(Writing this while waiting for the anticipated Mass to start...)
My weekend movie is
Devil, a horror, thriller movie of a group of people trapped in an elevator. All strangers; but as the movie progresses, you come to realize they were brought there together for a purpose, even the cop who was called to look into the case. One of the security guards' story brings light to what might actually be happening--the suicide, the deaths, etc. It did not have my hairs rise but you cannot guess until too late who really is the devil in human form. Nice ending wherein you can hear the voice of the security guard as he ends his story, "my mother tries to comfort us by telling us if the devil is true, God must be true."
(Back home...)Attended the anticipated Mass and we had dinner at
Mammography and Sonomammography Result
Left the office during merienda time to pick-up the result of my mammography and sonomammography at
Makati Medical Center (MMC).
The assessment/ recommendation is "
Suspicious cluster of amorphous calcifications, left. Tissue correlation suggested. Needle-wire localization under mammographic guidance may be done."
Distinct hypoechoic mass with suggestively benign sonographic features, left. Clinical correlation and short-term follow-up by sonography after 6 months suggested to monitor stability. Septated (left) and simple (bilateral) cysts."
Following it is the explanation of the BIRADS Category.
Category 0 -- Needs additional imaging evaluation
Category 1 -- Negative
Category 2 -- Benign finding
Category 3 -- Probably benign finding: short interval follow-up suggested
Category 4 -- Suspicious abnormality: biopsy should be considered
4A -- Low suspicion for malignancy
4B -- Intermediate suspicion of malignancy
4C -- Findings of moderate concern, but not classic
Category 5 -- Highly suggestive of malignancy: appropriate actions should be taken
Category 6 -- Confirmed malignant by biopsy prior to definitive therapies
Now, does that mean I should undergo biopsy? What is worrying is the result of the biopsy... :(
More Tests
Took a half-day off from work to take more tests at
Makati Medical Center.
But first, went to my gastroentorologist to give her my test results. Game me medicines for my burping; I have to take them for two weeks (
Omepron before breakfast and
Toridon before every meal). She also suggested that I do
colonoscopy. Would have to schedule that by November.
Then, proceeded to the Breat Clinic for my mammogram and sonomammogram.
For my mammogram, I thought everything is OK. Then, they asked for another view. They spotted something on my left breast.
The sonomammogram is all automated. Then, they requested that a doctor will do it again manually. Uh-oh! Saw the doctor typing cyst, multiply cyst, septated cyst...
Septated cyst is new to me. Hope it is nothing serious.... :(
Will get the result this Friday.
Resident Evil: Afterlife

Finally, able to watch
Resident Evil: Afterlife; but not in 3D. With the world succumbing to the deadly viral infection, Alice (Milla Jovovich) travels to help survivors and seek safe haven. It's lots of action (horror?). Would have loved to watch the movie in 3D.
After, attended the anticipated Mass and ate at
Phobac before going home.
Tests, Tests and More Tests
Dighay (translation: burping) even after eating a cracker had me going to my gastroentorologist. Also feeling something in my lower abdomen. She advised me to take several tests and also referred me to an ob-gyne.
So, took a leave today to take those tests. There's blood and urine tests, abdominal and trans-rectal ultrasound tests. Also went to the ob-gyne referred by my gastroentorologist. She's the one who recommended the last test. On Monday, I'll be taking mammogram and sonamammogram. I think I'll also drop by my gastroentorologist on Monday to show her the results.
It's as if I reported for work. I was at
Makati Medical Center the whole day!
N.B. Since I already have the results, what to do? Surfed the internet to have an idea what those results mean... c",)
No Movie Weekend
Would have watched
Resident Evil: The Afterlife in 3D at
Glorietta. Unfortunately, I arrived late for the screening I like so that I would not miss the anticipated Mass. So, just window-shopped.
Attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at
Pizza Hut Bistro.
Scavengers' (Photo) Hunt
Out office's camera club September activity is a photo shoot at
Corregidor. Originally set on a Saturday, since it is a long weekend, the activity was moved today, Friday.
To make the tour unique and be able to shoot at our hearts content, the photo shoot activity was "coined" as Scavengers' Photo Hunt, patterned after the "Scavengers' Hunt" game.
trambia was assigned to our group, with no tour guide. I became our group's tour guide (and activity coordinator). Our morning is spent on the "hunt", dividing them into groups, to take photos of pre-nuptial, silhouette, feeling mannequin, light stream, and time capsule. There was also a side-game wherein given a trivia/fact, the first one to take a photo of it and show it me will win a prize.
After the buffet lunch, it was a "very fast" Corregidor tour so that, at least, the group would be able to see some interesting sites in Corregidor island.
Everyone enjoyed the activity, even commenting it is
Framed Shots: Beautiful Flaws Of Nature

