Saturday, January 31, 2009

Aspire Back!

Picked-up my Acer Aspire One. It has been reformatted. I wonder of the "update" of the BIOS previously somehow corrupted the OS that it needs to be reformatted...

One thing is sure, I would be spending tonight and tomorrow installing my software/s.

Started the updates of the operating system at Burger King. Where else? Hehehe!

But first, scratched off another item from my wish list (thanks to Photoworld 2009). I was able to buy Kenko extension tube set (with a discount... LOL).

Then, attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at Phobac.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Photoworld Asia 2009

Just the second day of the Photoworld Asia 2009, given the number of people, we can say that it is a success. In fact, on its first day, one the participants already sold a Manfrotto carbon fiber tripod... hehehe!

Would have loved to check each store, but with my heavy backpack, I think I'll do it tomorrow.

Then, proceeded to Glorietta's 3rd Floor where the works of different camera clubs under the Federation of Philippine Photographers Foundation (FPPF) is on display. It was titled "A Journey in the Avant Garde".

Alpha Camera Club's Massive Eyegasm

Nayon Photographers Club's Creating Our Own Town

Exposure Camera Club's Life Of A Fisherman

Prize Photo Camera Club's Goddess

Twilight Camera Club's Glass Pixels

Framed Shots Camera Club's Peeping Tom

Imahe Camera Club's Ethereal

Likha Camera Club's Filipina

The art of Framed Shots Camera Club's Peeping Tom, one has to peek at the holes of the galvanized iron to see the images.



Sunday, February 23, 2025

The occult, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wish List

One down, many to go...

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Manfrotto 190CXPRO3
Prosumer digital camera
Demb Flash Diffuser
Kenko Extension Tube Set
Attend Tilak Hettige's A Closer Look At Nature
Attend Mark Floro's Food Photography

Thanks to the PhotoWorld 2009, I was able to buy the tripod with a discount... c",)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Banana Bowl

The meeting that morning took sometime that we have to extend beyond lunch time. Thus, our lunch is free... at Banana Leaf. c",)

Been practicing to have my singing bowl sing. I would be meeting my friend, who requested that I buy for her the 7-day jade with mystic knot bracelet, on Friday and would have to "cleanse" (/energize) her bracelet. I wonder how we would look at the restaurant while doing the cleansing... c",)
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Feng Shui, the occult, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Dragon-Lion Dance

Kung Hei Fat Choi!

As was the tradition, there would be a dragon and lion dance in our office. The "lions" would be going from floor to floor to "eat" the ang paos. Those visited by the "lions" are given blessings.

I was at our Makati office today because of the meeting I have to attend. Decided to stay and wait for the dragon-lion dance in our Makati office.
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Feng Shui, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

On To The Year Of The Ox

Decided to go to the SM Mall of Asia (MOA) to check-out the charms for my animal sign with the coming of the Year of the Ox. Went to Charms and Crystals. There were lots of people. Must be because the Chinese New Year would be on Monday, January 26.

They gave me a document containing the forecast for those born on The Year of the Snake:

"Two years ago, you were riding high on the influence of the #1 Victory star. Last year, the ride was somewhat erratic because of the #9 Purple star, which had a magnifying effect on other stars--both positive and negative--on your chart. 2009 is a year that you can look optimistically towards. The highly prized #8 star flying into the center and influencing all, the power of the Wealth star will be intensified. Money will come by more easily that usual and you will get to enjoy the upside of business. With ample effort and motivation, this year may be a good time for growing one's business, embarking on new endeavors and enjoying the fruition of work you have started in the past. Take advantage of the opportunities and do not let them go to waste. Luck has a way of changing, so take advantage of this good period to make sound investments. Material wealth is not everything in this world. Spread your blessings by practicing charity."

Bought me a Mantra ("Om Mani Padme Hum") 8 Black Onyx. Of course, got me a discount... Hehehe! Before leaving, saw Joy Lim of Charms and Crystals at MOA's Main Mall Atrium.

Went to Glorietta to buy balikbayan boxes; then, attended the anticipated Mass. We had dinner at a Venetto Italianni Ristorante.
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Crystals, New Age, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Received an SMS last Tuesday. The Tilak Hettige is back from abroad. He was there for a project.

Tonight, we would be having dinner at his house. It would be like a New Year reunion for the group. We had Sri Linkan meal (forgot their names... hehehe!). It was spicy!

But what is fun are the stories we share. We even made a long distance call to make kulit one of our friends. LOL

When we are about to leave around 11PM, there was power interruption. Instead of leaving, we stayed a few more minutes to have the tea prepared by Tilak's wife and chat some more, dimly lighted by a lantern. We finally parted ways around 11:45PM.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Promise kept.

My friend and I met at Glorietta to have our lunch at Friday's. I had Jack Daniel's Pork Chops, and my friend had Jack Daniel's Chicken and Shrimp. Would have ordered a dessert but we're already full.

