a separate line for people who would not be watching Spiderman 3. Na-uh! So, I left in a huff, picked up my picture/s and proceeded home.