Woke up by sounds of galvanized iron (roofing) as if it is being blown away. Alas! Typhoon Santi has made a landfall. It was supposed to pass by Metro Manila and Central Luzon.
Heard from the radio that Santi shifted its route. Just think, if it did not, it would have been worse!
(Writing this using my netbook running in its battery source. There's no power. Learned later that five electrical posts in our area fell down.)
Since there's no cable, which was affected by the typhoon, my niece asked that we go to the mall/theater and watch a movie.
After lunch, it's as if no storm has passed. There were lots of kids (with their parents) in the mall, all gaily dressed for a trick-or-treat. The kids go from one store to another which have candies/goodies for the kids.
While waiting for the start of the movie, my niece and I did some window shopping and some photo shoot. The movie we are to watch is Jennifer's Body starring Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox.
After an accident at a local pub, a cheerleader, Jennifer, gained an appetite for human blood. Offered as a sacrifice gone wrong, Jennifer became possessed by a demon. Her BFF "Needy" Lesnicki took upon herself to stop her.
After the movie, attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at Italianni's.
Am on leave today. Availed of my birthday leave. Our office allows it to be taken any day of your birthday month.
Was able to do a lot today. Went back to Aperture to pick up the hex screw, which I left behind yesterday, for the tripod plate. Paid my bills, did some shopping and watched a movie.
It's Patient X--a horror, thriller movie. Starring Richard Gutierrez as Lucas, a doctor who witnessed the killing of his family when he was a kid. But the killers are not ordinary people, for they are what we call aswang. You can't just kill aswangs for they heal. Some scenes are illogical, but I guess, the purpose was to scare.
After the movie, decided to buy some groceries. On the way to The Landmark, guess who I saw? The Harvey Tapan. It's a Friday... he must have a date. c",)
Because of the typhoons which devastated the country, our monthly meeting was moved today.
The theme is Color (my dream). Submitted three images for the photo contest. One was included in the semi-finalist, my other one is included as finalist. It is one of my first shots from my converted Canon 350D. c",)
Our office's camera club would be going to the Thunderbird Resort at Cainta, Rizal to have a feel for the place. This is in preparation for the photo contest sponsored by said resort.
The group would be availing the free shuttle of the resort. Divided the group into two, one would be at Ever, Ortigas pick-up point, and the other is at Sta. Lucia, Cainta. I would be at Ever, Ortigas. Borrowed my brother's driver to drive me to the pick-up point.
Harvey Tapan is supposed to join us in our shoot. But due to unforeseen events, he wasn't able to join.
Have with me three cameras: my Canon EOS 5D Mark II, my Canon EOS 350D (converted to infrared) and my Canon G10. Am I seeing a pattern here?
Upon arrival, the manager showed us the place and were given welcome drinks. It seems that the resort's casino is it's main attraction. Taking photos of the casino is a big no-no.
We took their 3:15pm shuttle which will bring us Sta. Lucia, Cainta. Took a taxi back to Ever, Ortigas and we were dropped off at SM Makati.
Before proceeding home, had dinner first my friend at Pizza Hut Bistro.
Today's a nice day to try my newly-converted infrared camera. Why? The sun is shining! (",)
First, went to Mr. Quickie to have a key duplicated. While waiting, met another customer there, an old man, who I talked to.. He was intrigued by my camera when I explained it to him that he is curious and wanted to read my palm. He is also intrigued with my right hand. But basically, here is what I remember what he told me:
* From my left hand, I was destined to go places. If I think I wanted to go there, even without much resources, something will happen for me to be able to travel--either some sponsor or winning a photo contest, etc. * From my right hand, he said someone is guiding me. Like if I am in an accident, the other passengers would be hurt or something, but not me. It is like I have second life.
Then, have my Nana's watch's battery replaced at The Landmark. Afterwhich, proceeded to Greenbelt to have a go with my camera.
When I had my fill, decided to go home. From Greenbelt 5 to the walkway to The Landmark, heard a gunshot (not sure at that time). Afterwhich, saw people running, and an ambulance. Since I am in a line to enter Landmark, just satisfied myself what I can see from where I am standing.
When I arrived home, told them what I experienced. And about that time, the hold-up in Rolex store inside Greenbelt 5 was being reported in TV!!!
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Palm reading, New Age, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment. One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.
In the morning would be our office's camera club monthly meeting. I would be doing a lecture and conducting a group activity. Then, there's another lecture on Photoshop.