It is also a good time to give our long-delayed Christmas gifts... Hehehe!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Inauguration

The world is watching as the first African American would be taking his oath as the 44th President of the United States of America.

Seeing the big crowd, one can feel the hope these people are pinning into Barack Obama. The man has his hands full.

Because of the fire, we're still in our temporary place. Thanks to bsmitch of Hayag Live!, I am able to view the inauguration through CNN.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


It is the feast of the Sto. Nino. Devotees to baby Jesus participate in a parade that would lead them to the church where images of the infant Jesus they are carrying would be blessed. The images are "dancing" to the beat of the song being played by the band in the parade.

Left the house after lunch, hoping to catch the Caracol 2009, Makati's Mardi Gras. The jeepney I rode was caught in traffic because of the parade for the Sto. Nino. You can see images of baby Jesus in different attire--captain, seaman, basketball player, etc. Even babies were dressed like Sto. Nino!

Stepped off the jeepney near The Landmark. That's when I saw a parade about to start at Greenbelt. The parade of the Sto. Nino would start from Greenbelt chapel, go around Ayala Land, and back to the chapel.

Then, strolled around Glorietta.

Decided to go to the parking lot at the corner of Ayala and Paseo de Roxas. This is the meeting place for the participants of Makati's Caracol 2009.

Decided to skip the actual parade... because I am hungry. The parade is said to start around 4-5PM. Thus, it was Razon's halo-halo and pancit luglug for me.

Have you ever met inconsiderate people? People who would be infront of the cashier and would only think of their order just then, while there are people waiting for their turn? People who are not sure if they would be adding more order or not? I have. And she even has the nerve to accuse me of saying bad words about her! The truth is, I have not. But after accusing me, hoped that she choked on the halo-halo... hehehe! Of course, answered her back.. in straight English.

In the first place, why would she think that? That's what I call "a pot calling a (shiny) kettle black".

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Another round of workshop under the Vic Sison. It took the whole of morning.

Then, proceeded to Glorietta. Had lunch at Burger King while trying to troubleshoot the problem of my Acer Aspire One. This time, the touch pad does not work. My attempts are useless. Thus, brought the unit to the store where it was bought to have it serviced. It would take two weeks (better this way than taking a leave from the office to bring it to Acer's Service Center).

Since there is no more time to watch a movie, decided to window shop. Weird, but I got interested in one toy.. Hehehe! The come on was that it would not fall off the edge. And it would be nice to have several so that they would try to bump each other to let the other fall off the edge. But there is only one unit at Kidz Station. The saleslady told me that somebody bought several yesterday and there is no more stock. Skip the toy... for now. Then, I also found the last item at Rustan's. Bought it and ran my way to Kidz Station to buy the other bump car. c",)

Attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at Pizza Hut Bistro.

We decided to check-out Glorietta 5. Good move. Bench has an activity at said mall for breast cancer awareness. There were known personalities. Saw Billy Crawford, Lucy Torres, Pops Fernandez, Jomari Yllana, Korina Sanchez, Tessa Prieto, Vicky Belo, John Pratts, even members of the so-called Gucci Gang.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Food Galore!

Have a very early meeting. My users based at Makati told me to be there at their area by 8:30AM. When I arrived, there's breakfast for everyone!

Last Wednesday, a birthday celebrant gave a treat. Everyone was ecstatic about the pandesal that we just have to have more of it. Thus, they ordered for today another big box of pandesal. Each one of them brought palaman--luncheon meat, sardines, butter, peanut butter, liver spread, etc.--for the pandesal. One bought coffee and hot chocolate for everyone.

When everyone had their fill, it is only then the meeting started.

For lunch, it was North Park. We would be treating our friend who is based at New Zealand. She has to go back unscheduled for her father's burial. Since her trip is unplanned, she was not able to get an earlier flight home because of the peak season. In fact, she has to renew her passport to be able to go back to New Zealand. If she had known, she would have done so immediately she arrived.

Back to the office, two of the people in the area I work when I am in Makati would be transferred to another unit. Thus, their current unit gave them a surprise despedida. Ever prepared, became their unofficial photographer. c",)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Feeling... c",)

Am in our Makati office as I have a morning meeting there. Preferred to stay in Makati the whole day in case I have a meeting there, rather than shuttling to and from Makati and Ortigas--it is not tiring and not time-consuming.

Since I no longer have a meeting in the afternoon, have to look for an available workstation I can use. Unfortunately, the area I often stay in have all their workstations occupied. Thus, borrowed one so that the files I would be working on can be sent to my Yahoo! account, access it using my personal internet access and work on it.

And, guess what? Used the office temporarily occupied by one of our senior executives. Feeling! Hehehehe!

Seeing a feature on one of the TV shows about carpal tunnel. Quickly surfed the symptoms. Psychological? Felt that I am experiencing one or two symptoms for the illness. Also read about wearing a support for several weeks. This may help avoid/cure the illness. Worst cure for carpal tunnel is an operation.

