Wednesday, December 31, 2008

On To The New Year

The family reunion which started with only three families confirming finally have all families attending. And it was arranged in short notice, as in, overnight..? Sometimes, all the planning can't beat the spur of the moment. Hehehe! c",)

The (lunch) reunion was done at Gloria Maris, Cultural Center of the Philippines Complex. Seating was done "by generation", that is, the first generation consisting of my aunts and uncles, the second generation consisting of us cousins, and the third generation consisting of my nephews and nieces. It is a bonding moment for the group.

There were lots and lots of food!!!

For the evening, we had lots of "round" fruits at the table.

A prosperous 2009 for all of us!!!!
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Annual Enchanted Kingdom

It has become a family tradition, that is, going to Enchanted Kingdom with my nieces and nephews for their "bonding" moment.

We were supposed to use two vehicles. A car and a van owned by my aunt. Something is wrong with my aunt's van's radiator. Good thing, my cousin's car is available and she volunteered to bring us to Enchanted Kingdom and pick us up later.

Our first stop was "Dodgem", followed by "Roller Skater". Since the line is already long at "Anchor's Away", we decided to already have an early lunch.

Followed it up with Rio Grande and the new SRRX (Shake, Ratte and Roll Experience). The teeners took the "Exodus The Ride" and "Kart Trak", while we "watched" the "Rialto". Then, we had meryenda at Ice Monster. The teeners, then, tried their hands at laser gun at Boulderville.

Had dinner and went a "go" again with the laser gun followed by "Anchor's Away".

To top the day is the fireworks display.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


(Back in my usual free wifi zone... Burger King. With the house still being repaired and my PLDT WeROAM SIM still to arrive, Burger King and I would be meeting up for some time. Hehehe!)

Was toying with the idea of getting a bayanWIRELESS landline prePAID because our house, until this time, is being repaired since the fire. My e-mail query yesterday gave me a very fast feedback as someone from Bayan Telecommunications, Inc. called me up. He said that there is a bayan center at Waltermart, Pasong Tamo.

Thus, went there this morning. Alas! The girl I talked to told me that they have ceased their bayanWIRELESS landline prePAID, and was offering me a postpaid plan of P499.00 monthly. Hmmm... then, how come the guy who called me yesterday answered all my queries about the prepaid services?

Would have availed it if the ZTE unit is available, which is not. Have read comments about the battery life of Huawei. I'll further think about it.

Went to Glorietta to have the pictures I took last night developed. Surveyed a backpack for Manong. I was able to buy one at SM Department Store. It's a Hawk backpack which is similar to my Jansport backpack.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Dayo (Sa Mundo Ng Elementalia)

(Writing this at Burger King, Glorietta...)

My second Metro Manila Film Festival (MMMFF) entry is Dayo (Sa Mundo Ng Elementalia), an adventure, Philippine animation movie.

The opening scene (wherein credits are presented) has a feel of a foreign animation film. What I like most about it is the features of the characters are Pinoy na Pinoy. Filipino folk songs and children songs were used, and the movie's theme sang by Ms. Lea Salonga has a Pinoy beat. Pinoy humor is also injected. Kudos to Filipino talents!

The film is an adventure of an 11-year old boy, Bubuy, who tries to save his grandparents who were abducted and brought to Elementalia. Bubuy befriends a manananggal and a tikbalang, who helped him save his grandparents.

(Writing this portion at home...)

Attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at a Venetto Italliano Ristorante.

As promised to our housemates, brought them at Greenhills Shopping Center to watch the Christmas story portrayed by "big dolls"... (Hehehe!)

Before, this was the yearly Christmas display of COD. It, then, transferred to Greenhills Shopping Center. There was night market, which we tried to do some (window) shopping. Afterwhich, ate at Chowking.

We, then, proceeded to Policarpio Street in Mandaluyong. This street was often featured in different TV shows for the Christmas theme. The houses along this street decorate their house lavishly. Unfortunately, the (decor) lights were often turned-off around 10PM. Good thing, we were able to see one of the houses still alit--The House of Santa.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Repair... Repair... Repair

(Writing this at Burger King, Glorietta...)

Have to go to the office to provide the things needed by my users who also reported for work...