In the afternoon, I was able to arrange with the one who converted my camera to infrared to conduct his workshop in our office; but, allow our club's members to also attend. He only conducts his workshop to his clients who have their camera's converted to IR.
Ran my way to Glorietta to attend the anticipated Mass and treated my friends at Chili's for my belated birthday treat... c",)
After several weeks, my baby (Canon 350D) is back!!! It was suggested that I use custom white balance,and use exposure compensation if needed. Joseph would just schedule a two-hour lecture on post-processing.
Of course, have to try a few shots with my newly converted (infrared) camera. c",)
Oh, also bought a money tree. It uses a different base (not soil) that I just have to put about 1/4 of the pot with the plant in it of water.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Feng Shui, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment. One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.
Would be treating my staff this lunch at Super Bowl, Megamall. Was at Megamall much earlier and was able to do lots (went to the Bank, loaded up my PLDT Landline Plus at St. Francis (a.k.a. F), bought a baton also at F on a 40% discount for security, etc.)
Love the gifts. c",)
Since my charm/crystal bracelet broke, went to the store where I bought it, that is, Charms and Crystals at SM Mall of Asia. They repair it for free. Nice! c",)
Since am already there, went to the Grand Marian Exhibit which was at the second floor of the mall.
Then, went back to Glorietta to watch G-Force. an adventure, comedy film about a group of highly-skilled, government-trained guinea pigs tasked to take down the plan of taking over the world. Cute!
When I arrived home, received a bad news. My brother was brought to the hospital. Possibly his appendix. Hope he gets well.
Why is it for two years now, a day before my birthday, there's always bad news...?
Second day of my five-day mandatory leave. Decided to have my hair-day... some pampering. LOL
Since am already in the mall, decided to watch a movie, which I wasn't able to do for fear that I may again experience seven hours of being stranded due to Typhoon Ondoy, with Typhoon Peping within PAR.
The movie is Surrogates, an action, sci-fi, thriller movie starring Bruce Willis. A different concept of having people live their life through surrogates. Supposedly, their operators are safely tucked in their homes while their surrogates do their activities. But then, there is a rash of high-tech murders which also affected the surrogate's operator, a policeman has to leave his surrogate to investigate the murder.
I wonder if the surrogate of Bruce Willis is a CGI. They sure made "it" look a very young Bruce Willis. Hehehe! Surrogates? We don't even have to look far. People who are addicted chatting, social networking, blogging, etc. already "creates" their surrogate in the internet.
After the devastation of Typhoon Ondoy, another typhoon (Typhoon Pepeng) is approaching the country.
Thus, can't help but receive SMS, e-mails, etc. left-and-right regarding the typhoon.
I would just like to share the following which I received in my e-mail:
First is the "Typhoon Safety Guidelines For The Philippines" from United Nations Department of Safety and Security, Philippines.
TYPHOON SAFETY GUIDELINES FOR THE PHILIPPINES 1. The purpose of this document is to provide staff with basic guidelines on how to prepare themselves and their families in the event of a typhoon. The emphasis is on what to do before a typhoon as the UN has little capacity to assist and the host country resources will most likely be stretched to the limits. The person who will have the greatest influence on whether staff member survives a typhoon will be the staff member themselves. These guidelines come from a variety of sources including Japanese and US civil defence websites. 2. This document is a draft and will be modified as further information becomes available. PREPARING FOR A TYPHOON 3. If a typhoon is approaching here are some basic steps to take to prepare for the storm: a. Prepare a family plan. b. Learn about your community's emergency plans, warning signals, evacuation routes, and locations of emergency shelters. c. Identify potential home hazards and know how to secure or protect them before the typhoon strikes. Be prepared to turn off electrical power when there is standing water, fallen power lines, or before you evacuate. Turn off gas and water supplies before you evacuate. Secure structurally unstable building materials. d. Buy a fire extinguisher and make sure your family knows where to find it and how to use it. Electrical short circuits during floods are a common cause of fires. e. Locate and secure your important papers, such as insurance policies, wills, licenses, stocks, etc. f. Post