Sunday, February 24, 2008


Arriving late last night (expected arrival is 8PM, we arrived 10PM), we were no longer able to hear the anticipated Mass. Thus, woke up early to attend the 10AM Mass at Glorietta.

After the Mass, watched the movie Untraceable starring Diane Lane. Special Agent Jennifer Marsh (Diane Lane) works for the FBI under its division that investigates and prosecutes criminals in the internet. Then, a tech-savvy internet predator is displaying his graphic murders on his website--and the fate of his captives is in the hands of the public who checks his website. The more hits, the faster his victim dies. The internet killer is almost untraceable--until one learns his motivation for doing so.

The idea they are trying to fight against is what the movie is actually showing--the horrific manner the victims are killed. Tracking the killer seems untraceable as the lead character/s doesn't seem to know how to track him/her in the internet in the first place. Maybe because they do not have jurisdiction on the Russian servers, which the killer uses for his site's domain...?

After the movie, bought two of the three items in my list. Will check from time to time if the remaining item will be available in the store... c",)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Lenten Pilgrimage: Quezon

I would be joining the Lenten Pilgrimage organized by Greenbelt Chapel. Assembly time is 4:30AM, bus departure is 5:00AM.

Good thing, Manong, the driver, was persistent in calling my mobile phone. When I finally woke up and answered it, it was 4:30AM!!! I was out of my bed in a flash. We were infront of the Ayala Museum (assembly place) with 5 minutes to spare. Yes!!!

There would be no stopover on the way to the first church, as originally planned. This is in order for us to be in time for the Mass. We would be having our breakfast on board.

The theme of the pilgrimage is GOD'S PRESENCE AND PRESENTS. Our chaplain for the pilgrimage is Fr. Ramon Jade L. Licuanan.

On our way, we prayed the Pilgrim's Prayer and the rosary.


Heavenly Father, we thank You for the grace to desire
to be with You today through this Lenten pilgrimage.
We ask You to bless us with Your presence and
that our faith,hope and love in You may be renewed.
Quiet our hearts so we can abandon ourselves
completely to You.

Grant us the spirit of obedience to participate in all the activities.
Help us to practice the virtue of patience for whatever
discomfort and difficulties that may arise.

May our visits to various churches deepen our understanding and
appreciation of our faith, its place in history and
the people who share our heritage.
Remind us always that this pilgrimage is a spiritual journey
with a purpose and not merely a sightseeing trip.
Above all, we pray that this pilgrimage will be an instrument
in leading us to true conversion.

And as we go on our way, grant us your traveling mercies and
cover us with Your most precious blood.
Shower Your blessing on each of us especially our driver,
direct his steady hands that we may reach our destination safely.

All these we ask through Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.

God's Presence and Presents: Sacraments and Miracles

Our first stop is Kamay Ni Hesus Healing Church at Lucban, Quezon. Beside the church is a hill with life-size images depicting the Stations of the Cross. Since we arrived early for the Mass, we prayed the Stations of the Cross. But, being aware that we should be at the church by 8:15AM for the 8:30AM Mass.

Kamay Ni Hesus Healing Church
"The Kamay ni Hesus Healing Center (Hand of Jesus) and Church, in Baranggay Tinamnan, is shadowed by mystical Mt. Banahaw.

"Many consider this place 'sacred'. Here accounts of numerous miraculous healings thrive. At its heart is its charismatic physcial healer, spiritual adviser and founder Fr. Joey Faller. Four years ago, he visualized the church to give the sick and the spiritually weak a haven where thy could feel and experience the presence of God. Fr. Joey's gift of healing from the Lord has been acknowledged by Catholic devotees, many of whom have been 'touched by the Hand of the Lord' through his own deformed hand. Many did not know that the very hand that Fr. Joey uses for his prayer healings is his right hand that was hurt by the terrible vehicular accident where he was the only survivor-albeit with a damaged hand. At the church's backdrop is a steep hill transformed into a picturesque Via Dolorosa Grotto of Healing and Purification, all of 292 steps, including the life-size statues of the 14 Stations of the Cross is leading to a 50-foot statue of the Ascending Christ--the third biggest in the world that can be seen miles away."

Luckily, we were granted individual healings...

Graceland Country Club
Before proceeding to the next six churches, we had our lunch at Graceland Country Club.

