Saturday, May 31, 2008

N95 8GB? TyTN II?

My Nokia N90 has been acting up. Even when it should be on the phone mode, it keeps setting to the camera mode Sometimes, it gets heated up as it is constantly in camera mode. Thus, brought it to Nokia Care to check it up and have it repaired, just in case.

I was toying with the idea of purchasing a new cellphone with Wifi capability. Been going from one store to another. It was between Nokia N95 8GB and HTC TyTN II. Found one shop that sells the Nokia 95 8GB about P1,500.00 cheaper from my suki, and about P4,500.00 cheaper from other stores. Also, found another store which sells the HTC TyTN II about P4,000.00 cheaper from the other stores.

Using my Nokia 6600, surfed on the review for both items (while at the mall). It is now a question of how I use them. Bought my choice after attending the anticipated Mass and dinner at Italianni's.

To get the MAC address of the mobile phone for WLAN that uses MAC filtering, type:

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

It is the only movie which opened this week. Understandable. Given the hype and expected blockbuster, no one would dare face against it in the ticket sales.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull brings back Dr. Henry Jones (Harrison Ford) in the role we love best. Much older, the movie managed to work around it by making it fast-paced and lots of action. Of course, a punch of humor here and there. This time, entangled against the agents of Russia, Indy Jones is set to find the Crystal Skull of Akator, which is said to grant tremendous power to whoever returns it to its rightful place in the temple somewhere in the Amaaxon.

It is also in this movie where Indy Jones learned of another secret. I wonder if Mutt Williams (Shia LaBeouf) would fit Indiana Jones' shoes...

After the movie, attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at Pizza Hut Bistro.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Acer X173W

My CRT monitor is asking that it be replaced. It already displays incorrect color. A problem specially when I want to enhance the photos I took.

Thus, last night, surfed about the different LCD monitors. Decided on an Acer X173W. It is 17" wide screen, 1000:1 contrast ratio (one of my criteria in choosing which LCD monitor to buy), 8ms response time (another criteria).

Thus, during my lunch break, after eating, went to SM Megamall's Cyberzone. Was able to buy one at Accent-Micro.

When calibrating my new monitor, learned that you can also adjust contrast. And I thought LCD monitors only allow adjustment on brightness. Gee! The more I liked my Acer X173W.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Shakey's Super Shake

After a week in our Makati office, am back to our Ortigas office.... Hayyyy....

And the scorching sun finally made its presence known after days of drizzle/rain. I just have to have that Shakey's super shake for lunch.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tsubasa and his new toy

Yesterday, bought a new toy for my Pomeranian, Tsubasa. (Also bought another toy for my Boston Terrier, Brad Pet.) The description in the toy's tag says that it will make your pet crazy. Hehehe! And it looks like it.

From the moment he got it, he never stopped playing with it. He even "snubbed" his favorite ball. Even he has it with him, he keeps on barking on it. In fact, his fur is wet with his saliva for playing with it. Weird... It just proves that he loved his new toy.

A santacruzan passed infront of the house. They started early. Maybe to avoid the showers. Recently, we have been experiencing rain in the evening.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Perfect Creature, Perfect Walk

Instead of going directly to Glorietta, decided to walk along Ayala and take a video of Makati's business district on a Saturday.

Upon reaching the Ayala Center, decided to proceed to Glorietta 1 Cinemas to check on the screening. First screening for Perfect Creature is 12:40PM.

A horror, action, fantasy, the movie develops more the personality of the characters, building it up as the story goes on. Personally, I don't consider it as a horror movie as it did not give me goosebumps. But, I like the way the story unfolds, giving a different genre to horror films.

With the experimentation of alchemists, it led to the development of genetic science. These experiments caused deadly plagues to the populace; but, these plagues also gave birth to a new race of beings--vampires. Unlike other movies about vampires, in this movie, they live a symbiotic relationship with the humans.

After the movie, did some shopping, including pet toys. Then, attended the anticipated Mass.

Friday, May 16, 2008

V-Gear MobiTV Combo in Action, a Treat

Brought my newly purchased TV tuner in the office to check if it can get a signal from there. It does! Have attached it to my other "toy", the Neo eXplore X1.

