Barangay Election
Today is a holiday as 2007 Barangay Election would be held. First thing I did (after a quick shower, quick breakfast, etc.) is go to the polling precinct to cast my vote--it is best to vote in the morning.

Yesterday, surfed the internet to know what to do if I decide not to fill-up all the position. From Article XVIII Section 211 of the
Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines, it states that "
Circles, crosses or lines put on the spaces on which the voter has not voted shall be considered as signs to indicate his desistance from voting and shall not invalidate the ballot."
Afterwhich, went home for a short rest, asked Manong to drive me and look for the venue of the meeting I would be attending tomorrow, and drop me off at
The Landmark. This is where I bought some candles for the All Souls Day. Manong then picked-up my nephew from the gym and asked them to pass by The Landmark so that they can already bring home the candles I bought (it is a bit heavy). Was thinking of watching a movie--and decided against it. Thus, after buying a few things, proceeded home.
A sad day... FASTPhone, one of the systems I implemented at the Bank, has finally retired. Steps to replace the hardware was put to a halt with the (impending) merger as the other bank's system would prevail. It did not even wait until the conversion has been completed. I wonder if "it" was saddened when we transferred to Ortigas that "it" just gave up... c",)
FPPF 20th Year Anniversary Grand Reunion
Today's the 20th Year Anniversary Grand Reunion of the
Federation of Philippine Photographers Foundation (FPPF). One of the activities is the On-The-Spot (OTS) competition to be held at
Fort Santiago where the alumni of FPPF's workshops can join and participate in taking images/portraits of models.

Also, the most photographed model graced the event.
After lunch is a short workshop conducted by Mr. Allan Razo. Afterwhich, the judging of the winners of the OTS. For the night's event is the concert of the Madrigal Singers at the Folk Arts Theater, for the benefit of FPPF.
Since we were already too tired because of the day's activities, decided to skip the concert. I, then, proceeded to
Glorietta to attend the anticipated Mass. For dinner, it's
Bubba Gump at
Greenbelt 3, my late birthday treat... c",)
The Transfer
It's a sad day... Today's the day we would be transferring to our new (temporary) office at Ortigas. Around 9:30AM, the people tasked to transfer our computer and its peripherals arrived. Our chair, small drawer and boxes containing our personal things would be picked up tomorrow, a Saturday.

Since one of our officemates would be bringing his car (/van), we decided to bring already our boxes when we proceed to Ortigas. It seems all of us have "separation anxiety" on our things... Hehehe!
We tend to drag on our packing (prolonging our stay in Makati--even for a few minutes--LOL). We finally left our Makati office around 3PM.
Obviously, as soon as we arrived at Ortigas, we just arranged our things until it was time to go home... c",)
Startdust... Dust Subsides...
Right after the bombing, still decided to go to the Mall. Several stores are still closed. Fastfood like Wendy's, Burger King, McDonald's, Jollibee, are either closed or open but only sell cold food (sundae, salad, soda, etc.)

Already on its second week run, decided to watch
Stardust, a fantasy, adventure, romance movie. A fallen star is the "target" by the witches, by a prince and even a young lover who promised the prettiest girl in the village to give her the fallen star, not knowing that the star is not a rock/meteorite but a beautiful woman. Both the star and the young lover set out in an adventure as they try to outwit the "seekers". The movie is fun, good special effects and bucket of humor (without even resorting to slapstick humor).

After the movie, strolled around the mall to observe. There are only a few people around, which is very unusual for a weekend. In fact, I think we were only twenty in the movie house! The area around
Glorietta 2 has been boarded up, thus, no chance for me to see the destruction caused by yesterday's bombing.
Attended the anticipated Mass and decided to go home at once. (Fr. Jun who celebrated the anticipated Mass is the same one who celebrated the Mass that Friday, the day the bomb exploded, with the Zobel family.) Saw that in front of Glorietta 2, there are still lots of police cars and rescue. The street is almost empty. Very unlikely on a Saturday night.
Tonight, received an SMS stating, "
Huwag kayo punta sa Global City, Market Market
at Makro, Bicutan. All Ayala Corporations' subject for bombings. Ocean Liners
hindi pumutok bomba kanina. Intel info
yan, high alert
kami. -- TXT from a police officer". (Translation: Don't go to Global City, Market Market and Makro, Bicutan. All Ayala Corporations' subject for bombings. Ocean Liners, the bomb did not explode earlier. It's intel info, we're on high alert.)
Not sure if this is true, but it is best to be safe.
Bomb! The Dark is Rising
A meeting in the morning and a 4PM meeting at Ortigas means several hours idle time for me. Thus, decided to watch
The Seeker: The Dark is Rising to while the time.