emergency phone numbers at every phone. g. Inform local authorities about any special needs, i.e., elderly or bedridden people, or anyone with a disability. h. Make plans to ensure your pets' safety. Practice Drills 4. By planning and practicing what to do if a typhoon strikes, you and your family can learn to react correctly and automatically in times of emergency. During a typhoon, most deaths and injuries are caused by flying objects or falling trees, power lines etc. Learn the safe spots in each room of your home. If you have children, get the entire family to practice going to these locations. Participating in a typhoon drill will help children understand what to do in case you are not with them during a typhoon. 5. Make sure you and your child also understand the school's emergency procedures for disasters. This will help you coordinate where, when, and how to reunite with your child after a typhoon. Evacuation Plans 6. If a typhoon occurs, you may need to evacuate a damaged area afterward. By planning and practicing for evacuation, you will be better prepared to respond appropriately and efficiently to signs of danger or to directions by civil authorities. a. Take a few minutes with your family to discuss a home evacuation plan. Sketch a floor plan of your home; walk through each room and discuss evacuation details. b. Plan a second way to exit from each room or area, if possible. If you need special equipment, such as a rope ladder, mark where it is located. c. Mark where your emergency food, water, first aid kits, and fire extinguishers are located. d. Mark where the utility switches or valves are located so that they can be turned off, if possible. e. Indicate the location of your family's emergency outdoor meeting place. Safe Havens and Evacuation Routes 7. Identify a room in your house that offers the best protection. Check outside to see if there are overhanging trees or power lines and make sure the walls and roof are strong enough to withstand flying objects. Tape the windows to prevent flying glass. Ensure there is an escape route out of the safe haven in case of fire or flooding. Identify another location that you can evacuate to if your home is damaged or becomes dangerous. Do not leave your safe haven unless it is essential to saves lives. Establish Priorities 8. Take time before a typhoon strikes to write an emergency priority list, including: a. important items to be hand-carried by you b. other items, in order of importance to you and your family c. items to be removed by car f one is available d. things to do if time permits, such as locking doors and windows, turning off the utilities, etc. 9. Write Down Important Information. Make a list of important information and put it in a secure location. Include on your list: a. important telephone numbers, such as police, fire, paramedics, and medical centres b. the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of your insurance agents, including policy types and numbers c. the telephone numbers of the electric, gas, and water companies d. the names and telephone numbers of neighbours e. the name and telephone number of your landlord or property manager f. important medical information, such as allergies, regular medications, etc. g. the vehicle identification number, year, model, and license number of your car, h. your bank's or credit union's telephone number, account types, and numbers i. radio and television broadcast stations to tune to for emergency broadcast information 10. Gather and Store Important Documents in a Safe Place. Ensure you have copies of: a. Birth certificates b. Ownership certificates (cars, boats, etc.) c. Social Security cards d. Insurance policies e. Wills f. Household inventory, including: g. list of contents h. photographs of contents of every room i. photographs of items of high value, such as jewellery, paintings, collectors' items Emergency Supplies 11. Stock up now on emergency supplies that can be used after a typhoon. These supplies should include a first aid kit, survival kits for the home, car, and workplace, and emergency water and food. Store enough supplies to last at least 7 days. 12. Emergency Supplies You Will Need. You should stock your home with supplies that may be needed during the emergency period. At a minimum, these supplies should include: a. Several clean containers for water, large enough for a 7 day supply of water (about five gallons for each person). b. A 7 day supply of non-perishable food. c. A first aid kit and manual. d. A battery-powered radio, flashlights, and extra batteries. e. Blankets. f. Water-purifying supplies, such as chlorine or iodine tablets or unscented, ordinary household chlorine bleach. g. Prescription medicines and special medical needs. h. Baby food and/or prepared formula, diapers, and