Saturday, January 29, 2005

Martin and Patti

The concert is worth every peso I paid to buy the ticket!

It started (late as usual) with the two doing a duet. Patti's lush and soothing voice and Martin's versatile and dynamic range have brought their audience to nostalgia as they render songs popularized by these artists.

Martin Nievera and Patti Austin Concert at the Araneta Coliseum
Martin Nievera and Patti Austin Live in Concert. (29Jan2005) Posted by Hello

I have expected that Patti would be singing Martin's song(s) and Martin would be singing a song Patti did a duet with another foreign artist (hehehe!)... And they did.

Martin's spontaneity and loquacity kept the audience at their toes as he displayed his wit and comic antics. Patti, on the other hand, was able to take it in stride, even with Martin's ad-libs. It was obvious that Martin's comments is not part of their spiel since Patti can't help herself but to laugh.

As the concert progresses (which we find the two hours too short), a thought crossed my mind... I'd go out and buy a Best of Patti Austin CD! hehehehe!


Sachi. Our meeting place is at Glorietta Makati. But we decided to eat our dinner around Araneta Coliseum so that we'll just be a few steps away from the concert. It looks like all those who would be watching the concert have the same idea as restaurants we preferred to dine in is full. Finally, we found a restaurant who could accommodate us at once (no waiting line at that time).

We should have known! The service is bad. We have to call many times to have our order taken. The couple near our table (who was there before us) walked out of the restaurant since no one is attending to them. When the food arrived, the main dish arrived before the appetizer. How could we eat it when we don't have plates and utensils before us?! Duh!

So as not to ruin our night, we just observed the goings-on around the restaurant, made commentaries on how to improve their "system" (if there is any), helped ourselves with the bottle of mineral water at the bar which they are not servincg (hey! we included it in our tab...), why their service is slow (the waitresses' uniforms are so tight, they have to move slow lest the buttons will fly off! hehehe!), why the waitresses are thin (they move from one table to table doing nothing... a good exercise, I think! LOL), why the cashier is taking some time to prepare our bill (I have to go to the cashier to make sure they do it! And lo and behold... what a "system"!).

Oh! And there was a new couple near our table. They had it worse. At least, all our orders were served. Since they noticed that we, too, would be watching the concert, they joined in the banter. The guy said that if Martin is also dining at Sachi, we have nothing to worry for he (Martin) would also be late! hehehehe!

Concert and tardiness. I have yet to attend a concert that would start on time. The ticket says that the show will start at 8:30PM. Duh! It started around 9:15PM after several cat calls and clapping by the audience. Because of this, a mind-set has already been established that concerts and shows always start late, thus, expect the audience to come in late, too!

Martin's wackiness. It is common for artists to go to the crowd during their concert (...a good photo opportunity!). And Martin is no exception. While singing and walking around the crowd, Martin sat on the lap of a bald-headed man. Still doing his repertoire, whenever it is the part of the musical instruments to be played, Martin rubs the head of the man while doing sound effects of strumming the guitar. That really brought the house down! c",)

Around Araneta Coliseum: They really made great improvements in this part of Cubao. The concert finished around 11:30PM, but this place is still bustling with people. The lights were ablaze, you would think it is still around 9PM. There were bands playing, you can just sit and listen up to the wee hours of the night (morning? hehehe!). No wonder, you won't notice time fly when you're here.

Thursday, January 27, 2005


That did it! It finally took its toll!

I woke up this morning feeling dizzy. When I stepped out of bed and attempted to walk, it's as if my world is spinning... and definitely, I walked as if I'm drunk.

Kalan or Stove

Kalan. (27Jan2005) Posted by Hello

Thus, off I went back to bed.

Surely, this is not the effect of the worry-rat's pressure? Or maybe, the mounting work at the office? Or even my usual practice of sleeping-in late?

Addition to my vocabulary: vertigo (scientific sounding name for dizziness. hehehe!) , Meniere's disease (an illness that causes dizziness, the cause of which is unknown), betahistine (the medicine I took for anti-vertigo).

There are several factors which trigger vertigo. They are:
* infection,
* inflammation,
* hereditary,
* hormonal,
* psychophysiological,
* physiological (psychophysiological without the psycho... tut! tut!),
* and lastly but not least, trauma or stress

Odd, really, for I don't feel stressed-out (or my mind denies that I am stressed). I guess, it's my body's way of saying to slow down.

Note: The downside of this, I have to control my diet. I should try to avoid alcohol, coffee, CHOCOLATE(!!!!) and other foods high in sugar and salt. Sad...