God's Presence and Presents: Struggles for Good

Minor Basilica of St. Michael the Archangel
The Minor Basilica of St. Michael the Archangel at Tayabas, Quezon is "the first church made of light materials (bamboo, nipa and anahaw) was built by the Franciscan friars in 1585 under the patronage of Saint Michael de Archangel. It was repaired in 1590 under San Pedro Bautista. In 1600 a church made of brick was built but it was destroyed by the 1743 earthquake. In the following years the church was again rebuilt and broadened. This was further improved in 1856 with the addition of transept and the copula. The brick tile roof of the Transept was replaced with galvanized iron sheets in 1894. On October 18, 1987 the title 'Basilica Menor' was conferred by Pope John Paul II and officially proclaimed on January 21, 1988. This Basilica is considered to be one of the oldest and most beautiful churches in the Philippines. It is also famous for having the longest aisle with the length of 103 meters."

God's Presence and Presents: Faith and Conversion

The next stop is the Missionary Catechists of St. Therese of the Infant Jesus at Tayabas, Quezon.

Missionary Catechists of St. Therese of the Infant Jesus
"The Most Rev. Alfredo Ma. Obviar (Clergy of Lipa, first Auxiliary Bishop of Lipa, First Bishop of Lucena) had this passion of teaching catechism which led him to the founding of this religious institute which will work on catechetical apostolate.

"It was on August 12, 1958 in the town of San Narciso, Quezon that the prayerful aspiration of Bishop Obviar began to be realized. The five generous ladies who responded to the call of God, thus pioneering the first community of the MCST were Mercy Medenilla, Taciana Gandia, Crisanta Realo, Maria dela Pena and Aquilina Manzano. On January 15, 1959, this young group of pious women was tranferred to Tayabas, Quezon to gain better exposure to a wider group of people and to be accessible to their guiding Father, Bishop Obviar. On March 16, 1663, Pope John XXIII through the Sacred Congregation for Religious granted 'Nihil Obstat' to this young institute. May 4, 1974, Pope Paul VI granted the coveted Decretum Laudis or Decree of Praise which raised it to an institute of Pontifical Right. Bishop Obviar entrusted the Institute he founded to Our Lady of Mount Carmel with St. Therese as their patroness. The congregation will celebrate its jubilee year this August 12, 2008. Many testimonies from people who were miraculously cured after seeking the intercession of Bishop Obviar were submitted to the Vatican for his beatification."

Almight and ever loving Father, we thank You for granting Your Church an exemplary shepherd, Alfredo Maria Obviar. May we learn from his prayerful life, faithful and silent endurance in suffering and humble obedience to the Church. In Your merciful love, grant us the grace to raise him up to the altars so that in him You may be glorified. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit one God forever and ever. Amen.

(You may add this for special intention)
Father, in your loving compassion, lead us always to do your will, even as we ask you the grace (say your petition/favor)_________, wherein you may always be praised and your faithful servant Alfredo Maria Obviar can be presented as another example of holiness in the Church. This we ask also through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be...
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel... Pray for us.
St. Joseph... Pray for us.
St. Therese of the Child Jesus... Pray for us.

God's Presence and Presents: Saints and Martyrs

St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish Church
St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish Church at Pagbilao, Quezon "was established by Franciscans in 1685. A church made of bamboo with cogon grass roof was built in 1688 with Fr. Cristobal Mortanchez as their minister. In 1730, the church was moved to its present location with St. Catherine of Alexandria as Patron Saint and Fr. Francisco Xavier de Toledo as Parish Priest. It was under Fr. Victorino Perlija's administration in 1845 that the church made of stone was built but it was completed including the convent and the bell tower in 1877 under Fr. Eugenio Gomez. Ruined during the liberation in 1945, restoration was made under Fr. Vicente Urlanda on 1954."

God's Presence and Presents: Church

St. Ferdinand Cathedral at Lucena, Quezon was "established on March 1, 1881. Fr. Mariano Granja, to whom a Lucena Street was named after him, was the first parish priest.

St. Ferdinand Cathedral
"Construction of this church started in May 1882 and completed July 1884. The newly built church was gutted down by the fire on May 24, 1887 but was immediately rebuilt in November 1887. This parish which at first was formerly under the Diocese of Nueva Ceceres was transferred to the Diocese of Lipa on April 10, 1910. With the increase in its population and the progress of the city it was moved to Diocese of Lucena on September 8, 1950. Monsignor Diego Conti served the longest in this parish (30 years) and contributed significantly in the improvement of the church with his relentless pleas in asking for donation. Furthermore, his inspiring homilies drew the people of Lucena to go to church thus growing in their faith. The present Rector and Vicar General is Msgr. Leadro N. Castro."

