Sunday, January 29, 2006

Your Fortunes in the Year of the Fire Dog

Joel V. Nigos at the Philippine Daily Inquirer: There are 12 signs according to the Chinese Horoscope Cycle. We were born on any of the 12 signs. The following are each sign's fortunes in the Year of the Fire Dog according to Prof. Charlie Chao. Once again, Chao reminds everyone that these are for guidance only. If we have good feng shui, we still need to act so that good fortune would come soonest. If we have bad feng shui, we also need to act so we could ward them off.

RAT (1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996)
There are two unlucky stars beside you. You should take extra precaution when making decisions. Don't be too aggressive in pursuing your plans. Also, be cautious when driving late and when traveling long distances to avoid accidents. Make sure that you and your parents have a regular physical check-up for your parents might get sick or pass away. Avoid visiting sick people and attending funerals or interments. It is advisable to do more charitable works to enhance good karma.

OX (1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)
Your star is weak, however, there are still two lucky stars beside you. If you remain humble and patient, everything will run smoothly. Always mind your own business, follow the laws and don't be too greedy. Refrain from arguing with others to keep away from envious people who may bring you unnecessary troubles. You will have some happy occasions and your wealth will increase.

TIGER (1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)
Your star is bright and shiny. Your wealth will increase, your career will improve. You might be promoted from your present post. There will be helpful people that will support your plans and projects. For the students who were born under the Tiger sign, you will pass all of your examinations as long as you study hard. However, there is an unlucky star close to you. Take precaution regarding your health. Be cautious while driving especially when traveling long distances to avoid accidents.

RABBIT (1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999)
Your star turns out to be bright and strong. It is the right time for you to pursue your plans and projects. However, avoid being a guarantor to prevent any troubles with friends. Be more humble and avoid living a luxurious life to keep away from envious people. Donate and do more charitable works.

DRAGON (1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)
Your horoscope clashes with the Year of the Dog. Take extra precaution when quarreling with others to prevent lawsuits. Always mind your own business and be more careful when making decisions. Refrain from cherry blossom affairs in order to have a peaceful life. Avoid visiting sick people and attending funerals or interments.

SNAKE (1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)
Your star is bright. You will have many happy occasions. Your wealth and your business will prosper. This is the lucky year to get married. However, avoid visiting sick people and attending funerals because it might cause you to be sick and it might casue you to lose your wealth. Beware of burglary and thieves--always take good care of your personal belongings and always make sure that your house is secured.

HORSE (1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)
There are two lucky stars beside you. You will be inspired to flourish your projects as well as your studies. Wealth will increase and career will grow. However, refrain from quarreling with others to prevent lawsuits and losing wealth. Beware of envious people who may bring you unnecessary troubles. Always be humble and patient to prevent anything bad that may happen.

GOAT (1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)
This year is a lucky and favorable year for the female "goats". There will be happy occasions and wealth will increase. For the male "goats", on the other hand, take extra precaution when being emotionally involved with women--this may cause a family quarrel or even cause a family break-up. Refrain from any unnecessary activities to keep away from envious people who may bring you unnecessary troubles. Always pray and do more charitable works to enhance good karma.

MONKEY (1920, 1032, 1044, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)
Your star is dark and there are three unlucky stars surrounding you. It is not the right time to pursue your plans and projects. Avoid visiting sick people and attending funerals and interments. Be cautious when driving late especially when traveling long distances. Don't be too aggressive in expanding your businesses. Be contented to have a happier and more peaceful life.

ROOSTER (1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)
This year is favorable for the male "roosters". Having public relationships are good and helpful people will back you up on your projects and on your career. However, refrain from luxuries and avoid quarreling with others to keep away from envious people who may bring you unnecessary troubles. For the female "roosters", on the other hand, take extra precaution regarding love affairs and temptations to avoid family quarrels--be controlled and be aware for everything to run smoothly.

DOG (1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994)
Although your resistance is weak, nevertheless, you will be lucky in your studies. You will have a chance to go abroad for a higher study. However, there are unlucky stars surrounding you. Refrain from visiting sick people and attending funerals or interments. Take extra precaution with your wealth and make sure to have a regular physical check-up. Maintain a low profile and maintain your patience for everything to run smoothly.

PIG (1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995)
For this year, you will have many happy occasions and there are good people who can help you solve your problems. However, always be humble and patient. Don't overwork yourselves for you might get sick. Always take extra care regarding your health. Avoid debating with others. Always pray and do more charitable works to be luckier and for everything to run smoothly.
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Feng Shui, horoscope, crystals, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Zathura and Fire Dog

It's the weekend again... and movie time for me! c",)

Watched the movie Zathura: A Space Adventure. It shares the same premise as the movie Jumanji, where kids discover a board game that will have an impact on their lives. While Jumanji is earth-bound, Zathura is outer-space adventure. The effects are great and provide few scares. With all the adventures the two brothers encountered, Walter and Danny, the two came to realize what being a brother is all about.