Since I am already there, also did some personal business: called PLDT regarding the problems I am encountering with my PLDT WeROAM. I also e-mailed them about it. If that's not fast, somebody called me back and assisted me in the setting. Did not work. Thus, he recommended that I drop by at their Mandaluyong office to check whether the problem is with my unit or with my SIM.

The estimated time I gave to the users I would complete it is accurate. By 10:30AM, am already e-mailing them their request. Thus, borrowed again my brother's driver, Manong, to bring me to PLDT's Mandaluyong office. It took sometime to check the problem. (And thanks to the system restore I set-up in my laptop, it saved the day.) It was the SIM. They would be sending me a new SIM after three days, even on a holiday.

I, then, asked Manong to drop me off at Glorietta. Went immediately to Besa's to have my Maloperro laptop backpack repaired.

Since it is really late and I am hungry, went to Burger King to grab a bite and a byte. c",)

(Writing this portion at home...)

Yesterday, while having our Christmas lunch at Mongkok, my porcelein jacket fell off. Good thing, I did not swallow it! c",)

Learned that my dentist opened her clinic. Thus, after buying a few things and finishing my very late lunch, went to her clinic to have my tooth "repaired".

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day At The SM Mall Of Asia

Don't know why, but our usual family reunion every Christmas day did not push through. Thus, immediately made other plans.

Since there would be a Grand Parade Of Lights (2008) at the SM Mall of Asia (MOA), decided to spend the day there.

First stop is lunch at Mongkok Dimsum and Noodle House.

Then, watched one of the entries of the Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF). Would have preferred to movie-hop, but due to time and the real purpose of spending the day at MOA, we're limited to watching one movie today.

Shake, Rattle and Roll X (SRR) is the tenth in the series of said movie that is often an entry to the MMFF. It consists of three (horror) stories. For this series, it was "Emergency", "Class Picture" and "Nieves". SRR's formula is to have one of the stories to be humorous, and this did not skip a beat.

After which, we had merienda at Razon's, trying their famous halo-halo and pancit luglog.

Just in time, we are already in position when the Grand Parade of Lights (2008) passes.

Then, topped our day by watching a fireworks display.

We had dinner at The Pancake.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Last Working Day Of The Year... Supposedly

Reported again at our Makati office since, for lunch, we would be meeting a former office mate who arrived from Canada. It is a reunion of sorts. The reunion lunch was at Dencio's, Paseo Center.

The day went smoothly as all the things I plan to do were slowly ticked-off. Then, received a call from a user who said that they will be reporting for work on the 26th. Guess what? Me, too! Haayyyy... At least, January 2 was declared a holiday.

Since the merger, the company did not call for an early dismissal on the 24th. Thus, I already expected that I would be leaving the office with the sun already set. A good excuse to change my route home to take images of the Belens on display in different offices/buildings to commemorate the birth of Jesus.

"CHRISTmas is not an eternal event at all, but a piece of one's home that one carries in one's heart."

May this CHRISTmas bring abundant joy and happiness in your life!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Office Christmas Party

The unit where I am staying when I am in our Makati office is having a Christmas lunch party. And I was invited.

Thus, instead of reporting at our Ortigas office, I was at Makati. I became the unofficial official photographer.

There were games and food was overflowing. You can feel the Christmas spirit since they are already playing Christmas tunes in the morning and the place was decorated festively. That's the way it used to be... before the merger.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Lunch

Was in our Makati office for I will be meeting my friends for lunch--much like our Christmas reunion. They have already left the company but we still wish to keep in touch.

Our lunch is at Mann Yann at The Link (infront of The Landmark), Makati.

After, went to The Landmark Supermarket to buy the grocery items I was not able to purchase yesterday, then, returned to the office.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Promise Kept... Bolt!

(Writing this infront of Lucerne and Folded and Hung at Glorietta.)

Borrowed my brother's driver, Manong, to bring me to Del Pan to keep my promise.

During the Puso Sa Puso Charity Christmas Party for the Parola kids held at Del Pan Sports Complex, I was also taking pictures of the kids of Del Pan. I promised them that I would give them a copy of their picture.

I thought the store owner at the Del Pan Sports Complex would know the kids, she did not. Thus, went outside and asked one of the barangay tanods. He gave me directions to where the kids would be staying (turn left at the second street and just ask around to look for Girlie, the mother of one of the kids)... he said that they are living at the sidewalk near a warehouse.

