Saturday, February 26, 2005

Star-filled Saturday!

Started out with watching Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events. It's a different kind of movie, if I may add. It is a "dark film" with queer sets. Making it an oddity and rather unique. Of the three lead child stars, the youngest was able to "steal" some scenes from Jim Carrey. Won't expound on it lest it may spoil your fun when you watch the movie.

While inside the movie house, I received a call from my niece inviting me to go with her and her friend to the Power Plant Mall, to which I acceded. Told them to pick me up at the Glorietta after the mass. (And you thought I would miss that? Nah-uh!)

Power Station at Power Plant Mall, Rockwell Center
Power Station at Power Plant Mall, Rockwell Center. (26Feb2005) Posted by Hello

So, what was the idea behind going to the Power Plant Mall on a Saturday? Shhh... a "little bird" tipped these two youngsters that their crush from the ABS-CBN stable of stars frequent the place. (LOL) Off we walk like ramp models from one side of the mall to the other, with eyes moving back and forth searching for a shadow of these stars.

My eye caught a good looking guy near the elevator and told these youngsters (jokingly) that I think I saw an actor nearby and pointed him to them. Lo and behold! He is indeed an actor... Dingdong Dantes! Guess the joke bounced back to me. hehehehe!

We also spent some time at the Power Station, an arcade inside the mall. We had a grand time there. There were also "stars" frequenting the place. We saw Ramon Christopher (with an unknown lady... chika!) and his sister, Jackie Lou Blanco. What really made our day is the funny incident at the arcade about the tickets and the arcade staff. (The "punchline" of what happened is more effective if narrated in Tagalog... ugh! And speaking of punchlines, why is it hard to deliver a joke in English? tsk! tsk!)

As to the reason why we were at the Power Plant Mall in the first place? Not a sign, not even a hair of their head! c",)

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Bits 'n Pieces

The problem we have been solving since Friday has everyone stumped. We even have to seek the help of other units to help isolate the problem. Up until this time, a big question mark is still hovering above us. Others voluntarily threw in their ideas, and yet... a no-no. Have even referred the problem to Bill Gates (hehehe!), have not heard from him yet.

Anyway, to help alleviate the pressure, my handy camera provided relief... like a stress ball.

The Sunday overtime work refrained me within the confines of the office. Since we were were working in our company's other building, I took top view shots of the building's surroundings. Now, I have the daytime and nighttime view of Paseo de Roxas... c",)

Top View of Paseo de Roxas
Paseo de Roxas from the Top (20Feb2005) Posted by Hello

It's already the sixth day of the problem and the light at the end of the tunnel seems too far off. What with the big bosses reminders to keep them updated of the status, I bet you have the idea of the pressure. An officemate jokingly remarked that they would be jumping off the building tomorrow--bungee-style--if the solution has not been found. (Friday is a non-working holiday to commemorate the People Power Revolution.)

Desktop Clutter
Desktop Clutter (23Feb2005) Posted by Hello

So, with my "stress ball", took shots of the clutter on my desk.

Starting from the top left, clockwise, we start with the zip drive and multi-media card reader. I use the zip drive to back-up my computer files. Me thinks this archiving media is going the way of the dinosaurs since most photo labs developing digital images do not accept image files stored in zip disks. They even haven't heard of zip disks! Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! On top my zip drive is the multi-media card reader. A handy way of sharing immediately the pictures I took, specially when there are celebrations/treats/small gathering in the office.

Next is my black cordless phone, black stapler, black tape dispenser and black organizer. Even the items in the black organizer are black--pencils, cutter, scissors, sharpener, staple remover, ruler.

Then, there's the Sony Ericsson S700i. I always leave it on top of my desk while working so I can easily see if I have received an SMS message or a call. Nice, isn't it? Sleek design. It has built-in camera (still and video), can play MP3, has FM radio, MusicDJ and recorder, store data and images in its external memory, connect via bluetooth and infrared. The back view of the phone makes you think it's a digital camera. (I wonder why I liked the phone... hehehehe!)

The last item is my black radio alarm clock. It's been with me ever since. The big hands and numbers easily reminds me when it's time to go home. (LOL!) The radio is so useful when I want to hear the news (like updates on the bombing incident, tsunami, earthquake, etc.) or simply listen to music while working overtime.

Hmmm... if you have reached this far and have the patience to read my blabber, you must have lots of time in your hands! hehehe!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Another Warning

Because of the incident that happened last Monday (and Valentine's Day at that!), several SMS messages and e-mails have been going around issuing warnings to everyone. Below is the message I received today...