After the movie, went to Landmark Department Store to buy some things: popcorn and Bioflu (am feeling sick lately). That's when I heard the beating of the drums. There's a dragon dance being performed around the building of the store. Just in time for the Chinese New Year. For 2006, it is the Year of the Fire Dog.

Must have been affected, bought some feng shui items... c",) Bought a money tree and power bracelet.

Money trees were said to activate the possibility for growing wealth even farther. The money tree should be placed in the east, especially the southeast.

As for the power bracelet, I asked the saleslady to put in all types of crystals in the bracelet. There's a tiger's eye (the Confidence Stone; inspires brave but sensible behaviour; believed to aid the entire digestive system), rose quartz (the romance stone; it is also believed to aid peacefulness and calm in relationships also used to ease stress and tension and assist sleep), amethyst (very powerful aid to creative thinking, spiritual awareness and healing; believed to combat insomnia), hematite (enhances personal magnetism, will and courage; believed to be beneficial for blood flow, stress and the nerves), and many more. c",)

After attending the anticipated Mass, we had dinner at Super Bowl, a Chinese restaurant. That's really rubbing-it in. ;)
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Feng Shui, horoscope, crystals, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Don't Give Up On Us Tikoy

The Chinese New Year is indeed nearing. Have received a special tikoy (ube-flavored) as a gift from a Chinese friend. For the Chinese, giving tikoy as a gift is lucky for the giver. We had tikoy as merienda for there are two boxes of tikoy at the office which we asked our canteen to cook for us. For a fee, of course. c",)

After office, decided to watch another movie. Since it is already on its second (or is it third?)week, am afraid that I might not catch it in the theaters. Thus, watched Don't Give Up On Us.

The movie is romance/ comedy/ light drama, all rolled into one. It is about Abby (Judy Ann Santos), a successful advertising executive who always wants to be in control, and Vince (Piolo Pascual), an aspiring rock singer. Their paths crossed when Abby went to Baguio to look for her best friend, Sabina, who is supposed to marry Abby's brother, Samuel. On their journey, the two, who are totally different from each other, fell in love. But things are not meant to be.

The second time their paths crossed, the two finally have the answer: "When you meet that one person you are meant to be with, would you be willing to give up everything you have just to be with him/her?"

There is chemistry between the two lead stars. And the repartee between them make the movie a gem. Even the scene where they are inside the jail is so natural, can't help for a giggle to escape.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Escape to Narnia

It's the first working day of the week and I already feel exhausted. Wish it is already Friday... I guess going to the movies is a means to escape the work that seems to pile up, the same way the Pevensie kids of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe were whisked to a country home to escape from the war brewing in London.

Entering the enchanted wardrobe hidden in one of the rooms of the old professor's country home brought the kids to the enchanted world of Narnia, who have found themselves in the midst of the battle between Aslan, the mythical lion king, and Jadis, the white witch. The set is great, with the centaurs, fauns, dwarves, trolls and nymphs helping create impressive visuals. There are characters in the film which are familiar, like the white-bearded man in red (Santa Claus) and Aslan (with his sacrifice and forgiveness... and resurrection could be Jesus). This movie is definitely a must-see.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Manny! Manny! Manny!

All eyes of the Filipinos are glued to the TV screen while praying that Manny Pacquiao bring home the belt. And our prayers have been heard!

Just hearing the Philippine National Anthem being sung at the Thomas and Mack Center at Las Vegas, USA, can't help but be teary-eyed. When Manny stepped into the ring, the first thing he did is pray. And there are a lot of instances in the game, before he goes in for a hit, Manny does a sign of the cross.

To the man with a big heart, MABUHAY KA MANNY PACQUIAO!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Trip to Underworld

My aim, that at least once a year, to visit a place I have never been to is finally taking shape. It is Boracay this year! I was able to get a free hotel accommodation at Club Panoly. Thus, my expenses for the trip would only include my fare. Then, this morning, there was an ad in the newspaper about a promo of Cebu Pacific where their fares are cut almost half! If that is not a sign, I don't know what is... (humming) My niece, who I promised to bring along when I go to Boracay, and I would be walking the white beach in May... (humming again)

But first, checked online the cost of the fare when we take Philippine Airlines. (whistles in surprise) Left the house and remembered about Cebu Pacific. SMSed my niece to check the website of Cebu Pacific. The fare for two passengers is reasonable (because of their promo). Then, I recalled that there is a direct flight to Caticlan via Asian Spirit. Went to their ticket office to inquire. (whistles again) Their fare is cheaper than Philippine Airlines with the former's promo but more expensive versus Cebu Pacific's. So, it would be Cebu Pacific for us! Must remember to reserve online when I get back home tonight...