An adventure, action, sci-fi movie,
The Seeker: The Dark is Rising is about Will Stanton, the seventh son of the seventh son, who is destined to protect the world from the Dark. He travels through time, learning to use his powers to fight against the Dark. The movie is fast-paced and keep one in one's toes whether Will would be able to find all the six signs he would need to defeat the Dark.
While watching the movie, noticed that the movie house's security guard keeps walking back and forth as if looking for something. Also received my niece is calling my mobile phone; thus, turned it off.
As soon as I stepped out of the theater, called my niece. Unable to contact her. But after a few minutes, she called back and learned that a bomb exploded at
Glorietta 2. It seems that one of her classmates' dad is at Glorietta and witnessed the explosion.
Back to where we would have a meeting, everyone is already aware of the news. Each is surfing the internet for any updates of what occurred. When it's almost 5:30PM, that's when I learned that the meeting was cancelled!
Thus, decided to go home (instead of returning to the Makati office). Took the MRT (Metro Rail Transit), bought an SVT (stored value ticket) since my transfer to Ortigas is nearing, stepped off the Ayala Station. I hoped to see a glimpse of what happened at Glorietta 2.
Glorietta 1, near National Bookstore
TV Vans behind Gerry's Grill, near Glorietta 2
Infront of Glorietta 2
That's when I learned that the Glorietta Mall has been closed. It was dark, quiet and gloomy--unusual for a place that is always vibrant and alive, specially on Fridays. It seems the place is mourning the
death of 8 people and hurting 100+ people due to the explosion.
Good News, Bad News
Let's start first with the bad news...
Bad News. Upon waking up, learned that my cousin's husband died in his sleep. Also read the SMS sent by another cousin about this. It must be
bangungot (translation: nightmare). Statistically, Filipinos have the most number who die of
bangungot among other nationality. Sad...
Good News. First, I received an e-mail notifying me that I can already pick-up my unit for the PLDT WeROAM. Decided to have a very early lunch. Picked it up at PLDT's Makati office and proceeded to Landmark's Food Court for my lunch.

As soon as I returned to the office, I saw gifts on my desk. A friend left it on my desk. Too bad I missed her, else we would have lunch together.

The gifts are cinnamon apple from Sanfo Treats and a cellphone chain/link. Was able to take the picture of the cellphone chain/link as I already ate the Sanfo Treats apple. c",)
My brother asked me to take images he needed for his project. Since I am going there to check if I my entry was among shortlisted (and a chance to win) in the
Philippine Airlines First Photo Contest, it's no problem.

Again, with my brother's driver, Manong, in tow, went to
SM Mall of Asia. Odd... There's no pictures displayed at the Main Mall. Asked the Customer Information if the PAL Photo Contest would take place today. They showed me their list and it's not in it! Tsk! Tsk!
Thus, decided to take the images requested by my brother. It seems that it is not allowed to take photos of MOA... I wonder why. In the first place, if they were afraid of terrorists, I don't think terrorists would be bringing an SLR along--a mobile phone with camera is enough. Took also pictures of the church and the area behind.
Although am disappointed as the announcement of winners for the PAL Photo Contest did not push thru, enjoyed watching the dog competition also held at the MOA today. Those dogs are definitely disciplined and smart!
Surprise! Canon Photo Marathon
Today's the day. Have asked my brother weeks earlier that I would borrow his driver, Manong, so I can join the
Canon Image Nation Photo Marathon 2007.
Left home early so that we can find the
Blue Leaf where the event will take place. We asked a lot of security guards (thanks!) before we were able to find the place. When we arrived there, there were already a lot of photographers lining up to register.
In our "kit" (/knapsack), we have a t-shirt which we were supposed to wear during the photo marathon proper, a red cap, ID with Makati Mayor's permit at the back, a map, and permits allowing us to take photos at Ayala Center. The first theme would be between 10AM to 1PM, the second and the bonus theme is between 2PM to 5PM.
Theme 1: Modern Metropolis
Theme 2: Life in the City
Bonus Theme: Sarap Maging Pinoy
For the first theme, took several pictures including near the railroad tracks. But what made an impact on me is that I was able to go up a building's roof deck/helipad and take photos of the view from it. The guard who accompanied me kindly brought an umbrella as it was drizzling that time (thanks!).
For the second and the bonus theme, my "models" nicely granted my request to take their photos.
I was always early to go back to The Blue Leaf to submit the image I took. Me and Manong nicely timed our photo shooting and the time to go back to The Blue Leaf. Just when I am about to submit my entries for the second and the bonus theme, my brother called me and asked that I join my niece's surprise 18th birthday party arranged by her friends. Uh-oh! That means I would not be attending the awarding of the winners. Now, how would I know if I have won that Canon 40D plus the trip to Japan for a Photo Clinic? Hehehe!