other baby supplies. i. Disposable cleaning cloths, such as "baby wipes" for the whole family to use in case bathing facilities are not available. j. Personal hygiene supplies, such as soap, toothpaste, sanitary napkins, etc. k. An emergency kit for your car with food, flares, booster cables, maps, tools, a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, sleeping bags, etc. 13. First Aid Kit. Store your first aid supplies in a tool box or fishing tackle box so they will be easy to carry and protected from water. Inspect your kit regularly and keep it freshly stocked. NOTE: Important medical information and most prescriptions can be stored in the refrigerator, which also provides excellent protection from fires. a. Drugs/Medications b. Hydrogen peroxide to wash and disinfect wounds c. Antibiotic ointment d. Individually wrapped alcohol swabs e. Aspirin and non-aspirin tablets f. Prescriptions and any long-term medications (keep these current) g. Diarrhoea medicine h. Eye drops i. Dressings j. Bandage strips k. Ace bandages l. Rolled gauze m. Cotton-tipped swabs n. Adhesive tape roll o. Other First Aid Supplies p. First aid book q. Scissors r. Tweezers s. Thermometer t. Bar soap u. Tissues v. Sunscreen w. Paper cups x. Pocket knife y. Small plastic bags z. Safety pins aa. Needle and thread bb. Instant cold packs for sprains cc. Sanitary napkins dd. Splinting materials 14. Survival Kit for Your Home. Assemble a survival kit for your home with the following items: a. Tools and supplies b. ax, shovel, broom c. screwdriver, pliers, hammer, adjustable wrench d. rope for towing or rescue e. plastic sheeting and tape f. Items for safety and comfort g. sturdy shoes that can provide protection from broken glass, nails, and other debris h. gloves (heavy and durable for cleaning up debris) i. candles j. waterproof matches k. change of clothing l. knife m. garden hose (for siphoning and firefighting) n. tent o. recreational supplies for children and adults p. blankets or sleeping bags q. portable radio, flashlight, and extra batteries r. essential medications and eyeglasses s. fire extinguisher -- multipurpose, dry chemical type t. food and water for pets u. toilet tissue v. cash 15. Survival Kit for Your Car. Assemble a survival kit for your car with the following items. Storing some of these supplies in a small bag or backpack will make them more convenient to carry if you need to walk. a. Blankets b. Bottled water c. Change of clothes d. Mobile phone recharger e. Fire extinguisher -- multipurpose, dry chemical type f. First aid kit and manual g. Emergency signal device (light sticks, battery-type flasher, reflector, etc.) h. Flashlight with fresh batteries i. Food (nonperishable -- nutrition bars, trail mix, etc.) j. Gloves k. Local map and compass l. Rope for towing, rescue, etc. m. Paper and pencils n. Pre-moistened towelettes o. Prescription medicines p. Battery-operated radio with fresh batteries q. Small mirror for signalling r. Toilet tissue s. Tools (pliers, adjustable wrench, screwdriver, etc.) t. Whistle for signalling u. Jumper cables v. Duct tape 16. Survival Kit for Your Workplace. Assemble a survival kit for the workplace with the following supplies: a. Food (non-perishable -- nutrition bars, trail mix, etc.) b. Bottled water c. Jacket or sweatshirt d. Pair of sturdy shoes e. Flashlight with fresh batteries f. Battery-operated radio with fresh batteries g. Essential medications h. Blanket i. Small first aid kit j. Extra pair of eyeglasses and/or contact lens solution k. Whistle or other signalling device Preparing to Evacuate 17. Expect the need to evacuate and prepare for it. When a typhoon warning is issued, you should: a. Fill your car's fuel tank. b. If no vehicle is available, make arrangements with friends or family for transportation. c. Fill your clean water containers. d. Review your emergency plans and supplies, checking to see if any items are missing. e. Tune in the radio or television for weather updates. f. Listen for disaster sirens and warning signals. g. Prepare an emergency kit for your car with food, flares, booster cables, maps, tools, a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, sleeping bags, etc. h. Secure any items outside which may damage property in a storm, such as bicycles, grills, propane tanks, etc. i. Cover windows and doors with plywood or boards or place large strips of masking tape or adhesive tape on the windows to reduce the risk of breakage and flying glass. j. Put livestock and family pets in a safe area. Due to food and sanitation requirements, emergency shelters cannot accept animals. k. Place vehicles under cover, if at all possible. l. Fill sinks and bathtubs with water as an extra supply for washing. m. Adjust the thermostat on refrigerators and freezers to the coolest possible temperature.