Monday, January 24, 2005


Finally, the worry-rat found her "perfect" prom gown! That means, several days rest for me until the big night. hehehehe!

Oooohhh... I would love to post it here already. But 'lest her batchmates stumble onto my website, the "surprise" will be gone. c",)

Saturday, January 22, 2005

When The Prom Gown Marching In...

In search for the "perfect" gown, the worry-rat (see previous post titled "Prom Gown-Hopping") has to try on several gowns. Thanks to the one who thought of putting cameras in mobile phones, we were able to get pictures inconspicuosly. c",)

In Search for a Prom Gown

Gowns Posted by Hello

Now, why would we do that? Well, it is an easier way of recalling gowns to choose from.

Unfortunately, we were not able to get shots of all the gowns tried on by the worry-rat. Either...

a) The saleslady caught us and politely told us that we are not allowed to take pictures.

b) The saleslady is always around to assist the worry-rat. (Even with the help of the mobile phone, I can't act as if I'm sending SMS when I'm actually attempting to take a picture. Goodbye Oscars for me! hehehe!)

c) The people at the boutique is so professional, I am "ashamed" to attempt to take a shot. (Now, why would that be? Hmmm....)

Well, hopefully, with the prom nearing, the "perfect" gown should just be around the corner... c",)

Thursday, January 20, 2005

What Age Do You Act?

You Are 25 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

What Age Do You Act?

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Totoy Bibbo

Artist: Vhong Navarro

Ang galing-galing kong sumayaw
Galing kong gumalaw
Galing kong sumayaw
Galing kong gumalaw
Galing kong sumayaw
Bibong-bibo gumalaw

Noong bata pa ako tinuruan ako
Ng lolo ng tango
Pasadoble, boogie, rhumba
Itinuro ng tatay ko
Pinagsama-sama ko kaya ako
Ngayo'y bibong-bibo
Kaya ang tawag nila sa akin ay Totoy Bibbo
(Repeat CHORUS)

Lagi akong niyayaya
Tuwing may fiesta, bentang-benta
Lahat lumuluwang mata
Pag ako'y nakikitang palapit na
It's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's only me
Remember M remember E remember me
Totoy Bibbo
(Repeat CHORUS)

Di 'ko mapigil ang yumugyog ako sa tugtog
Lahat ay iindak, sumasabay kay Totoy Bibbo
(Repeat CHORUS)

Hehehe! Just had to "sing" it. Edited this song, along with others, to create a medley for my niece's project... Must be caused by the Last Song Syndrome. c",)

Friday, January 14, 2005

Prom Gown-Hopping

I can't believe that shopping for a prom gown could...

(a) lead to brain drain -- decide whether to buy off-rack or have it done by a seamstress; what color would further enhance her "beauty" (if there is... LOL); think of a description of the gown and how it looks on her (while keeping your fingers crossed behind your back); look for a style that fits her taste while still be comfortable when worn, etc.

(b) nerve-wracking -- constantly be nagged to accompany her window-shopping for the "perfect" gown; be the sounding-board for the worry-rat because the prom is nearing and she still has not found "it"... hehehehe!

(c) tiring -- caused by (a) and (b) above plus going from one mall to another, drifting from one shop to another, and parading in and out of the dressing rooms.

Gowns on Display at the Glorietta

Window Gown-Hopping. (13Jan2005) Posted by Hello

I can't wait for the Prom Night to be over, just to be spared from the constant "assault" of the worry-rat for her gown, shoes, accessories, hair and make-up. (hehehehe!)

But, wait!!! After the Prom, I would surely be hearing how everyone admired her, how her other classmates and their escorts were dressed, how one of her classmates fell ala-Miss Congeniality...

Oh, no! And I thought my ordeal would be over. (LOL)

Note: I am just being satirical. I really do enjoy shopping... even with the worry-rat. c",)

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

HIS whisper

Ever experienced when you are in a dire strait, suddenly, an idea or thought comes to your head to help you out of your rut? Or, when you feel the whole world is against you and no one is there to assist you, then, somebody taps you on the shoulder to lend a helping hand?

I do.

To me, it is God's way of answering your unspoken prayer. It is His way of giving His grace and extending His mercy. He may "whisper" to you directly or He may work through others. You just have to learn to "listen" with your heart.

The most recent "murmur" I heard from Him came from the most unlikely place (and, I personally think is kinda funny).

Motilium TV Commercial

Commercial. (11Jan2005) Posted by Hello

The Christmas season gives us a reason to get together with our family and friends, to partake of food, lots of food. Even for gift-giving, chocolates, cakes and pastries are part of the list to share to our loved ones. And I am no exception to deny myself of these treats. (hehehe!)