My friend and I met for lunch. It's my treat at Teriyaki Boy in Paseo Center for having received our provident fund. (",)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

V-Gear MobiTV Combo

One of my staff submitted his resignation today. That is four (4) resignations since last December 2008 (including that of my friend who is her last day today). From what he is saying, I think he's afraid to be left behind. He added, if the merger did not happen, he would have stayed with the company.... (sad)

On the way home, caught sight of a V-Gear MobiTV Combo. With this unit, one can watch TV from their computer/laptop. Bought one. Hehehe!

Going the office, the car's radio is always tuned it to Magic 89.9 for Mo Twister, Mojo and Grace Lee's show. My nephew liked listening to Good times! One of the callers asked what website Mo Twister is often checking out. It's

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Penelope Pea and Despedida

It would be the last day in our company of our friend tomorrow plus another officemate who has resigned earlier. Thus, gave them a despedida lunch today at Dad's Glorietta. To surprise both of them, took videos of our officemates who have messages for them.

Finally, decided to start with my second project. It would be a mystery web series. It stars Penelope Pea, an investigator. I'll post the continuation next week. c",)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Framed Shots: Skin

Today's the monthly meeting of our camera club. Aside from the judging of the "Skin" theme, there would be an on-the-spot shooting.

We were grouped into four. We were supposed to take a picture of "tears". Each would be giving one portrait shot, and the group would be giving one group shot with at least three people included in the picture.

When I arrived home, decided to already do a video response to Exposed by HappySlip. Deadline of the submission is on May 17, 2008. Voting begins May 18, 2008 until May 31, 2008.

C'mon... vote for me... c",)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Deception: Sportsfest 2008

Today's the kick-off of our company's yearly sportsfest. It would be held at the Cuneta Astrodome, hosted by Mr. Randy Santiago and Ms. Giselle Sanchez. The street dance competition would also be held today (instead of cheerleading competition).

I must give it to the committee, the venue is better than last year (it is fully air-conditioned unlike last year), you have the option which food/snack to get (either Ilustrado, KFC, etc.), and the hosts are great! They're fun and witty. (Last year was a drag.) In fact, even it is past 12 noon, no one notices..

After, dropped my camera gear at home, ate lunch and proceeded to Glorietta to watch a movie. It's between Deception and Speed Racer. Decided on Deception.

The movie is a drama, romance, thriller about a timid accountant (Ewan McGregor) who met a charismatic lawyer (Hugh Jackman) who introduces him to a mysterious sex club. Unknown, it was just a just a foreplay in order for him (the accountant) to be hooked and "fucked" by a master "puppeteer". Actually, half-way through the movie, I already wanted to leave...

After the movie, attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at Pizza Hut Bistro as I was able to get a stub for a 10% discount on the restaurant.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

New Project

Because of my new "toy", I decided to embark on a project... two projects, actually. Once I complete them, I'll post it here... hehehe!

The first project is a response to a video post. I have a deadline of producing it by May 16, 2008.

The second project would be a series of videos. But first, must come up with a storyline.

Hmmm... Are you getting it? LOL

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Going Home With (Pentax) Aosta

Once more, I have a meeting in the morning in our Makati office, Thus, proceeded there first thing. I was also supposed to have a meeting in Ortigas in the afternoon; but since it was canceled, decided to stay in Makati and look into the project left by my staff who has recently resigned.

Thus, I would be going home the usual way when I was still based in our Makati office. Alas! My new "toy" has low battery charge, so, I have to make do with the video feature of my point-and-shoot digital camera Pentax Optio S50. Re-shot the footage using my new "toy".

Finally, my friend picked-up her buhangin (translation: sand) from Boracay... hehehehe!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Bohol Pasalubong

Since I have a meeting in Makati this morning, proceeded there directly.

A friend who went to Bohol with her family for an activity of the organization her kids belong to, brought me a pasalubong (translation: souvenir) of Peanut Kisses (this seems to be a common pasalubong from Bohol as it looks like the Chocolate Hills, which Bohol is famous for) and a Tarsier key chain. c",)

Monday, May 05, 2008

Going Home With Aosta

That's the effect of having a new "toy", you just have to "play" with it. LOL

This is the normal route I take just to get home from the office. One can see the pollution, crowd, queue, etc. that I have to face everyday to go home...

Upon arriving at SM Department Store in Makati, I was surprised that the department store is already closed. And it's only 7PM! From the grapevine, there is an event/occasion for SM's personnel.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Santacruzan / Flores de Mayo

It is already May! One is reminded of this whenever you see a procession. In fact, one passed in front of our house...