God's Presence and Presents: The Created World and Man

St. Francis of Assisi Church at Sariaya, Quezon was "built in 1748 and it houses the Sto. Cristo de Burgos image which was believed to be miraculous and being visited by pilgrims from far away places. There is no doubt that ever since it was petitioned by the Spanish Franciscan friars, and eventually granted as a gift from King Felipe V of Spain, to the early 18th century Christian community at Lumangbayan (Barangay Tumbaga 1 at present), the local replica of the revered medieval crucifix of Burgos Cathedral in Spain, fondly addressed to as 'Ang Mahal na Senor', played a major role in the spiritual, historical and socio-cultural heritage of Sariaya.

St. Francis of Assisi Church
"The said miracle of its survival at the ruined church of Lumangbayan from the burning pillage of Muslin pirates, and the equally miraculous circumstances that led to the founding of the present day church in 1743, that saw the eventual growth of the community of believers around it was just then beginning.

"Oral tradition has it that in the old days, the 'Mahal na Senor' was led out of the church, and carried into the barefoot processions of our forebears, taht spared our faithful community during times of great distress and calamities. And when it has been permanently placed in its home behind the church Retablo, the 'Santo Cristo de Burgos' continued to be the great protector of Sariaya, even through the difficult Japanese wartime years, while serving as the hope of the ordinary faithful whose day to day lives were touched by the personally experienced miracles attributed to it.

"That the unfaltering weekly Friday pilgrimages of its devout adherents, Sariayahin and otherwise, continue to this day, is a living proof of its miracles, and the prominence that it has in the lives of many. Declared a Diocesan Shrine by Lucena Bishop Emilio Marquez on September 14, 2007."

God's Presence and Presents: Mission

The seventh church is San Pedro Bautista at Candelaria, Quezon.

San Pedro Bautista
"The town fiesta is celebrated on the 5th of February to honor the patron saint San Pedro Bautista. The parish priest Monsignor Charles Herrera started his devotion to Nuestra Senora de Candelaria and honored her with a Candle Festival every February 2nd. The celebration is concluded with a procession through the streets of the town to bless the homes along the route. The residents decorate their houses with votive candles and miniature lights, creatively, using bamboo, palm leaves, coconut husk, flowers, and other native materials to accentuate the image of the Nuestra Senora de Candelaria as a centerpiece. One of the highlights of the celebration is the energetic street dancing performed by the youth of the community. A procession of floats representing each of the 25 barangays is also featured during the festivities."

On our way back to Greenbelt Chapel, we watched a movie about St. Therese.


Tired of weaving dreams too loose for me to wear
Tired of watching clouds repeat their dance on air
Tired of getting tied to doing what's required
Is life a mere routine in the greater scheme of things?

Through with taking roads someone else designed
Through with chasing stars that soon forget to shine
Through with going through one more day--what's new?
Does my life still mean a thing in the greater scheme of things?

I think I'll follow the voice that calls within

Dance to the silent song it sings
I hope to find my place
So my life can fall in place
I know in time I'll find my place
In the greater scheme of things

Each must go his way, but how can I decide?
Which path I should take, who will be my guide?

I need some kind of star to lead me somewhere far
To find a higher dream in the greater scheme of things

The road before me bends, I don't know what I'll find
Will I meet a friend or ghosts I left behind?
Should I even be surprised that You're with me in disguise?
For it's Your hand I have seen in the greater scheme of things


For Yours is the voice in my deepest dreams

You are the heart, the very heart
Of the greater scheme of things


Why don't we follow the voice that calls within
Dance to the silent song it sings
One day we'll find our place
For all things fall in place
For all things have a place
In the greater scheme of things.


Half the world is sleeping,
half the world's awake
half can hear their hearts beat
half just hear them break

I am but a traveler, in most every way

Ask me what you want... to know

What a journey it has been
and the end is not in sight
But the stars are out tonight
and they're bound to guide my way

When they're shining on my life
I can see a better day

I won't let the darkness in,
what a journey it has been.

I have been to sorrow
I have been to bliss
Where I'll be tomorrow,
I can only guess

Through the darkest desert
Through the deepest snow,

Forward always forward, I go...

What a journey it has been
and the end is not in sight
But the stars are out tonight
and they're bound to guide my way

When they're shining on my life
I can see a better day
I won't let the darkness in,
what a journey it has been...

Forward, always forward...
Onward, always up...
Catching every drop of hope
in my empty cup

What a journey it has been
and the end is not in sight
But the stars are out tonighr
and they're bound to guide my way

When they're shining on my life
I can see a better day
I won't let the darkness in,
what a journey it has been...

What a journey it has been...


Monday, February 18, 2008

Rubik's Variation

Aside from putting the same color on one side, variations like a checkered design or stripes can be attempted... c",)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Framed Shots: Panorama, Fruit Art

Today's the first meeting of Framed Shots for the year.