It would be our camera club's monthly meeting. We had an on-the-spot (OTS) on "Creative Art In Mono". It is also the judging of "Beautiful Flaws Of Nature" monthly photo theme.

After, went to
Glorietta to watch
Despicable Me. When the pyramids were stolen, the other villains fall out of grace. Gru would not allow it; thus, planned to steal the moon. He adopted three girls to get back the shrinking ray he stole that was stolen from him by Vector. The movie is fun and has a lot of heart. In fact, shed tears through my 3D glasses in the scene where Gru read a bedtime story he authored to the kids. Hehehe!
The Last Exorcism

My movie weekend would be
The Last Exorcism, a horror, thriller movie. A disillusioned pastor allows to document an exorcism, which would be his last. It's different treatment (but still preferred "The Exorcism of Emily Rose"). He is a con artist, in my book, as he presented in his documentary how he did his theatrics. Odd is, you can see images of Mama Mary in the house but the family calls a minister to do the exorcism. At the end of the movie, he (minister) came to believe.
After the movie, attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at
a Veneto Pizzeria Ristorante.
An Open Letter To The HK and PRC Nationals
Received this in my e-mail (related to the Manila Grandstand Hostage Taking). I could not have said it better. Although, the writer forgot about the acid-throwing incidents in Hong Kong, which until now, the Hong Kong authorities is unable to solve.
To the Hongkong and PRC Peoples,
You hate the Filipino people for the hostage fiasco that unfortunate incident that went out of control at the end. This was a hostage situation that was under control and which netted 7 Chinese tourists to be released upon the efforts of our policemen.
You appear and sound sanctimonious and have even stepped upon our sovereignty. You have demanded apology, the moon and the heavens. You hate the Filipino people as if we wanted this unfortunate incident to happen.
First and foremost, we offer our condolences to the families of the 8 that were killed in this incident. Secondly, we are sorry for the bungled handling of this hostage taking. It was unfortunate, it was an accident, we never planned it that way. Is it fair to blame a whole nation for a situation that was never planned?
Let me ask you this question, "Should we hate you also for the lead poisoning caused by the paint you used in your baby furniture and toys for the children of the world, Should we hate you also for the use of cardboard in the "siopao" that you sell to tourists? Should we hate you also for the melamine contamination wherein not 8, but hundreds, maybe even thousands have suffered and some even died?
Or, let us talk of Filipino casualties. A few years ago, 3 Filipino tourists, all surnamed Madrigal, a family of 5 were walking on Tienemen Square and Beijing. One Chinese stabbed the father and two of his children, killing all three. Were you even sorry for what this one Chinese did? Did the Filipino people even demand that China apologized for this unfortunate incident. This was PRE-MEDITATED MURDER.
Just as the use of lead, cardboard, melamine was pre-meditated - used because they were cheaper materials, in order to generate PROFITS for the Chinese businessman. Did you pay damages the same way you are demanding damages from the Filipino nation and people.
Where was the anger of the Chinese and Hongkong people? Did you even apologize to the world? My God in the case of melanine, you even kept this information from the world, until you were exposed for what you are!!!
Enough! We symphatize but don't blame the Filipino people.
So you want to send our OFWs home, that take care of your children? They play an important part in your lives. Both spouses are able to work, earn money because of the tender loving care being heaped on your children by Filipino maids and yayas/amahs. While you pay our OFWs for the work they do, you earn more for the love and care they bestow on your children. Go ahead, send our OFWs home. Let us see how that will affect your family incomes.
Adding to that, . did we also blame you for those CHINESE NATIONALS that are being caught carrying TONS of DRUGS that are being sold to our country affecting not only 8 but tens of millions of Filipino lives and destroying their future?
Pass this to all Filipinos you know. If you love your country, perhaps you'll send this."