Then, watched Underworld: Evolution. This is the sequel to the movie Underworld. The war between the aristocratic Death Dealers (vampires) and the barbaric Lycans (werewolves) continues. In the midst of this war are two lovers: Selene, the vampire heroine, and Michael, the Lycan hybrid. Tracing their bloodlines explains how the ancient feud had started. Like the first movie, there are lots of action, blood (of course) and gore.

After the movie, attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at Pancake.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Feast of Sto. Niño

While transferring and editing the video I took last night, I kept hearing drums and people passing by our house. Rather odd, really. Thus, stopped what I was doing and saw people with the images of the Sto. Niño in different clothes being paraded.

Click on the picture to see a bigger image

It's the feast of the Sto. Niño!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Ange for Rigodon de Honor

Following the heels of The Exorcism of Emily Rose, I wanted to watch Saint Ange (pronounced as seynt anj). From its ads, it boasts of the first recognized demonic possession in Europe. The movie Emily Rose also boasts itself as the first documented exorcism done by the Catholic Church. If just for this, I wanted to watch Saint Ange.

But first went to the doctor for a check-up before proceeding to Glorietta to watch the movie.

The movie is about Anna Jurin, a cleaner, who was sent to Saint Ange orphanage in the French Alps. Upon reaching the orphanage, she finds that there is only one orphan left, Judith. While cleaning the place, she started hearing things--footsteps and children voices. The other occupant of the orphanage, Helenka, the cook, does not hear them, making her doubt Anna's sanity.

There are lots of loopholes in the story, even the reason why the characters are reacting/acting that way. In short, ho-humm... zzzzzz...

After the movie, immediately went home to prepare for the Rigodon de Honor, a school activity of my niece. There would be formal dinner (meaning the guests should be in their their formal attire--gowns, barong tagalog, coat and tie, etc.). Then, some kids with their dad would dance the Rigodon and the Cutillon as part of the programme. My niece is one of them.

As for me... what else? I am the photographer and videographer. c",)

Note: Good thing I wore pants instead of the gown being nagged by my niece for I can kneel infront of the level stage to take their video...

Monday, January 09, 2006

Additional Clutter

Brought in the office an additional clutter for my desk. Know what it is? c",)

It took me sometime last Saturday to find a travel-size magnetic sketchboard. The only item I can find has Dora as the character... :p

Now, why would I need a magnetic sketchboard in the office? One, something to write a note to where I was in case somebody drops by my desk and look for me. Two, it would save on paper and ink. Three, it would save on paper and ink when I doodle. ;)

I also brought the 20Q in the office today. And it was an instant hit! An officemate is even thinking of buying one. Guess, am a trendsetter... LOL.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

20Q on Narnia

Having already watched the movies I wanted to watch that are included in the Metro Manila Film Festival, decided to walk along Ayala Avenue and take pictures of the Christmas decor trimming the buildings. Alas, some of the buildings already removed their decorations. Normally, Christmas decors are removed after The Three Kings.

BTW, two of the three MMFF movies I watched have won awards in the festival. Marvin Agustin won Best Actor for the movie "Kutob" and Zsa-Zsa Padilla, Jay Manalo and Cherry Pie Picache won Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress, respectively, for the movie Ako Legal Wife: Mano Po 4?!.

When I finally reached the Ayala Center, went to Glorietta Activity Center where a promotion for the movie Narnia is being held. There were lots of kids (with their parents) there. Photo opportunity with Narnia characters, free games, balloons shaped in various objects, etc. which the kids can enjoy.

Since I still have a lot of time until the anticipated Mass, decided to do some window shopping. That's when I came across the 20Q toy (for 8 years old and above... hehehe!). It boasts that it can read what's on my mind. By simply asking 20 questions answerable by yes or no, it can guess what I was thinking. Tried it... and got hooked! hehehe! Bought one.

From the time I bought the toy up until this writing, the score is 6 to 2, with the toy winning 6 games with my 2! Here's a sample of the series of exchanges with the 20Q...

I know what you're thinking!
Think of something!

Q1: Is it an animal?

Q2 Do you hold it when you use it?

Q3: Does it make a sound?

Q4: Is it usually colorful?

Q5: Is it hard?

Q6: Is it smaller than a loaf of bread?

Q7: Is it something you bring along?

Q8: Is it round?

Q9: Does it help accomplish tasks?

Q10: Was it used over 100 years ago?

Q11: Is it worth a lot of money?

Q12: Is it made of metal?

Q13: Is it smaller than a golf ball?

Q14: Was it invented?

Q15: Could it be found in a classroom?

Q16: Does it get wet?

Q17: Do you use it in your home?

Q18: Is it manufactured?

Q19: Do you know any songs about it?

Q20: Can you enjoy it?

I'm thinking...
I guess you are thinking of an earring?


Click here to play 20Q online...