We have Mr. Donald Tapan as one of the judges, who shared some tips in taking images.

Below are the images I submitted for Panorama...

And fruit art...

Frankly, I don't have any idea what "fruit art" is. Thus, searched the internet.

What they should have explained is looking at fruits in a different perspective. Good to note, when taking images, be creative and look at them at varying perspective...

Rubik's Cube

This cube puzzle was a hit during my high school days. Now, it's raring a comeback.

Used to know how to solve it... and I can't seem to recall now how to do it. Thus, checked the internet.


One should solve the Rubik's Cube by layer.

Layer 1

Solving the first layer is the easiest. Just be sure that the "cross" formed is in the right position, that is, the edges color matches that of the middle color of the sides.

Now for the corners, put the correct color combination on the lower right of the 3rd layer. Then, follow the following algorithm:

Rcc Bcc Rc Bc

where R=Right, B=Bottom, c=clockwise, cc=counterclockwise

Repeat until the 1st layer's lower right has the correct color combination.

Layer 2

Flip the cube so that the completed layer is at the bottom.

The intention is to put the middle color in the 1st layer either to the left or right of the 2nds layer.

The algorithm for the putting it to the left is as follows:

Tcc Lcc Tc Lc Tc Fc Tcc Fcc

where T=Top, L=Left, F=Front, c=clockwise, cc=counterclockwise

The algorithm for the putting it to the right is the reverse:

Tc Rc Tcc Rcc Tcc Fcc Tc Fc

where T=Top, R=Right, F=Front, c=clockwise, cc=counterclockwise

Layer 3

The intent is to form a "cross". Look for an "L" shape. Position it to be on the upper left. Repeat the following algorithm until a "cross" shape is formed:

Fc Rc Tc Rcc Tcc Fcc

where F=Front, R=Right, T=Top, c=clockwise, cc=counterclockwise

Below are the sequences of changes when you perform the above algorithm.

Next is to correct the position of the colors in the "cross". Put the (middle) blocks already in their correct position at the back and at the right. (If the correct middle blocks are opposite to each other, put one at the back and the other at the front.) Then, repeat the following algorithm until all the blocks in forming the "cross" are in the correct position:

Rc Tc Rcc Tc Rc Tc Tc Rcc

where R=Right, T=Top, c=clockwise, cc=counterclockwise

Next step is to solve the corners. First aim is to position the correct color combination blocks in their proper places. Put in the lower right the block which is already in its right position. Then, perform the following algorithm until all corners are in their correct position:

Tc Rc Tcc Lcc Tc Rcc Tcc Lc

where T=Top, R=Right, L=Left, c=clockwise, cc=counterclockwise

With the corner blocks in their correct position, its time to finish up. Put in the lower right the block that is still not properly arranged and perform the following algorithm:

Rcc Bcc Rc Bc

where R=Right, B=Bottom, c=clockwise, cc=counterclockwise

Do repeatedly until correct. Then turning only the top layer, put again in the block to arrange in the lower right. Repeat the above algorithm until the Rubik's cube has been solved!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

A Spider(wick)! Jump(er)!

My tooth feels odd for almost the whole day yesterday. Thus, decided to go the dentist. Lo! It was tinga stucked between my teeth with filling. That must be one big tinga! Hehehe!

Since the visit to the dentist was a breeze, proceeded to the Ayala Center for my usual haunt--the cinemas! (Went first to a photo lab to have my pictures developed.)

First is Jumper, a sci-fi, action, adventure movie. David discovers he has ability to teleport when he fell through some ice. This knowledge changed his life. Thanks to his powers, he lived a life of luxury with no consequences. His perfect life was jolted when he learns there are other people like him, and there are also people who dedicated their lives to stop/end the teleporters.

The movie is fast-paced and the effects are cool. The "jumping" is well done and the places visited are impressive.

Next stop is The Spiderwick Chronicles. It is a sci-fi, fantasy, adventure movie about a family who moves to a rundown estate in the country. Unknowingly, this is where their adventure would begin as one of the children finds and opens an old book chronicling the world of the fairies, inspite of the warning. This throws the family to the world of ogres, goblins and fairies.

The movie is smart and well-made, script intelligently written, and great cast. For a film with low budget (compared to big-budgeted films like Harry Potter, The Golden Compass, etc.), it can hold its own.

After the movies, attended the anticipated Mass and we had dinner at The Pancake.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Burgoo Birthday

It would be my birthday lunch treat to one of my Nanay's "angels" and to one my brother's staff. Since I received a Sodexho from the office, decided to use it for their treat.