"just forwarded to me - recd from katrina ponce enrile - msg from a friend in the military. avoid rockwell and oakwood makati areas and isetann carriedo. military intelligence confirms threats of bombing activities in the coming days! grenade throwing incident at solcom hq last night could be part of a bigger scenario. this comes from cesar's friend who's a general. noel says probabilities are high. please pass"

Whether the information is true or not, it still pays to be cautious and alert.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Another Working Sunday

I can't believe it! That's twice in a row I have to report for work on a Sunday...

But unlike the first working Sunday, lady luck has not smiled on me... (huhuhu!) Left the office around 11:30 p.m with the problem still not solved. (waaahhhh!)

Anyway, the weekend was not a total loss. Thanks to the prom attended to by my worry-rat niece, even the parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. were all excited. c",)

Saturday, February 19, 2005

The Prom

Finally, it's here! The day my worry-rat niece is waiting for... the day of her prom.

For those who have just visited this site for the first time (hehehehe!), we have to go thru several shops, hop from one mall to another, just to look for her "perfect" prom dress. And here it is... Looks good on her, isn't it?

The Prom at the Makati Shangri-la Hotel
The Prom. (19Feb2005) Posted by Hello

And not to be outdone, so is her escort... c",)

The prom is held at the Makati Shangri-la Hotel. Because of what happened recently, the security of the hotel is rather tight. They have bomb-sniffing dogs as cars enter the hotel's driveway. Security guards are at the doors to check belongings before entering the lobby. At least, parents will have peace of mind while their kids are enjoying their party. Ta-ta!

Note: I had to cover their eyes. I have this (not so crazy) notion about pictures and the internet where you can get ("crop') the face and put it on another's body...

Friday, February 18, 2005

A Warning

Received the following message from my mobile phone...

Better be safe and cautious than sorry... Muslims in Metro Manila were advised by fellow Muslims to avoid malls today, 18Feb2005. Please pass information.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Post-Valentine and the Justice League

For three days now, I've been buzzing around the office (or is it "busy as a bee"?). Thus, when this small furry bear came carrying with it Belgian Bites and Ferrero Rocher too big for its small frame, it IS a welcome treat. Yes!!!

My friend mentioned, even way before Valentines, that I'll be receiving a gift. I guess the furry terry had to cross several seas and climb every mountain just to reach me. Unless, the directions given to it was all wrong. (hehehe!) Thanks friendship! c",)

Now, my rooster has a new friend...

Since Sunday, I've been walking from the office to Ayala Center (except last Tuesday since I left the office rather late). A good form of exercise, I think...

Because of the incident last Monday, entry to the malls has been stricter. Aside from showing the contents of your bag to the security guard, they also do a body search. That is, if having your pockets, waist and sides "tapped" is considered a body search. Thus, I was late for the Justice League program held at the Glorietta Activity Center. I arrived with Wonder Woman doing her thing. After that, picture taking with the Justice League.

Too bad Superman was not around. I just wanted to check if he finally learned how to wear his red brief. (LOL)

Monday, February 14, 2005

Ayala Incident

Walking from the office to Ayala Center is becoming a habit...

It was hard to get a ride to Ayala Center because the traffic is soooo heavy. Since I was able to walk yesterday from the office to Ayala Center without that much effort (plus a chance to see again the view, but this time, at night), I decided to do it again. And, boy, was my decision right.

Upon reaching the Ayala Center, I was wondering why several ambulance and police cars have been coming to and fro. That's when I learned that the reason for the traffic is because of the incident that happened along EDSA near Ayala Avenue, Makati City. A bus exploded using an improvised explosive device (according to a report I heard from the radio). Since the bus stop is somehow enclosed (being under the Metro Rail Transit System), two more buses were also affected by the explosion. As of last heard, 3 are confirmed dead and about 60 are injured.

And this is not an isolated incident. Almost at the same time, in another part of the country, a tricycle outside the Gaisano Mall in General Santos City exploded, and another explosion outside a bus terminal in Davao City.

Several theories have been going around. One of which is because of what is happening in Mindanao between the military and the MILF break-away group.

I just hope that all this would come to an end and whoever did this be enlightened.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this horrific incident...

Sunday, February 13, 2005

A Working Sunday

Have to go the office on a Sunday! (Waahhh!) Good thing, I was able to relax yesterday... a movie, little window shopping, dinner at a restaurant and even attended an anticipated Mass.

We were supposed to finish by 5pm. The gods must be looking kindly at me, we were able to complete it by 2pm. That means, I can watch the mini-concert of Side A at the Glorietta Activity Center, which is to start at 3pm. And if I'm really lucky, be able to catch the band competition at home, since it is our fiesta.

