Two Yin and a Yang
Yin. While eating breakfast, learned from Manong of the accident with my car. He knows that a car hit it from behind, but since it was raining and was dark, he was not able to see any marks in the back bumper. This morning, it is when he noticed that on the left side of the car, the bumper is unhinged.
Asked him to go to Honda Makati for an estimate. Would set me back PhP 5,400.00. Hmmm... try to arrange with my insurance.
Yang. After taking the picture, preparing the documents, went to Ayala Center to watch
Sukob at Glorietta 4. The movie is great. I find it much-better than
Feng Shui, who happens to receive acclaim abroad. From start to finish, the audience is screaming. One even stood up to clap at the end of the movie. Enjoyed the movie.
Sandy and Phil, OFWs, are back in the Philippines to marry. But unfortunate events hounded the couple after the wedding--relatives and friends disappear. Sandy must get to the bottom of the mystery--even if she needs to uncover their family's secret.
Yin. After the movie, strolled around the mall, attended the anticipated Mass and we had dinner at
heaven 'n eggs. Then, decided to pay my credit card bills via ATM as the due date is usually end-of-the-month. After paying my bills, checked the details of the statement and... lo! Two unauthorized purchases were made in one of my credit cards! When I have them blocked, the one who did the blocking informed me that there is no movement in that specific credit card.
Haayyy... I immediately proceeded to go home to have it reported. Hope that the amount of the unauthorized purchases be credited back to me (fingers crossed).
Lucky Drive to Caribbean
Decided to take a day off today to have my driver's licensed replaced. And at the same time, take a break from the office whose work is starting to take its toll.
So, first stop is the LTO. They sure made improvements in their procedure. It took me an hour or less to have my non-pro driver's license replaced. Now, this leaves me a lot of time to hang-out at the mall and do a movie-marathon.

Next stop, Glorietta 4 Cinema.
Just My Luck opened this week in the theaters. A romance/comedy/fantasy movie starring Lindsay Lohan (as Ashley Albright) and Chris Pine (as Jake). Ashley have everything going for her that it seems the stars are favoring her as luck follows her around. Jake, on the other hand, is a magnet of bad luck. Then the wheel of fortune have turned when the two met... and kissed... in a masquerade ball. This, somehow, switched their lucks. It is funny and a feel good movie. I just wonder, if you were the one who has the good luck originally, would you want it back or just leave it to someone who really needs the luck...?

Last stop, Glorietta 1 Cinema to meet Captain Jack Sparrow. A comedy/action/adventure movie,
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest is Johnny Depp movie. A really good actor and expect good performance for every odd character he potrays, starting with Edward Scissorhands and Willie Wonka. As Captain Jack Sparrow, he is thrust again into the underworld, but this time, with the legendary ghost ship named The Flying Dutchman. Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann, whose wedding plans got screwed up, have to join Jack for another misadventure.
Haayyyy... the day is definitely relaxing. Would have been perfect if I have not received any SMS message from the office. Oh, well...
Captain Jack's Day...?
It should have been
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest for me. Just when I am about to go and see the movie, a call arrived that changed everything.
Haayyyy....I would not surely enjoy the movie if I keep getting out of my seat just to answer a call or make one. So, decided to bid Captain Jack goodbye... for the meantime. If you see someone roaming Glorietta with her mobile phone stuck to her ear, that's me! c",)
The problem has escalated (meaning reached top management) that it's effect would still be felt on Monday, the next working day. In fact, even Sunday would not be spared to search for "traces"... hehehe!
Replacement, Please!
This is an unusual Saturday for me. Due to my stolen wallet, have to make arrangements for my missing cards replaced.
But first, went to the computer shop to pick up my computer. Verdict? There's nothing wrong with my computer! As per Francis, the technician, sometimes USB peripherals cause the problem with the rebooting. In case it happens again, I should press the TAB key to see what peripheral/accessory the computer is trying to detect. OK! (",)
Then, went back to Kidz Station-Rockwell and try to convince the saleperson who demonstrated how to use the item to the thief to come to our office to help identify the perpetrator. I lost my wallet last Wednesday. Another wallet was taken last Thursday. The real reason I wanted to catch her is because she is a junior officer. And in her position, she should have integrity and honesty. If she bought medicines using my credit card, I would have forgiven her as this would mean that she is really in need. But a PSP?! Helloooo...???!!!
Afterwhich, went back home, set-up my computer... and it works!!! c",) Actually, removed the USB hub where my printer is connected and have the printer directly connected to the computer. I suspected as much when Francis explained to me the possibilities of my computer's symptoms.
Then, decided to go to Glorietta to catch the anticipated Mass. Since there is still a lot of time, have my loyalty cards replaced... Laking National, SM Advantage, Rustan's FSP. At least, my poor thin new Fossil wallet has a new card in it.
After the anticipated Mass, we had dinner again at
Italianni's. Why? Because I told my friends that my wallet was stolen, which includes my Bistro Group Gold card. Thanks to Italianni's manager at Glorietta, she provided me another one. c",)
That's two cards now in my new wallet...
Oh! While eating at Italianni's, I bit my tongue. As they say, if that occurred, somebody remembered you. Maybe the one who took my wallet? If that's the case, at least she's feeling guilty. My friend shouted a number/letter. "A". Would it be possible that her name or last name begins with "A"?
She not only took PhP5,000+ in cash, she swiped an amount of PhP15,499.00 from my credit card. Plus additional costs of replacing my cards (an average of PhP100.00 per card), affidavit of loss notarized (PhP50.00 per document), etc.
What Luck?!
I knew I should have stayed home all day. The rains is conducive to bed-rest.
If only I stayed home, nobody would have taken my wallet, charged PhP15,000+ worth of items from
Kidz Station, and the hassle of reporting my ATM card/s, credit card/s, driver's license, etc. as stolen and having them replaced.
Haayyyy.....And I only learned that my wallet is missing when I was to about to go home! Tracing my steps, I know that criminal intent was done between lunch time up to the time I learned it was missing. What really confirmed that someone took it when I reported my card/s stolen and learned that someone used one of my credit cards for his/her purchase around 2:30PM.
If only I listened to my intuition...
Skipping a movie this weekend, decided to watch
Lovewrecked today.