"A Santacruzan is a religious-historical beauty pagent held in many cities, towns and even smll villages throughout the Philippines during the month of May. One of the most colorful May-time festivals in the Philippines which depicts the finding of the Holy Cross by Queen Helena, mother of Constantine the Great." (From

"Flores de Mayo (flowers of May), Flores de Maria (flowers of Mary) or alay (offering), may refer to the whole Flower Festival celebrated in the month of May in honor of the Virgin Mary." (From

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Aliwan Fiesta

Today's THE day. It would be the Grand Parade of the Aliwan Fiesta 2008. The parade would start around 3PM at the Quirino Grandstand. Wanted to be there earlier so I can catch images of the preparation as well as find me a place to shoot the event when it actually starts.

At 1PM, I am already at the Grandstand. There were beautiful colorful costumes everywhere. The participants are friendly and charming, always willing to lend a smile as pictures of them were taken.

The usual, I guess, the Grand Parade did not start at 3PM. Don't know if it is a blessing or not, but around 3:45PM, the rain fell. At least, the contingent/participants have a place they can seek shelter from the rain.

When the rain stopped, decided to go home. Dropped my camera gear at home and proceeded to Glorietta to try to catch the anticipated Mass. Had dinner at Italianni's after the Mass.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Aiptek AHD-200 Pro

I must have caught the "miniature virus". This time, decided to buy me a digital video camcorder (my Sony video camcorder is kinda bulky). My options include Aiptek, Aosta and Grand Vision.

Am not sure where I can buy Aiptek products here. But since I am going to buy a water dispenser since the one we had got broken ("cracked"), went to Anson's at The Landmark Department Store. Saw an Aiptek AHD-200 Pro being sold at Anson's. Thus, bought the water dispenser and the DV camcorder there.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Aliwan! (Joy!) Iron Man

Today is the start of the Aliwan Festival 2008.

Last year, also attended the Aliwan Festival and saw a store selling Montano Sardines. I wanted to buy but I did not for I cannot imagine myself taking pictures of the grand parade while carrying bottles of Montano Sardines. Thus, decided to go today at the CCP Complex to buy it (Montano Sardines), if I found one.

Proceeded to the Aliwan Bazaar and went from store to store to look for that much-coveted sardines. Hayyy.... found none. (sad)

In front of Star City, a contingent was practicing their performance for Saturday, May 3, for the grand parade.

Empty-handed, took a taxi to Glorietta to watch Iron Man. If I was able to buy the sardines, would have dropped it off at home before proceeding to Glorietta.

A sci-fi, action, adventure, fantasy movie starring Robert Downey, Jr., Iron Man is about Tony Stark, a billionaire industrialist and weapons maker. After being captured and injured by Middle East terrorists, Stark has a change of heart when he saw that his weapons were in the hands of the wrong men. He decided to don a high-tech suit of armor in order to protect the very people who have been victimized by the weapons he created. Robert Downey, Jr. fits his character to a T. Loved the last scene when he is having a press conference.. Tee-hee! The special effects is great, there's a lot of action, and witty banter in between.

After the movie, decided to have a snack of Slammer Burgers' cheese burger.

Maybe because it is a holiday or it is the end-of-the-month, there is an ongoing sale in the mall. Decided to look for a backpack that can carry a laptop--this is so I can carry my subnotebook and my things in one bag instead of two (my bag and my computer bag). Checked first The Landmark Department Store's luggage section. Found one but decided to check other stores first.

Went to CD-R King to buy the 6-in-1 card reader which can serve as an expandable flash disk. Then, proceeded to my suki at Goldcrest to buy a mobile phone charger plus converter which I can use for my Nokia 6600 or for my Nokia N90. Next stop is the Mercury Drug Store to buy Caltrate Plus.

Decided to check SM Department Store for the backpack for laptop. Was able to buy an Elle backpack. For today only, SM Advantage Card members get a 10% discount on their purchases. Then, proceeded to World of Feng Shui to buy an ally coin amulet which I can hang in my new backpack.

Decided that it is time to go home. But on the way, saw a sale on eyepieces. Decided to buy. Got me a free kiddie shades for it. Hehehehe!

All in all, I am satisfied with my purchases... c",)
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Feng Shui, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.