Sunday, February 28, 2010

From Intramuros To Paris

Woke really early as I borrowed Manong for a few hours to accompany me during my shoot at Intramuros. Was able to get a permit to shoot there, and if I was able to get good images, possibly enter them in the photo contest.

After the shoot, went back home and tried to get a few more hours of sleep. Then, went to Glorietta for my weekly pasyal (stroll).

Watched From Paris With Love starring John Travolta, an action, thriller movie about a young, low-level CIA, James Reese (Jonathan Rhys-Meyer), who gets his wish of being assigned to a more prestigious assignment when he was paired to a loose cannon, Charlie Wax (John Travolta), sent to Paris to stop a terrorist attack. Don't like John Travolta (don't know why.. similar to Leonardo d'Caprio) but I like to watch his movies... Hehehe! Definitely fast-paced.

After the movie, had a free scoop of "heaven" flavors by Nestle ice cream... chose Belgian Bliss. Attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at a Veneto Pizzeria Ristorante.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Percy Treat

It would be SM Mall of Asia (MOA) for me today. I would be treating for a birthday lunch the February celebrants: my Nanay's (+) friend/co-teacher and my brother's secretary.

Was there early, so decided to pick-up first the weatherproof trekker shoe on sale (about 50% off) I reserved at Columbia. When everyone has arrived, went to Burgoo for our birthday lunch.

After lunch, decided to watch a movie. Ahhh.. my week's movie fix. It is Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, a fantasy, comedy movie about a teenager, unknown to him, is a son of a god and mortal. Accused of stealing Zeus' lightning, this is when he learned his real identity. He travels across the country with his friends to save his mother from Hades, which also led to the discovery of where the lightning is (and eventually, the real identity of the thief). Advice: Just enjoy the action, the effects, and infusion of comedy here and there. c",)

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Decided to "break-in" the trekker sandals I bought this week. This in in preparation for the Sagada trip we are planning a week after the Holy Week.

I even told my friend about my trekker sandals, Columbia Techsun H20, she bought one for herself!

So far, from Glorietta to SM Megamall and back to Glorietta, no blisters! c",)

Have to go to Megamall to pick-up the converter pants I reserved because said branch has my size. I was also supposed to go SM North EDSA to go to Lowepro, but forgot my flash. Was able to buy the bottle bag, instead, at Infomax.

After, attended the anticipated Mass and we had dinner at Italianni's. Then accompanied my friend to The Landmark for her feng shui items.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Kota Kinabalu

My friend took a vacation at Kota Kinabalu. Would be meeting her for lunch at a Venetto. Supposedly, we should be eating at The Old Spaghetti House (TOSH) but because their building have a fire drill, decided to have our lunch at Glorietta. Received a pasalubong from her. Yes!!!

After lunch, proceeded to Tutti Frutti for our frozen yogurt fix. c",)

Yesterday, a friend treated us her advance birthday lunch at
Hap Chang.

Monday, February 15, 2010

More of the Chinese New Year

Brought with me ampao envelopes. As soon as I arrived at the office, put an ampao by my cubicle. This is to bring goodluck when the dragon/lion visits our floor...
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Feng Shui, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chinese New Year 2010

Supposed to meet at Glorietta 4 at 6:30AM. I was late... Set the alarm at 4AM but still went to sleep. We then proceeded to Binondo.

There was still no activity. We proceeded to the Church and attended the Mass. After, looked for an authentic Chinese restaurant for our breakfast. The difference between "regular" and "special" original mami? The size!!! Hehehehe!

Then, slowly walked around Ongpin and nearby streets, hoping to catch our "winning" image. The hustle-bustle related to the Chinese New Year started around 10AM.

Before leaving Binondo, had lunch at another authentic Chinese restaurant, Sincerity.

Was dropped off at Glorietta 4. Mall? What else but window shopping and shopping! (wink) Went first to the World of Feng Shui (WOFS) to check predictions for the metal tiger. Then, tried Travel Club for the new model of Pacsafe belt bag. Since the color I like is not available, decided to go to Bratpack at Greenbelt 5. But first, dropped by at The Landmark so that my friend can buy her feng shui items.

While at Greenbelt 5. caught some "dragons" visiting the stores of the mall. Took some shots before proceeding to Tutti Frutti at Glorietta for my day's yogurt fix. Hehehe!

Since I would be visiting my niece at the hospital, wanted to give her a stress ball so she can do her exercise (to help improve her condition). Went back again at The Landmark for the stress ball and proceeded to Makati Medical Center.
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Feng Shui, horoscope, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pre-Chinese New Year

After the meeting, went to Binondo with some members of our office's camera club to take some images for the Photoworld Cup (PWC) monthly theme of Chinese New Year. Then, went to SM Mall of Asia (MOA) hoping to catch the longest dragon. Didn't catch one; thus, had dinner at Joe Pepperoni. Then, spent sometime at Esplanade (behind MOA). Was there when fireworks were lit up to welcome the Metal Tiger.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Framed Shots: Philippine Catholic Churches

Today would be our camera club's first meeting for the year. But first, set-up my new dry cabinet which arrived Friday. Gosh! Per instruction, let it first stabilize for four hours before putting in your gear. Guess, would do it after our club's meeting.

The entries I submitted consists of Cebu and Laguna churches. In one of my Cebu church, took a picture of the moon yesterday and included it in my picture because of the black space in the image. Not one of my images got the nod of the judges... :(

Was dropped of at Glorietta, ate yogurt at Tutti Frutti, before proceeding home. My goodness! It took me sometime to arrange my things, but it's worth it! c",)

While arranging my gear inside the dry cabinet, had a chat with the Harvey Tapan. Learned a lot. But one thing related to my dry box, don't put in the batteries, memory card not affected. c",)

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs

My weekly movie is a 3D movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.

Nice concept. Would even tug your heart, just like Chicken Little.

After the movie, attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at Delifrance.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Last Day

It is the last day of the Photoworld Asia 2010. When we went to Glorietta, some stalls are already packing their things. Helped a friend to buy a tripod, He got almost P1,100.00 discount from my suki. c",)