A comedy, romance, adventure movie, Jenny was marooned on an island with her favorite rock star when the latter went overboard on a cruise and Jenny dives in after him. Then, she learns that they are actually just on the other side of the resort. Inspite of this, she hides this fact just to be closer to him.
The movie has its laughs and teeners may enjoy the movie. Anyway, an okay respite for last week's pressure-filled days.
Mall of Asia
My computer is acting up again. Whenever I boot up my computer, it either proceeds to starting the operating system or it simply displays the logo of the motherboard. Since the warranty would end this Sunday, decided to bring it to the computer shop today. Photo-finish...
Windows XP (?) or the motherboard first detects that all peripherals are working before booting up. If not, it would just show the logo of the motherboard. So, left the computer there for observation.
Afterwhich, as a promise to my niece, we went to the
Mall of Asia.

The place is HUGE! Inspite of the rains, there are still lots of people around. One thing we noticed, there are no seats where one can rest. If you want to take a seat, you have to go to a restaurant to eat. Wise concept... hehehe!
Oh! We also saw a shop there where we bought some feng shui items. Used to go to
The Podium for said shop. The
World of Feng Shui also have a shop here! As they say, all shops that can be found in other malls can be found in the Mall of Asia.
Around 3PM, we were picked up at the Mall of Asia, had myself dropped off at Glorietta so I can attend the anticipated Mass. Then, had dinner at
It is the birthday of the niece who is staying with us. Due to proximity of her school, she would be staying at our house during weekdays and back to her parents on weekends. But since both her parents and her
lola is in the US, it would be the first time she would be celebrating her birthday without them.

So, decided to surprise her with a birthday cake when I got home. Also bought ice cream to top it. Nana cooked
pansit to wish long life for the birthday celebrant.
Even on a school day, she was allowed by my brother, her godfather, with my other niece and her friends to celebrate at
The Legend. Supposedly, the band where she has a crush on would be playing. Of course, their curfew is 12 midnight... just like Cinderella. c",)
Birthday, Boxing, Badminton
As a birthday treat to an aunt, Nana and my brother's godson, who all had June as their birthday month, had lunch at
Gerry's Grill in Ayala Center.

We were at Gerry's Grill ahead of our party. It took sometime for the rest to arrive. All along, while onboard the taxi on the way to the restaurant, they were listening on the radio about the boxing match between our very own Manny Pacquiao versus Mexico's Larrios. I forgot about that...
When they arrived, they reported Manny won. YES!!!
After lunch, went to Glorietta for a stroll. Odd for a Sunday, there are very, very few people in the area. Thanks to the Pacquiao-Larrios bout, most are in their homes watching the match. Heard from the news, crime rate during the bout is zero...
At the Glorietta Activity Center, another match is ongoing. It is a badminton competition between companies. Thanks to the relatives of the players, there's an audience for the badminton players. Hehehe!
Camera Photo
It was the week the movie
Superman Returns opened. And definitely, there would be a long line to the theaters.
Instead of making my way through a long queue, decided to stroll around
Glorietta and
Greenbelt. That's when I spotted the gallery (at Greenbelt) showing pictures taken using a camera phone.

Impressive. Camera phones can already capture images up to 3 megapixels, guess we can expect good pictures out of camera phones.
At around 5PM, went back to Glorietta to attend the anticipated Mass. Then, had dinner at