WHAT TO DO DURING A TYPHOON 18. To get through the storm in the safest possible manner: a. Monitor the radio or television for weather conditions, if possible. b. Stay indoors until the authorities declare the storm is over. c. Do not go outside, even if the weather appears to have calmed—the calm "eye" of the storm can pass quickly, leaving you outside when strong winds resume. d. Stay away from all windows and exterior doors, seeking shelter in a bathroom or basement. Bathtubs can provide some shelter if you cover yourself with plywood or other materials. e. Prepare to evacuate to a shelter or to a neighbour's home if your home is damaged, or if you are instructed to do so by emergency personnel. f. Avoid going out of your home unless there is a grave, life threatening circumstance that requires travel (e.g. a major medical emergency). g. Shelter in place (preferably in your designated home safe area) unless directed to evacuate by competent disaster management authorities. 19. If you need to evacuate, follow evacuation routes and avoid coastal areas, riverbanks and streams. Inform DSS and others (a trusted colleague, supervisor, friend or relative) where you are going. 20. Monitor development and keep abreast of disaster management advisories. For staff members’ living in low lying areas susceptible to flooding, be aware of rising water levels and be prepared to evacuate if directed by competent disaster management authorities. If you are evacuating, take your disaster supplies kit with you to the shelter. Inform the radio room about any impending evacuation. 21. If necessary, turn off the mains (especially gas and electricity) in your home. Unless otherwise instructed, turn the refrigerator to its coldest setting and keep closed to conserve cold temperatures so that your stored food may last longer when power gets cut off or if you need to turn power off. 22. When sheltering in place, stay indoors, keep away from windows and glass doors. 23. Keep curtains and blinds closed. If the weather suddenly clears up, do not venture outside immediately since this may merely be the “Eye of storm. “ Foul weather may return on short notice. If absolutely necessary, this lull (it may last for about one or two hours) may be used to effect only the most essential repairs to your home and other similar tasks. 24. Avoid using the phone except for serious emergencies since disaster management authorities need first priority on telephone lines. 25. Ensure that everyone is well hydrated.
WHAT TO DO AFTER THE TYPHOON HAS PASSED 26. Beware of Drowning Hazards. Avoid moving water, regardless of depth or speed. Do not drive through flooded roads. Cars can be swept away or break down. Follow all warnings about water on roadways. 27. If you have to work in or near floodwater, wear a life jacket. If you are caught in an area where floodwater is rising, wear a life jacket, or wear or keep at hand some other type of flotation device. 28. Always wear enclosed shoes if forced to walk through floodwaters. Glass, nails, wire, broken pipes can cause cuts that will quickly become infected in contaminated floodwaters. 29. Beware of Moving Water. Do not walk through moving water. About 15 cm of moving water can make you fall. If you have to walk in water, walk where the water is not moving. Use a stick to check the firmness of the ground in front of you. 30. Do Not Drive into Flooded areas. If floodwaters rise around your car, first try to drive away from the area if unable to do so abandon the car and move to higher ground if you can do so safely. You and the vehicle can be quickly swept away. a. Approx 62 cm (two feet) of water will reach key components of most 4 x 4 passenger vehicles or 31-32 cm (one foot) for passenger cars causing loss of control and possible stalling. 31-32 cm (one foot) of water will float many vehicles. b. 62 cm (two feet) of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including 4x4 vehicles and pick-ups. c. A hidden danger awaits motorists where a road without a bridge dips across a creek bed. d. Motorists develop false confidence when they normally or frequently pass through dry low-water crossing. Those people, who repeatedly drive through flooded low-water crossings, do not recognize the dangers of a small increase in the water level. e. Road beds may have been scoured or even washed away during flooding creating unsafe driving condition. f. Driving too fast through low water will cause the vehicle to hydroplane and lose contact with road surface. g. Visibility is limited during the evenings, nights and early mornings increasing vulnerability of the driver to any hidden dangers. GENERAL SAFETY 31. Avoid Electrical Hazards. a. Never make contact with power lines, regardless of whether they are on the ground or intact. Do not drive through standing water if downed powerlines are in the water. If a power line falls across your car while you are driving, stay inside the vehicle and continue to drive away from the line. b. Never turn power on or off yourself or use an electric tool or appliance while standing in water. If electrical circuits and electrical equipment have gotten wet or are in or near water, turn off the power at the main breaker or fuse on the service panel. If you must enter standing water to access the main power switch, then call an electrician to turn it off. c. If you see frayed wiring or sparks when you restore power, or if there is an odor of something burning (whether fire is visible or not), immediately shut off the electrical system at the main circuit breaker. d. Consult your utility company about how to install and use power generators properly. 32. Beware of Dangerous Materials a. Call the fire department to inspect or remove chemicals, propane tanks, and other dangerous materials. b. Wear protective clothing and gear (for example, a respirator if needed) when handling hazardous materials. c. Wash skin that may have come in contact with hazardous chemicals. d. Wear insulated gloves and use caution if you have to remove a car battery. Car batteries can maintain an electrical charge even if flooded. Avoid any acid that may have leaked from a car battery. 