Should have brought Manong with me... I was a bit afraid while going there for I was unfamiliar to the place, there were lots of people, some even do not have their shirt on. Finally, found Girlie. Even saw one of the kids who remembered me. Left the photos and a bag of goodies for the kids.

Then, proceeded to The Landmark to buy our Christmas groceries at their supermarket. I find the prices of Landmark reasonable.

Since I plan to attend the 7th of the nine-day novena (Simbang Gabi) Mass at Glorietta, stayed on and asked Manong to bring home the items we bought.

Would be watching a movie to while the time away...

(To be continued...)

While paying for the groceries, my brother called. Hayyy... if we can only "remove" the "thorn" who is our constant "pain". Bad... Tsk! Tsk!


(Writing this while having a half-bowl of Chili soup and half-chicken sandwich at The Soup Kitchen.)

Watched Bolt, an animation, action, adventure movie from Walt Disney, about a dog TV star who escaped his show's set hoping to "save" his person. Not knowing that what is on the show is not real, he soon realizes that he's no hero with superpowers when faced with the real world. With his team of a cat and a hamster in tow, they set out to go back and find his person, Penny.

Like any Disney movie, this movie has a lot of heart... and cute, too!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Two Masses

Decided to complete my Christmas list today. This way, it would be Christmas groceries for tomorrow.

Attended the 5PM anticipated Mass, thinking that is is also for the nine-day Simbang Gabi novena. It's not!

Thus, we ate really fast at Italianni's to attend the 7PM Simbang Gabi Mass... c",)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Office Belen

Was in our Makati office to check the film camera one of our housemates intended to buy. Already brought along a film, planning to finish it, develop and check the result of the images.

In the meantime, checked out the belens designed and put-up by another unit for their Chrismas competition.

Before the merger, it was our unit who have said competition (belen, Christmas tree or Christmas lantern), even decorating the floor with Christmas trinkets has been a part of the Christmas activity. In fact, other units of our company always bring their kids to check our Christmas decors. That was then.

The other unit that was somewhat "intact" continued our unit's tradition... at least.

For lunch, met with friends at The Old Spaghetti House (TOSH).

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Lunch Reunion

My friend, who is based in Australia, went home to visit her family/relatives for the Christmas season. Met her at Yellow Cab, Glorietta for lunch to exchange anecdotes, stories, etc.

Since I am already at our Makati office, during this season, the city would be ablaze with lights. Thus, walked (again) my way home, stopping now and then to take pictures.

Simbang Gabi
is being celebrated at Glorietta. It was believed, those who completed the Simbang Gabi would have their wishes granted. It is already the second of the nine-day novena Christmas Mass--seven to go. c",)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

More Off The List

Decided to do some more Christmas shopping today in order to tick off my list.

But first, went first to Fully Booked at The Fort to inquire if Corel's Painter X For Photographers is available in their store. It's not. Thus, have reserved for the book once it is available. Also picked-up my discount card.

Then, proceeded back to Glorietta to continue with my Christmas shopping. My goal is to buy gifts for the kids in my list.

Half-way through my shopping, felt like eating banana split. What else? c",)

I should say, my task for the day is successful as I was able to complete what I am to do. ;)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Back In My Arms

Finally, my Acer Aspire One is back. My suspect is BIOS corruption based on its behaviour. This because of what I read from the internet and also learned that there is an upgrade to the BIOS. Probably, the service center upgraded my netbook's BIOS.

Immediately went to Burger King to eat lunch and put my netbook to its paces. Hehehe! So far, so good.

Felt not watching a movie. If Bolt is still being shown in Glorietta theaters, I would have. Thus, bought some items in Landmark Supermarket. Then, have my memory card replaced at CD-R King. After which, attended the anticipated Mass.

Had dinner at Pizza Hut Bistro. Just as we left the restaurant, we witnessed a fireworks show!

Friday, December 12, 2008


Reported for work after my three-day leave. I knew it would be a fun day as I have a lot to look forward to today.

And then... the memory card I bought from CD-R King gets corrupted. It contained the paintings I made during my three-day workshop!!!! Hayyyy....

For lunch, my long delayed birthday treat with my friends at a Venetto Italliano Ristorante, Glorietta.