After Christmas, there are days that I feel bloated, keep burping or experience stomach pain, which I put down to "gas". (Think what the "air" smells like... LOL). Ordinary symptoms which anyone can ignore. But the uncomfortable feeling in the upper middle part of my stomach whenever I have a meal has never ceased for weeks.

AND THEN... just when I am feeling sick again after a hearty meal, I saw the TV commercial of the belly dancers, describing the very symptoms I am experiencing. It is the first time that I saw said commercial. What the antacids and seltzers did not relieve, this did. c",)

Chance? Coincidence? I don't know... But I still believe, it is His way of saying "try this, child, it may ease your pain."

Note: I am not advocating self-medication. But, this did alleviate the discomfort until I consult a doctor.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Reunion (of sorts)

A relative organized a reunion for the family (up to the Nth degree) so that we would know each other in case we meet on malls, trips or other gatherings. Must have been inspired by another relative who made our family tree.

So, off we went to the reunion party. As expected, we have lots of people to meet and know. A smile here... a greeting there... an introduction... As the party progresses, we still ended in the company of our relatives who we've known since we were kids. Duh! c",)

Kung Fu Hustle (and other Asian movies)

Glorietta 1 Theater Billboard

Theater Billboard. (07Jan2005) Posted by Hello

As expected, Kung Fu Hustle is hilariously funny. With the comic antics of Stephen Chow, what else would you expect? Even if your eyes have to stray from time to time to read the subtitle. hehehehe! I guess, we're now used to watching movies with subtitles, with the invasion of other Asian movies in our theaters, like Hero, Ringu (The Ring), Ju-on (The Grudge), The Doll Master, etc.

I was not that interested in Chinese (and other Asian) movies, until I got hooked by Star Mandarin. I could not figure out, then, why my niece would stay awake in the wee hours of the morning watching the shows in Star Mandarin. She can name Asian actors and actresses, their interests, etc. like the back of her hand. She even took lessons to learn Mandarin!!! I guess, to better enjoy the movies (instead of always reading the subtitles... LOL).

So, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! From one movie, I get to watch another... and another... and another... and another... From comedy, action, romance to horror... From meaningful to inane...

And my observation from the movies I've watched: they always infuse their culture. Maybe, that's the reason their movies never fail to capture your interest.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Time Special Issue

Edited Time Magazine Cover
Posted by Hello

I have received this in my e-mail.

If I am not mistaken, these are the photos I have taken. If I have known, I would have bought all the copies of Time magazine from the newstands!!!

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Weather "Forecast"

Today, January 6, we just experienced the first rain of the year. Hmmm... that means, the rainy season will start on June. (Hehehehe! Just beating Amado Pineda to the "punch".)

It was believed that the day (in January) we first experience rain indicates the month that the rainy season will start. Thus, our weather "forecast" is dependent on the weather from January 1 to 12.

Coincidence or not, we'll know by June...

Monday, January 03, 2005

Prosperity Candles

Received Prosperity Candles last Christmas... and from the looks of it, everything is looking-up for me for 2005.

Prosperity Candles Forecast for 2005

Prosperity Candles. (01Jan2005) Posted by Hello

The instructions were...

At exactly 11:30 p.m. on December 31, light all the candles.
Each candle symbolizes various aspects of life like peace, wealth, health, etc.

Put out at 12 midnight.
Arrange from smallest to biggest.

The candle that melts the quickest symbolizes the good fortune
that the good New Year will bring you, followed by the rest.

Red for life
Blue for peace
Yellow for good spirits
Violet for material wealth
Green for money
Pink for health
Peach for brightness

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Using prosperity candles is considered superstition and is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; reject, renounce and rebuke it.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Just a quick peek to check if somebody is reading my blog... hehehehe! Posted by Hello

Enchanted Kingdom

Inspite of the hustle-and-bustle of the holiday season (meaning... shopping, shopping and shopping... oopss.. and few parties here and there... hehehe!), I was able to squeeze in a day (or two) to visit our country's theme park, Enchanted Kingdom (EK).

I'll never get tired going to EK. Maybe, because they make it a point to add new attractions. Their latest are the 4D Discovery Theatre, Xtreme Paintball and Kart Trak.

Pam and Tricia Go-Karting

Several laps at Enchanted Kingdom's Kart Trak. (27Dec2004) Posted by Hello

Just for December, I was able to go to EK twice! They have this Threepeat promotion wherein you get a free ticket after your third visit. The promo ends December 31. Obviously, I was not able get the free ticket... Waaaahhhh!!!!! But, I was to able to drink my free Pepsi after my second visit, to drown my sorrow... lol.