33. Drive Safely a. Be alert for broken stop lights and missing street signs. b. Treat intersections where lights are out as a four-way stop. c. Avoid driving through water, especially when it is fast moving. d. As little as six inches of water may cause you to lose control of your car or truck. e. Two feet of water will carry most cars away. f. Do not drive through standing water if fallen power lines or electrical wires are in the water. g. If a power line or electrical wire falls on your car while you are driving: (1) Continue to drive away from the wire. (2) Do not turn off the ignition, even if the engine stalls. (3) Stay in your car or truck and wait for emergency workers. (4) Do not allow anyone other than emergency workers to approach your car or truck. h. Slow down and drive at a speed that is safe for road and weather conditions. i. Watch out for trash and debris on the road. j. Keep space between you and other drivers. k. Wear your seatbelt at all times. l. Do not drive, if you have been drinking or are sleepy. m. Be sure your child rides in a child safety seat or booster sear, correctly installed in the back seat, on every trip. n. Carry basic supplies in your car, such as water, food, blanket, and first aid kit. o. Gasoline is extremely flammable and dangerous. Do not carry extra fuel in your car or truck. If you feel you must carry extra fuel, then follow these safety tips: p. Use only metal or plastic containers approved for gasoline storage. q. Do not fill the container all the way to allow for heat expansion. r. To reduce danger from static electricity fill portable containers on a flat surface on the ground and not in the vehicle. s. After filling containers, tighten all caps, wipe off any spilled fuel, and secure containers to avoid tipping. t. After reaching your destination, remove gasoline containers from your vehicle and store in a well ventilated area. Use the stored gasoline as soon as possible. Be Alert to Gas Leaks 34. If you smell gas or suspect a leak, leave the house immediately. Notify emergency authorities and do not turn on the lights, light matches, smoke, or do anything that could cause a spark. 35. Do not return to the house until you are told it is safe to do so. Prevent heat–related illness: a. Stay in air-conditioned buildings. b. Take breaks in shaded areas or in cool rooms. c. Drink water and nonalcoholic fluids often. d. Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. e. Do outdoor activities during cooler hours. Prevent Falls 36. Ladder Safety: a. Stand your ladder on flat ground. b. Do not stand on top two steps of a ladder. c. Stand in center of ladder step. d. Never use a folding ladder when it is closed. Open the ladder and press the side locks into place. e. While on a ladder, do not reach to the side. f. While on a ladder, do not push or pull anything. Prevent or Treat Wounds 37. Immediately clean out all open wounds and cuts with soap and clean water. Keep wounds covered with clean, dry bandages that are large enough to cover the wound and contain any pus or drainage. Change bandages as needed and when drainage can be seen through the bandage. Contact a doctor to find out whether more treatment is needed (such as a tetanus shot). If a wound gets red, swells, or drains, seek immediate medical attention. 38. Avoid wild or stray animals. If you are bitten by any animal, seek immediate medical attention. If you are bitten by a snake, try to identify it, so that if it is poisonous, you can be given the correct anti-venom. Do not cut the wound or attempt to suck the venom out. (If your skin or eyes may have come in contact with hazardous materials, such as acid from a car battery, wash thoroughly with decontaminated water and seek medical attention as needed. 39. If you have wounds, you should be evaluated for a tetanus immunization, just as you would at any other time of injury. If you receive a puncture wound or a wound contaminated with faeces, soil, or saliva, have a doctor or health department determine whether a tetanus booster is necessary based on individual records. 40. Protect Yourself from Other Injuries. Stay away from damaged buildings or structures until they have been examined and certified as safe by a building inspector or other government authority. a. You may want to wait to return to buildings during daylight hours, when it is easier to avoid hazards, particularly if the electricity is off and you have no lights. b. Leave immediately if you hear shifting or unusual noises that signal that the structure may fall or if you smell gas or suspect a leak. c. Use teams of two or more people to move bulky objects. Avoid lifting any material that weighs more than 50 pounds (per person). d. Wear hard hats, goggles, heavy work gloves, and watertight boots with steel toe and insole (not just steel shank) for cleanup work. e. Wear earplugs or protective headphones to reduce risk from equipment noise. f. Avoid wading in water. Glass, metal fragments, and other debris may be in the water. g. Pace yourself and get help to avoid both physical and emotional exhaustion. h. Monitor your radio or television for up-to-date emergency information. Heat 41. Be aware of yours and others’ risk for heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps and fainting. To avoid heat stress, you should: a. Drink a glass of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes and at least one gallon each day. b. Avoid alcohol and caffeine. They both dehydrate the body. c. Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. d. When indoors without air conditioning, open windows if outdoor air quality permits and use fans. e. Take frequent cool showers or baths. f. If you feel dizzy, weak, or overheated, go to a cool place. Sit or lie down, drink water, and wash your face with cool water. If you don't feel better soon, get medical help quickly. g. Work during cooler hours of the day when possible, or distribute the workload evenly throughout the day. 42. Heat stroke is the most serious heat illness. It happens when the body can’t control its own temperature and its temperature rises rapidly. Sweating fails and the body cannot cool down. Body temperature may rise to 106°F or higher within 10 to 15 minutes. Heat stroke can cause death or permanent disability if emergency care is not given. 43. Warning signs of heat stroke vary but can include: a. Red, hot, and dry skin (no sweating) b. Rapid, strong pulse c. Throbbing headache d. Dizziness, nausea, confusion, or unconsciousness e. An extremely high body temperature (above 103°F) 44. If you suspect someone has heat stroke, follow these instructions: a. Immediately call for medical attention. b. Get the person to a cooler area. c. Cool the person rapidly by immersing him/her cool water or a cool shower, or spraying or sponging him/her with cool water. If the humidity is low, wrap the person in a cool, wet sheet and fan him/her vigorously. d. Monitor body temperature and continue cooling efforts until the body temperature drops to 101-102°F. e. Do not give the person alcohol to drink. Get medical assistance as soon as possible. f. If emergency medical personnel do not arrive quickly, call the hospital emergency room for further instructions. 45. Avoid swimming or wading in water if possible. If entering water is necessary: a. Wear enclosed shoes in water. b. Ensure clothing and boots have adequate insulation. c. Avoid working/playing alone. d. Take frequent breaks out of the water. e. Change into dry clothing when possible. Prevent Illness After a Disaster 46. Wash Your Hands. Always wash your hands with soap and boiled or disinfected water before preparing or eating food, after toilet use, after participating in cleanup activities, and after handling articles contaminated by floodwater or sewage. Use warm water when available. Wash children's hands frequently (always before meals). 47. Disinfect water for washing by mixing 1/8 teaspoon of household bleach per 1 gallon of water). Let it stand for 30 minutes. If the water is cloudy, use a solution of 1/4 teaspoon of household bleach per 1 gallon of water. 48. If water isn't available, use alcohol-based products made for washing hands. 49. Infectious Disease. Short bouts of diarrhoea and upset stomach and colds or other breathing diseases sometimes occur in developed countries, such as the United States, after a natural disaster, particularly among large groups of people in a shelter. Basic hygiene measures like frequent hand washing or use of an alcohol hand gel, especially after using the restroom or changing diapers and before eating, can help prevent these diseases. 50. Diseases like cholera or typhoid are rare in developed countries and do not typically occur after a natural disaster. Protect Mental Health 51. The days and weeks after an emergency are going to be rough. Some sleeplessness, anxiety, anger, hyperactivity, mild depression, or lethargy are normal and may go away with time. If you feel any of these symptoms acutely, seek counseling. Your state, local, tribal health departments will help you find local resources, including hospitals or health care providers that you may need. a. Seek medical care if you are injured, feel sick, or have acute stress and anxiety. b. Keep as many elements of your normal routine incorporated into the disaster plans as possible, including activities to calm children's fears. c. Be aware that you may have fewer resources to attend to your day-to-day conflicts, so it is best to resolve what you can ahead of time. d. Turn to family, friends, and important social or religious contacts to setup support networks to deal with the potential stressors. e. Let your child know that it is okay to feel upset when something bad or scary happens. Encourage your child to express feelings and thoughts, without making judgments. Avoid Mosquitoes 52. Rain and flooding in a typhoon area may lead to an increase in mosquitoes, which can carry diseases like dengue. In most cases, the mosquitoes will be pests but will not carry communicable diseases. 53. To protect yourself from mosquitoes, use screens on dwellings, and wear long pants, socks, and long-sleeved shirts and use insect repellents that contain DEET or Picaridin. Care must be taken when using DEET on small children. 54. To control mosquito populations, drain all standing water left in open containers, such as flower pots, tires, pet dishes, or buckets, outside your home. Prevent Illness from Sewage 55. If there is flooding along with a typhoon, the waters may contain fecal material from overflowing sewage systems and agricultural and industrial waste. Although skin contact with floodwater does not, by itself, pose a serious health risk, there is risk of disease from eating or drinking anything contaminated with floodwater. a. If there has been a backflow of sewage into your house, wear rubber boots and waterproof gloves during cleanup. Remove and discard contaminated household materials that cannot be disinfected, such as wall coverings, cloth, rugs, and drywall. b. If you have any open cuts or sores that will be exposed to floodwater, keep them as clean as possible by washing them with soap and applying an antibiotic ointment to discourage infection. c. Wash clothes contaminated with flood or sewage water in hot water and detergent and separately from uncontaminated clothes and linens. d. Do not allow children to play in floodwater areas and do not allow children to play with floodwater-contaminated toys that have not been disinfected. Disinfect toys by using a solution of one cup of bleach in five gallons of water. Some toys, such as stuffed animals and baby toys, cannot be disinfected; they should be discarded.