After office, walked home. There was a rally and there were lots of policemen.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

PCCI: Corel Painter X For Photographers, Day 1

Finally, I will be taking the course being offered by Philippine Center For Creative Imaging (PCCI) that I wanted to take for a long time. Because it is often scheduled on a weekday, it is hard to set my schedule.

It is Corel Painter X for Photographers by the Rommel Bundalian. Rommel sure got talent. He's down to earth and you won't be afraid to ask questions. Hmmm... this three-day workshop would be fun and learning experience.

Monday, December 08, 2008

IV 6 Christmas Party / Reunion

The plan which was concocted on the way back from Vigan came to fruition tonight. The party was held at Tilak Hettige's house. Food was potluck.

Through several rounds of tequila and water (hehehe!), stories were exchanged back and forth. With good company around, we parted ways around 2AM!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Being Santa Claus

Decided to slowly check-off those in my list. Thus, went to Glorietta to buy my gifts for officemates based at Makati. Dropped them off and placed the gifts on their desks so that first thing they see at the start of the week is my gift... c",)

Then, decided to go to SM Mall of Asia to buy more gifts.

Too bad, with all that shopping, I missed watching the fight of Manny Pacquiao and Oscar dela Hoya. Thus, have to be content trying to get snippets as to the result of the fight. Manny Pacquiao won! Yes!!!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Workshop, Outreach, Quarantine

My day started early.

First, have to attend the first activity of the camera club recently launched by our company. It's a basic photography workshop conducted by the Vic Sison. It is a half-day activity; but, was not able to finish it because I have to be in my next venue by 12 noon for the briefing.

Took the MRT to Ayala Station. Decided to eat lunch first before proceeding to the Del Pan Sports Complex, Manila for the PUSO SA PUSO Charity Christmas Party. Took a taxi and was there a few minutes after 12 noon. There are many volunteers and there are lots of photographers to document the event. Good thing, have my small video camera, thus, decided to take videos instead. c",)

The Christmas Party is for the kids of Parola. There was face painting, twisted balloons, magic show, clowns, etc. If you can only see the faces of these kids...

Afterwhich, proceeded to Glorietta to attend the anticipated Mass. Had dinner at Soup Factory. Then, decided to watch a movie before going home.

is a horror, suspense, thriller movie about a reporter and her cameraman assigned to cover the night shift of a Los Angeles fire department. The night was uneventful until they received a 911 call from an apartment. A viral outbreak causes its residents to turn into monsters; thus, those who entered it were contained/quarantined. The camera movement wanted me to puke. Left the movie house without finishing the movie. Am sure, all those in the apartment won't survive. Hmpt!

Friday, December 05, 2008


It's our division's Christmas party. The party would start at 6PM. Good thing, it was done in our other building. If not, I won't be attending--considering how I would be getting home.

Twice I won consolation prizes. I wonder why...

Food is good, there's an open bar, and there were games and raffle.

Left right after the presentation, not waiting if I would be called for the major prize. c",)

Thursday, December 04, 2008

From Singapore

Met my kumpare for lunch. Gave him the gifts for my inaanak. Then, received his pasalubong for me from Singapore. Nice!!!

Alas! For merienda, good thing I was in our Makati office as the birthday celebrant (based at Makati) gave a treat to her teammates. Since I was there, I was invited. I became the photographer of the "event". c",)

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

One Down, More To Go

Bought my Christmas and birthday gifts for my inaanak since my kumpare and I would meet tomorrow for lunch. A good time to send my gifts and have it placed under their Christmas tree.

Bought myself a gift. And guess what? Because of my katsikahan, I got me almost PhP4,000.00 discount off from the item! Canon PowerShot G10

Monday, December 01, 2008


It's a non-working holiday!

After resting the whole day yesterday because of the trip we had to Vigan, decided to check what is all the fuss about Twilight.

But first, went to SM Mall of Asia (MOA) to look for gifts for my staff. Always wanted it to be personalized; thus, went to Eiko. There used to be an Eiko store at Glorietta 2, but since it is still not open, decided to go to MOA.

Then proceeded to Glorietta as I am at home with the said mall. I know where a store is located, like the back of my hand.

Twilight is a modern-day love story between a vampire and a human (girl). It is based on a novel whose got its own following. One obviously knows who have read the novel as they are giggly in some of the scenes in the movie. LOL