Thus, after office, looked for one. Saw a support really designed for carpal tunnel.. for the left-hand (only left in stock)! It just shows there more right-handed people than left-handed... Bought a "generic" wrist support.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

At John And Yoko

Received an SMS informing me that we would be meeting our friend based in Canada tonight. A friend is already meeting with her (and her family) earlier to accompany them around Glorietta and Greenbelt.

We would be treating them for dinner at John and Yoko restaurant at Greenbelt 5. It is a synergy of East and West. We also saw Filipino actor and actresses dining there--Michael V., and on another table is sisters Janice and Gelli de Belen with their families.

There were exchange of stories, updates left and right. We just have to part ways because they would also be meeting other friends at The Fort.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Glorietta 5

Went to the salon for my usual hair treatment. Took sometime that my lunch was way past 12 noon. Using the internet to watch the shows via Hayag. Had lunch at Burger King.

Since I have time on my hands, decided to check-out the newly opened Glorietta 5, where most shops of Glorietta 1 and 2 would be transferring, and check-out, too, the stores who are operating on a "dry run".

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bedtime Stories

A week after the Metro Manila Film Festival, expect lots of new movies. Among them are The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Bedtime Stories, The Spirit, and Transporter 3.

Started with Bedtime Stories. An adventure, comedy movie about Skeeter Bronson (Adam Sandler), a hotel handyman, whose life changed when the bedtime stories he relates to his niece and nephew somehow comes true. He tries to tell outlandish stories to "help" him, but the kids' contribution to the stories turns his life upside-down. As expected of any Adam Sandler movie, his friend Rob Schneider is in a cameo appearance, who also gave a share of laughs.

After the movie, went to The Landmark to check the affordable capris pants. Bought me two. Hehehe! Two pants for the price of an on-sale branded capris pants. Suddenly, felt like eating Ice Monster or Razon's halo-halo. They're not in Landmark's food court, nor in Glorietta's Food Choices. Found Razon's at SM's food court. Thus, it was Razon's for me.

Attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at a Veneto Pizzeria Ristorante.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Brothers Burger

Always saw it when I am on my way to SM Megamall's Cyberzone. Decided that I'll be taking my lunch there. It now has a branch at Mega Atrium. Believe me, Brother Burger's hamburgers taste sooooo gooood. I added cilantro cream in my order.

After, strolled around Cyberzone and went back to reality. c",)

SE R300, 06Jan2008

Saturday, January 03, 2009

(Window?) Shopping!!!

(Writing this at Burger King, Glorietta...)

Wanted to check-out the MyPhone B23 Duo. Liked its feature more because of the AM radio. Hehehe! Thus, started at Park Square 1, combed my way to Goldcrest and to Greenbelt 1. Oh my, Greenbelt 1 is already connected with Greenbelt 5! Went back to Park Square 1. All along, I can find said unit in the store where I bought my Nokia N90 years ago.

Since I still have Sodexho gift certificates, decided to buy clothes for work. I won't be wearing my uniform this year. Anyway, we weren't supposed to. Because SM Department Store accepts Sodexho, decided to buy there. Haayyyy... don't know why I can't seem to choose.

Decided to grab a bite (and byte) at Burger King. Will try The Landmark Department Store next. I'm sure I'll be able to buy me some decent clothes...

(Writing this portion at home...)

I was right, I was able to buy clothes at The Landmark.

Attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at Italianni's.

Friday, January 02, 2009


Went to the doctor first thing. He gave me antibiotics (cotrimoxazole) twice a day after meal, and another medicine (eldicel), which I am to take only if my stomach still feels pain, every eight hours. He said it was bacterial diarrhea.

We had lunch at Yellow Cab at Cash 'N Carry. This is where I found the SIM I have been looking for--PLDT Landline Prepaid Plus.

Then, proceeded to Loyola Memorial to attend the wake of a friend's father.

Afterwhich, picked up my niece at Market! Market! and we were dropped off at Glorietta. Since I already have the PLDT Landline Prepaid Plus SIM, which I am going to use with my Nokia 1200, bought a MyPhone T52 Duo. Put in the Smart SIM of the Nokia 1200 and a new Sun Cellular SIM in the MyPhone T52 Duo, which is for home use.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Ang Tanging Ina N'yong Lahat

That much food yesterday must have really taken it's toll. Woke up with my stomach in pain. SMSed my cousin as to what medicine to take. After several exchanges of SMS, it was Buscopan and to drink Gatorade.

As promised my housemates, we went to Glorietta to watch one of the entries of the Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF)--Ang Tanging Ina N'yong Lahat. But first, ate lunch at The Pancake.

The famous mother of "Tanging Ina" sequel is back as President of the country. Her punchlines are her "re-worded" quotes.

After the movie, really felt bad. I don't think I can still watch a second movie (for our planned movie marathon). Bought chicken at Shakey's to go for our dinner.