Saturday, December 31, 2011

Eve of 2012

In preparation in ushering the new year, went to the mall with Manong to buy fruits and cake for tonight. Must have been adopted from the Chinese, the dinner table should have twelve (12) different kinds of round fruits on it when the year changes, for good luck and prosperity. After buying the items and ate lunch, asked Manong to bring the purchases at home. Plan to watch another movie included in the Metro Manila Film Festival.

The movie is Shake, Rattle and Roll 13. It is a movie series that is always included in the Metro Manila Film Festival. I believe, I have not missed one. Always consisting of three episodes, with one episode in a horror-comedy genre. Have always expected that the horror-comedy episode would carry the movie, like that in the past. But not in this case. The first episode is titled "Tamawo". Bigbo, a young boy who moved in the provinces with his blind mother, abusive stepfather and step-baby (don't know the gender of the baby.. hehehe!), encounters a group of monsters that are after something that was stolen from them. The second episode is "Parola", which is about two best friends who enters an abandoned lighthouse; thus, unwittingly unleashing the spirits of rival witches. And the third episode is "Rain, Rain Go Away". A couple experiences paranormal activities relating to water.

After, proceeded home.

While waiting for 12 midnight, my niece and I sang ourselves hoarse. Thanks to Magic Sing. Played Uno Stacko and Monopoly Deal Card Game.

Our neighbors, who adapted Chinese practice regarding new year, set-off firecrackers infront of their houses in the belief that the noise wards off bad luck. I guess we also benefit from that? Never have a thing about firecrackers. Instead of buying firecrackers, you can use the money for other things. c",)
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Enchanted Kingdom

The usual reunion of my nieces and nephews would be today. We would be going to Enchanted Kingdom, as usual. Good thing, they have now the EKstreme Student Cheer promo for students. Admission is PhP380.00 instead of PhP500.00, as long as they show their student IDs.

There were lots of people that we have to skip some rides because of the long queue. Also, Space Shuttle, Rialto and Flying Fiesta were under maintenance.

Inspite of it, the group enjoyed ourselves because it is more about the company. c",)

Video taken by my niece using my Samsung Galaxy Tablet.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Makati Christmas Decors

Last working day of the year, decided to take photos of the Christmas decorations on Makati buildings with my Canon G10 while on my way home.

In preparation for the new year, a portion of Ayala Avenue and Makati Avenue were closed. At the corner, a stage is being erected where a program will be held as they usher in new year. Many people are walking, taking photos and enjoying the street empty of traffic.

Merry 2012, everyone!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

Time for my annual treat to may angels, Nana and Lyn. It would be a movie marathon of the films included in the Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF).

Our first movie is Segunda Mano, starring Angelica Panganiban, Dingdong Dantes and Kris Aquino. Started out with married Angelica in a car fighting with her boyfriend. It is there where the murder of Angelica would take place and that strip of road being haunted by Angelica's ghost. Angelica is married to Dingdong and they have daughter. Kris' ghost is her sister who supposedly drowned during her sister's birthday party held at a beach. Then, Dingdong and Kris' path met. And that's when the stories' twists and turns begins.

Next movie is Panday 2. Since we already watched the first "book" in the previous MMFF, logical to watch the second "book". There's action, fantasy, comedy (which is Benjie Paras' mettle). Looks like a third "book" is in the works with a new enemy.

And finally, dinner. Treated them at Chili's so that they can try my favorite: Classic Nachos.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Day before Christmas. Wanted to watch one of the movies included in the Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF) but eventually decided against it.

Just waited for the food I ordered from Amber's, which would be our Christmas dinner. I don't think my Nana would be able to do much cooking; thus, decided to order food instead.

Attended the Christmas Mass at Sta. Clara de Montefalco Parish Church. Was there before 9PM but there were already a lot of people. Good thing, I brought my own chair! The Mass started around 10PM.

Happy CHRISTmas, everyone!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Light And Sound Show

It is becoming a tradition. Ayala Land offers as its gift the light and sound show at the Ayala Triangle Gardens. Was there last night taking photos. Decided to go back and take video this time...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

At People's Palace

It would be a Christmas reunion lunch with friends from Equitable Bank. When we joined the bank, that's when we met and became friends.