Thus, it was Burgoo at SM Mall of Asia. We're eleven (11) in the group, including my niece, who find the food delicious. The price is reasonable. We were not able to finish the food we ordered as we are all full that we even have to bring home (several) "doggie bag".

Picked-up my "monkey on elephant".

From "Monkey sitting on elephant will help you get the highest position possible in your career when one is already in a high position, but seeking to go even higher. In represents stability of an important position in the company. This symbol will keep you there so that you will never get overthrown away... In today's competitive environment work environment, this animal together with the monkey can help one win over any tough battle in the office and triumph to the top position. It will not only ensure you go all the way to the top, but also stay there with power and authority... It would also help you gather more support from subordinates and peers, besides having more command over difficult employees."

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Feng Shui, the occult, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Mist

Dropped first at the Landmark Department Store to pick-up the "fly on horse" (speed), the other pair of the "monkey on horse" (perseverance), with the two bringing the joy of a smooth and a quick-to-success career. "When the monkey rides on the horse, it implies immediately winning a good position and salary, because monkey sounds like 'lord' and on the horse means 'immediately'. On the other hand the fly sounds like 'win or triumph'. When a fly goes on a horse, it means 'winning immediately." (From

Then have my film developed and proceeded to watch my movie for the week--The Mist.

The movie is a horror, suspense, thriller from the imagination of Stephen King. The small town in Maine was suddenly enveloped by a thick, impenetrable mist with horrible creatures hiding in it that feed on humans. A group of people were holed inside the supermarket as they try to understand what's going on. Stuck in, they eventually turned on each other.

The story is well told. Putting a bunch of people with different personalities and beliefs in an enclosed space, pitting them against a seemingly unbeatable threat outside, expect a situation to crop up within them. The twist in the end added shock to the already volatile situation.

After the movie, attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at Italianni's (again).

Upon arriving home, borrowed Manong so we can go to Serendra and buy Conti's Mango Bravo. There were lots of security/police and PSG in the area. I wonder where GMA is having her dinner...

Lesson learned: Better read the whole message. I was supposed to develop the pictures in the hope of joining in the on-the-spot photo contest of the YKL booth during the Photo World Asia 2008. Checked back the e-mail and learned that the date of submission was last Monday, February 4. Waahhhh....

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Kung Hei Fat Choy

Whole day, I would be at our Makati office. Submitted my papers for my car and the turn-over of the systems we would be handling.

Since it is the Chinese new year, there would be a dragon dance. We hung angpao on our floor, which the "dragon" would retrieve.
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Feng Shui, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

DIY Flash Bounce/Diffuser

Decided to make a homemade bounce and/or diffuser for my flash. Using direct flash usually produces "flat" images.

I made two (2) different DIY flash bounce. One is from i-mag photography magazine, which we can call as the Homemade Bounce Diffuser (HBD)--that's what the magazine calls it anyway. The other is from the internet which we can call as A Better Bounce Card (ABBC). I modified the ABBC by using the material suggested for HBD and "looping" the modified ABBC to the flash.

Homemade Bounce Diffuser

A Better Bounce Card (modified)

Here are the images I took for comparison... (and spot the difference. hehehe!)

Direct Flash

With Homemade Bounce Diffuser

With A Better Bounce Card (modified)

Saturday, February 02, 2008

27 Greenbelt

Walked my way to Ayala Center. Decided to check the recently opened Greenbelt 5.

It is definitely classy, with branded products gracing the display windows. After some window shopping, proceeded to The Landmark Department Store where I checked Goody's styling therapy brush which my niece wanted to buy. Good thing, it's on sale (20% off)! SM Department Store also carry the product but sells it on its original price.

After which, proceeded to the Glorietta Activity Center where the Photo World Asia 2008 is being held. Brought my film camera with me in hope of taking images at the YKL/Fuji Booth as they are having an on-the-spot photo contest wherein entries to be submitted are those found in their booth. From time to time, there are models posing at their booth as photographers click their way around.

In the area are youngsters wearing anime costumes, to the delight of the photographers as well as the kids and their parents.

Bought things in my list: Manfrotto quick release for monopod, Lowepro belt and Spectralight (for my flash as diffuser and bounce).

Then, proceeded to my usual haunt, the cinemas! It's the romance, comedy movie 27 Dresses. Being happy as a bridesmaid 27 times, Jane finds herself in a dilemma when her younger sister captures the heart of Jane's boss--with whom Jane is secretly in love. For the first time, she dreads to be the bridesmaid.

It has all the formula for a romantic comedy. It's fun, fun with its kilig factor. The two leads share a chemistry which makes the movie work.

After the movie, attended the anticipated Mass, had dinner at Italianni's and dropped by the YKL/Fuji booth in hope to take more pictures. c",)