Instead of taking a ride, I decided to walk from the office to the Ayala Center. On the way, I passed several landmarks. Landmarks we take for granted because we often see them. The walk is an experience in itself. c",)

Sultan Kudarat Monument
Sultan Kudarat Monument (13Feb2005) Posted by Hello

Trees along Makati Avenue
Trees along Makati Avenue (13Feb2005) Posted by Hello

Filipino Heritage Library
Filipino Heritage Library (13Feb2005) Posted by Hello

Walkway (13Feb2005) Posted by Hello

It took me about 10 to 15 minutes to reach Glorietta. But still, I was able to position myself near the stage. (I guess, a little elbow here and there worked. hehehehe!) Since the Side A mini-concert is a family Valentine offering of the Glorietta management to its patrons, they also added bubble show, juggling and magician acts. They also have games for the kids and the kids-at-heart. c",)

Side A Mini-Concert
Side A (13Feb2005) Posted by Hello

Wondering if I was really lucky today? Nah-uh! I was not able to be home in time for the band competition. Anyway, there'll be next year.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Ayala Saturday Scene

Walking along Ayala, my shutter-happy finger caught these... (Hmmm... Odd. I do believe I already said this statement before. LOL)

Anyway, tried another shot of the buildings as recommended. Hope, this time, the shot is satisfactory. hehehe!

Ayala Avenue is a busy street during weekdays as it is considered part of the business district of Makati City. On Saturdays (and Sundays specially), the area is fairly quiet, as can be seen on the pictures below.

Ayala Buildings

Ayala Underpass Stairs

Ayala Underpass

Ayala Avenue

Friday, February 11, 2005


While trying to practice one of the management principles (supervising by walking around... hehehe!), this caught my eye. Can you guess what it is?

What is it? Posted by Hello

Another Despedida Lunch

It's a rainy Friday morning and getting out of bed really takes some effort. The bed looks warm and inviting; but, have to get up just because of the despedida lunch planned for today. The good news is: Friday after next was declared a non-working holiday. YES!

Rainy Friday Morning (11Feb2005) Posted by Hello

This time, we had our lunch at Kamayan in Glorietta which offers Filipino cuisine. A good leave-taking treat for an officemate who will be going to a foreign land.

Kamayan is noted for its roast suckling pig, seafood platter, Bicol express and pinakbet. Too bad it's a Friday, those who observe abstinence can't fully enjoy what this restaurant offers. This just proves my constant nagging to the "organizer" not to do it on a Friday fell on deaf ears. (Waahhh!) Thus, I have to help myself on fish, mango salad and seafood soup. But, I have several servings of halo-halo, bibingka and fresh fruits. mmmm.... c",)

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Your Fortunes for the Year 2005

Speaking of the Year of the Rooster, I found this article by Joel V. Nigos in yesterday's issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer:

Hen and Rooster
Year of the Wooden Rooster Posted by Hello

There are 12 signs according to the Chinese Horoscope Cycle. We were born on any of the 12 signs. The following are each sign's fortunes in the Year of Wood Rooster according to Professor Charlie Chao. Again, Chao reminds everybody that they are for our guidance only. If we have good feng shui, we still need to act so that good fortune would come soonest. If we have bad feng shui, we also need to act so they would be warded off.

Rat (1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996)

You begin the year with a lucky star. Fortune and wealth will prosper. You will have many happy occasions. This year is more favorable for female Rats. For male Rats, be humble and mind your own business to avoid unnecessary troubles, then everything will be smooth.

Ox (1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)

Although your star is bright, there is a bad star beside you. Refrain from quarreling with others to avoid envious persons who will bring you troubles and lawsuits. Contentment in yourself will give you a peaceful life. A good chance and opportunity to go abroad for hardworking students. This year is also a good opportunity to pass an examination.

Tiger (1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)

Your star is bright and shiny. Your dream will come true. There are persons who will help and support you to pursue your projects. A sign for promotion. However, avoid emotional entanglements for a peaceful family life.

Rabbit (1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999)

Your horoscope clashes with the eyar of the Rooster. You should take extra precaution in making decisions. Refrain from quarreling with others to prevent lawsuits. Beware of burglary by thieves. For the elders, physical check-up is needed. Avoid visiting sick persons and attending funerals/interments.

Dragon (1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

Your star is strong. Helpful friends will assist you on your endeavors. Wealth will increase and your career will improve. However, follow the laws, do not be greedy and don't hurry in expanding your business and plans, everything will be smooth and joyful.

Snake (1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)

There were many persons who will help and support your projects. Wealth and business will prosper. However, there is an unlucky star beside you, refrain from unnecessary activities. Be cautious on driving late at night and long distance travels to avoid accidents.

Horse (1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

There are two lucky stars beside you. It is the right time to pursue your plans. Your wealth and career will increase. Female Horse will be luckier this year. For the male, however, refrain from cherry blossom affairs and quarreling with people to avoid envious persons who will bring you trouble and lawsuit.