Lunch is at People's Palace in Greenbelt. It is a Thai restaurant. The lunch is fun with dear friends.

After office, I would be meeting my friend and her daughter. She recently bought a dSLR and a good way to learn the basics is to shoot at the Ayala Triangle Gardens, which is currently showing a light and sound show. Besides, the security guards would be more understanding of people with camera and tripod then.

It was a fun shoot! c",)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Vincent's Place

Received an SMS from the Tilak Hettige. He invited us for dinner to a street restaurant (carinderia) which, according to him, serves very good meal. It is our version of a Christmas mini-reunion.

The owner of Vincent's Place. Masked the eyes because I don't feel like posting images of family and friends in the internet for security... long story.

It is Vincent's Place, located near the Malacanang area. From the pictures displayed on the restaurant's wall, famous people have eaten and dined there, including Manny Pacquiao, Richard Gomez, Joker Arroyo, Teddy Locsin, etc. Their "bulalo" was even featured in the TV show of Jessica Soho.

Tilak is right, it is the best "kambingan" in town!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

More Shopping

Last weekend before Christmas, malls/ department stores are overflowing with shoppers. Decided to be one of the crowd. LOL (Actually, don't feel like watching any of the movies being shown.)

Attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at New Bombay.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Learned of the sale, thus, decided I check it out and went to Shutter Master. Saw the Mark Floro, noted food and product photographer and is one of the Canon Ambassadors. He's buying a flycam.

After, went to Glorietta and attended the anticipated Mass.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

What Happened?

Thought that it would just be a usual working day for me. Then, two ladies came to my desk and asked if I know any relatives in Metro Manila of a friend. They said he's in the clinic. I could not visit him because I have cough and colds, and I might infect him. Since I don't know any, asked the help of two friends to get the information. These two really know how to investigate. (smile) But I'm getting ahead...

Going back to the office after lunch, received a call from one of them and told me that we should visit him in the clinic. When she explained to me how he was found and brought to the clinic, met up with her and we both went to the clinic. Was I surprised when I saw him. He's have dramatic weight loss... he's so thin. Even if the room is not cold, he was feeling chilly. Spent sometime with him, talking to the doctor in the clinic, arranging ways when he leaves the office's clinic (he can't stay in the clinic beyond 5PM). The doctor cannot get any information from him; thus, we don't know his sickness.

Almost all who visited him, went back to the clinic around 5PM. Our HR already have an idea and they called us for a meeting. The doctor suggested that those who have cough/colds to take antibiotic, those who don't have to take vitamin C. Have a chest x-ray, and do so again after three (3) months. Oh! We also put on alcohol and sprayed Lysol on our clothes and things, to be sure we won't be spreading it.

After office, the one who called me earlier told me to drop by her floor before I go. I thought she just wants to join me when I go to the mall. At the ground floor, it was either Makati Medical Center or Patient's First. Hehehe! Thus, we walked our way to Makati Medical Center and proceeded to the Emergency Room. It is not really an emergency but we managed to have ourselves checked-up by a doctor and a chest x-ray.

Note to myself: Remember to do another chest x-ray in March 2012.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Web Design Fundamentals

Toying with the idea of having my own website... Just a thought.

Thus, decided to take the Web Design Fundamentals seminar of Mr. Datu Arellano at the Philippine Center for Creative Imaging (PCCI).

The Tilak Hettige also had his class today at PCCI. Dropped by to greet him first before going to my class.

Seminar is a-OK for Datu explains clearly and passionate, reflecting his confidence on what he's sharing.

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Puso sa Puso Charity Christmas Party 2011

It is my camera cub's Christmas party. But decided to attend the Charity Christmas Party 2011 arranged by the Puso sa Puso Foundation for poor kids. This time, the party will be held at Benigno Aquino Jr. Elementary School, Quezon City. It would be for the benefit of 1,000 poor kids of Payatas and nearby areas.

It is the fourth charity Christmas Party arranged by the Puso sa Puso Foundation, thanks to the donation of generous hearts.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Start of Christmas Parties

After office would be our office's camera club's Christmas party. Would be attending since one of the special guests is the Tilak Hettige. Would be the one to meet him when he arrives.

Aside from the usual party games, food, etc., it is also the awards night. Giving recognition to the club's photographer/s of the year.

We sure had fun! c",)