Second is an advice from a flood veteran:
from an experienced flood victim By Gwendolyn So
Unbeknownst to many, my family and I are experts when it comes to flooding. By this I mean that for almost 10 years when we lived in a low part of Sto. Domingo Street in Quezon City , we experienced flooding INSIDE the house at least once a year and if I remember correctly, sometimes it was twice or even thrice a year.
The first time it happened we were in shock, but as it happened more and more it became routine. Here are some nuggets of wisdom that may help:
1. I learned that once the water reaches knee level, the gates can’t be opened anymore because of the water pressure. We thought we still had time to take the cars out but realized we were trapped. That time our cars submerged. Make sure you know which area near your residence is considered higher ground and take your cars there EARLY.
2. Do not despair so much if your cars submerge. They can be fixed. It’s expensive and takes a long time for the smell to go away, but it’s not the end of the world. After the flood, just let the car dry. We were still able to use our Hi-Ace and Mitsubishi Lancer despite their having been half submerged in floodwaters.
3. I learned that heavy stuff, like the ref and shelves, FLOAT. So every year from then on, we would TIE DOWN heavy appliances like the ref (too heavy to carry upstairs but in latter years we did lug it all the way up to the 2nd floor), the big shelves with wedding souvenirs and knick knacks and my dad’s collection of wine. How did we do that? Tie them to the windows.
4. Adrenalin will give you superpowers once you decide you’re not afraid of a little water and start saving what you can. In my case, it was my collection of books. They’re not rare first editions but regular books. However, I love my books and I’m not letting them drown! I was able to move and carry our heavy sofa powered by my body’s own adrenalin hormone.
5. You can have fun in the midst of disaster so I took out our cameras and starting taking pictures. It was to make everyone have a good laugh as we surveyed the chaos around us, the cockroaches and rats swimming by, the black inky spots of oily stuff occasionally floating around.
6. Apparently, no matter how much you’re enjoying yourself frolicking in the water and saving what you can, once the cold water reaches your chest (especially your nipples), you start to shiver and it gets hard to breathe. This is the time to give up and go upstairs.
7. If your electricity stays on, go to the switch box and turn off all the electric outlets downstairs but not upstairs.
8. Cleaning after the flood is a pain. Once the waters recede, you are left with mud everywhere. They stick so you have to get the hose and start using the walis tingting (how do you say this in English? It’s a broom made of just think twigs/sticks tied together in a thick bundle). You just keep the water running and sweep, sweep, sweep like there’s no tomorrow.
9. You must scrub the walls with disinfectant. If you only rinse with water, it will still smell. We used Lysol. Scrub, scrub, scrub like there’s no tomorrow.
10. First time water got inside our house, we didn’t know we had to use Lysol and that the drying process is super vital. So, after a few days, there was this nauseating smell and later we found molds growing everywhere! We had returned the furniture and appliances to their normal places and the walls behind grew molds. Yuck!!!
11. We were still able to use our ref that floated in flood waters. Just clean and clean and dry and dry.
12. Once electricity is available, get out all your fans and dry everything thoroughly.
13. Yes, paint will peel off and wooden drawers and shelves deform. Salvage what can be used. Once they dry, it’s still ok but sometimes the drawers get stuck because the wood expanded so you have no choice but to destroy it because icky water is still trapped inside.
14. Wait at least 2 to 3 days to dry everything. Use fans and hairdryers. Do not, I repeat, do not be in a hurry to return stuff you saved to their original places.
15. Have this mindset: Ah, it’s good Im now forced to do a general cleaning of my house. Now I have no choice but to do it.
It is easy to go insane after this kind of calamity, to despair of the material things we lost (especially the cars), but please be thankful you got away with your life and that of your family and loved ones