Goat (1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

Your star is weak. Do not be greedy and don't hurry in pursuing your plans. Wait for the right time. Be careful in selecting friends, and don't be a guarantor. Refrain from arguing with others for it might lead to lawsuits. Avoid visiting sick persons and attending funerals/interments. The health of your parents might cause you concern.

Monkey (1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

Your star is dark. Take care of your health especially your stomach or lungs. Don't come home late at night to avoid accidents. Refrain from unnecessary occasions. Be humble and low profile, then everything will be smooth.

Rooster (1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Your resistance is weak. Avoid being overworked to prevent pressure and tension. Beware of envious persons who will take advantage of you. Mind your own business. Be humble and patient, relax and take a rest to have peaceful mind.

Dog (1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Your star is bright. It is a lucky year for marriage. Wealth will increase as well as your career. Thre are people who will support and help you to achieve your plans and projects. However, be more humble and don't be greedy so that good fortune will come.

Pig (1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

There are two unlucky stars beside you. You should take extra precaution in your decision-making. Do not be greedy and don't hurry to pursue your plans to avoid loss of wealth. Refrain from arguing with others. Be patient and control your emotions to prevent unnecessary troubles. Take care of the health of your parents, they might get sick or pass away.

Note: Hope it is all right to post this article here. I did give credit where credit is due. c",)

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Horoscope (including Chinese Horoscope) is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; reject, renounce and rebuke it.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Despedida Lunch and the Rooster

An officemate has resigned for "greener" pasture. This month alone, five have already tendered their resignation. The idea of earning "green bucks" is enough to tempt them to pack up their bags and fly. I wonder if they have considered that earning "green bucks" also meant spending "green bucks" when they are already there. Also, will their new income be enough to compensate for leaving their family here?

Coincidental, the day we treat him for despedida is also Ash Wednesday. Thus, the restaurant we should be dining in must offer dishes other than meat. (As if restaurants do not offer variety in their menu. hehehehe!) To top that, it is also the Chinese New Year. 2005 is the Year of the Rooster.

So, off we went to Saisaki at Glorietta where they offer Japanese dishes like tempura, teppanyaki, sushi, sashimi and teriyaki. They even have Angus beef and salmon. They are also known for offering buffet of Japanese cuisine at reasonable price.

Good thing, Saisaki offers several seafood dishes, especially for those who observe abstinence for the Lenten Season. Thus, I ate tempura, breaded crab meat and breaded crab sticks. The last two is new in their menu. I like the breaded crab sticks better. c",)

Oh! And I ordered ripe mango shake. That's when the rooster came in (with my drink). Cute, isn't it?

Monday, February 07, 2005

Ayala Buildings

Walking along Ayala, my shutter-happy finger caught these...

I was hoping to share it to the ClickTheCity website. This site has "City Shots" which feature the scenic sites in the Philippines. What do you think?

GT Tower

Ayala Buildings

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Birthday Lunch

Had lunch at Gerry's Grill to celebrate the birthday of a friend of my mother (+), a family friend. It's a good way of spending the afternoon: sharing stories, exchange of repartee and building camaraderie.

Added to that is the delicious food that fits the budget. We had green mango salad, crispy crablets, Gerry's seafood soup (bouillabaisse style), sisig (Gerry's bestseller), sizzling pusit (another Gerry's bestseller), tinomok, inihaw na baboy and pancit canton. Noodles are always part of the feast whenever birthdays are celebrated. This is to wish the celebrant long life.

BURP! Now, that shows I'm full... c",)

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Black Light

Inspired by the pictures at the Photoworld Manila 2005 Exhibit plus the comments I received from my previous post titled "Photoworld", my shutter-finger keeps clicking away. From time to time, I'll be posting pictures I took for everyone to comment/critique.

For the meantime, guess what this is... c",)

Black Light
(05Feb2005) Posted by Hello

Friday, February 04, 2005


"... shows depth"
"... the colors are so vivid and alive"
"... the angle makes it interesting"


I wish I receive such comments on the pictures I took. But first, I must have them displayed where others can criticize on them, positively or otherwise.

Photoworld Manila 2005 Exhibit

Photo Exhibit. (04Feb2005) Posted by Hello

The Glorietta Activity Center now showcases the Photoworld Manila 2005, where different brands of cameras (and videocameras) are on display. From the point-and-shoot to the SLRs, from film cameras to digital. Even camera accessories are there for the taking.

But what I like most is the exhibit showing photographs taken by individuals or by members of various camera clubs. There are pictures I can say that even I can capture the moment (if I was there! LOL). But there are photographs you immediately know that the man behind the lens have "the gift".

Thanks to the advent of digital cameras, practicing to take pictures to help develop ones talent is now more economical. If only I have "the eye" and be able to tap it...


Hope it's not the case of 'I like singing; but the song does not "like" me.' c",)