The surprise party will be held at the function room of
Cityland Vito Cruz Towers. If I have known, I should have been there to take the view of Makati's skyscrapers!!!
The party went well and my niece was, indeed, surprised. She never had an inkling that her friends arranged a party for her. Of course, I am the photographer. c",)
Received lots of SMS greeting me on my special day.

For lunch, met with my friends and officemates for lunch at
Cabalen. Dropped by Greenbelt Chapel to thank Him for the blessings He has showered me and my family. Bought an 8-port hub and two two-meter LAN cable; then, proceeded home.
Dinner is at home with family and friends with food from
Emerald Garden Restaurant. The waiter there (Jimmy) still remembers me. But did not see Rosie, the restaurant's manager.
Start of my two-day leave and it's time for my driver's license to be renewed.

Went first to
LTO's satellite office at MRT-Ayala. Too bad they can only do renewal and change of address (I want to remove "Ma." in my driver's license so that the name reflected on it would be the same as that reflected in my birth certificate), else, I am the only one there at the office and would have my new driver's license in a breeze.
Thus, went to LTO's office at Tambo, Paranaque. The lady at the front desk is so helpful and the process is smooth. But since there are a lot of people, it still took some time. But considering, if there is no process in place, it would have taken me the whole day!
Framed Shots: Windows, Macro
Today's the day of winning.
First, our very-own Manny Pacquiao beat Barrera in boxing. Yes!!!
Then, La Salle beat University of the East for the UAAP Championship. Hurrah!!!
Since I'm an October celebrant, brought
Amber's Pancit Malabon in the monthly meeting of
Framed Shots.
Here are the images I submitted for Windows:

And for Macro:

Hayyy.... and not one even made it to the top 15.
Chuck and Larry
Already on it's second week, decided to watch I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry
since I don't feel like watching the new movies which opened this week.

Two straight guys, Chuck Levine and Larry Valentine, trying to circumvent the red-tape to ensure the future of Larry's children decided to be "domestic partners". What seems to be an easy task becomes complicated when an over-zealous bureaucrat questions their relationship. Obviously, these complications becomes hilarious.
After the movie, attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at
The move is inevitable. Even if I rack my brains to think of reasons to delay the move, eventually, I have to transfer. Thus, for several days now (since last week), I try to clean-up every afternoon so that I'll just bring a few things when I transfer.
My Desk
Sorting, Segregating Items for Filing, Shredding, Warehouse
My desk after today's elbow-grease
View From My Desk
Today, decided to do my cleaning for the whole day, with a meeting in the morning as a break. There is a lot of improvement as the three piles on my desk has vanished! LOL.
Looking at the result of my day's cleaning... I think I still have to bring home some trinkets which I originally wanted to bring when I transfer. And... I still have a lot to clean/organize when I come back on Wednesday.
It's my niece's 18th birthday. She's not having a debut party; but instead, her dad's gift for her is a trip to Japan. It would be scheduled either end of the year or early next year.

Since her classes would end 9PM, her younger sister waited for her to return home as she would like to see her sister's reaction on her gift to her.
The birthday celebrant blew two candles for the two cakes after saying her birthday wish. When she opened the gift given by her younger sister, there was a ruckus. She can't help but laugh. She loved the gift which her younger sister ordered from the internet and delivered from Japan!
Alarm, Signal, Alarm
Bought a portable security alarm last Saturday. Found it too sensitive, decided to have it replaced from the
tiyangge store I bought it.
So, during lunch time, rode a jeepney to
Ayala Center, have my portable alarm replaced, rode again another jeepney to go to
Waltermart, ate lunch at
Pancake, went to
Handyman Do It Best to look for a walkie talkie (I saw the unit there last Saturday) and a smoke detection alarm.
Portable Alarm. The portable alarm can be used by travellers as an added security. They can hang it on door handles of the hotel room one is staying. If somebody touches the door/door handle, the alarm will sound for 10 seconds, enough to frighten the intruder and wake you.
Walkie Talkie. I can use it to communicate those in my group. This can be useful when I join the Canon Photo Marathon 2007. (My old walkie talkie is no longer operable.) This would save on mobile phone costs. c",)
Smoke Alarm. I wanted a battery-operated smoke alarm for easy installation. There's no harm in installing one at home.