Thursday, June 30, 2005

And the winner is...

Tonight's the night! We would be seneraded by the idols-wannabe as we send our votes via SMS.

Inspite of the hectic schedule today plus a lot of work piled-up, manage to breeze thru it. Maybe because of the thought that we would be having fun tonight.

At exactly 5:15pm, went to the venue to take some video shots--of the stage, the registration, of the crowd. With a short opening message, we started first with dinner. (This the better to hear them [idols], my dear!)

I felt sorry for the first contestant. Just think how nervous he would be. And it shows! He even forgot some of the words to his song. As the contest progresses, the contestants slowly but surely getting their courage to face the crowd. Obviously, there are crowd favorites, making it easier for them to "ham" with the crowd. But what struck me most is one of the contestants who sang a Josh Groban song. Boy! did my hair stood on end.

So, who is the winner? Need I say more? c",)

BTW, he also won the TXTers Choice Award.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Ghostly Prank?

This day proved unproductive...

While updating a document, whenever I press the "tab" key, instead of going to the next column or next field, the other window becomes active. Simply irritating...

Trying to do my thing, the document suddenly scrolls by itself! I haven't even touched the mouse. And this occured not only once!

Actually, this already happened last Friday. Reported it to an engineer, thinking that my PC has a virus. He came and ran two anti-virus software. Since my PC is rather slow, have to leave it open over the weekend for it to finish scanning... c",)

This morning, the anti-virus softwares did not detect any virus. But the computer is worse. I can't continue with the work I am doing! Just to get me going, shared the documents I am working on and used another PC to update them. And my PC being attacked by poltergeist? I tried running the free virus scan of Trend Micro and McAfee from the internet, just in case the anti-virus used by the engineer is not updated. Still, no virus!

The engineer arrived late in the afternoon. Even he is puzzled. He checked the programs installed in my PC (because I suggested that maybe a spyware is the cause of all of it), deleted the cookies, temporary files, etc. Finally, as a last resort, he tried replacing the mouse with the office-provided mouse. Oooppsss! My (personal) optical mouse is a goner!

(When I left for home, passed by a computer shop to buy myself a mouse with a scrollwheel. My pointing finger is flying all over, looking for that scrollwheel! Bought an A4 Tech (basic) scrollwheel mouse. Must be the result of the engineer's hint that they do not deploy optical mouse. There must be reasons for it!)

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Pre- and Post-Birthday Celebration

Had a pre- and post-birthday lunch celebration at Super Bowl in Glorietta. They are the June birthday celebrants... c",) The birthday of one of them is tomorrow, June 27, the other was last June 10.

As expected, we were there first. The rest of the party arrived 30 minutes later... tsk! tsk! Anyway, we started without them. We were getting hungry. Good thing, we were just halfway thru the appetizer when they arrived. Or, there would be no food left for them! LOL

After lunch, I asked them if they want to join me to Greenbelt 1 so I can buy the elusive Belgian Chocolate Muffin. Besides, it is a good walk for all that food to be digested and several minutes of chit-chat. The Belgian Chocolate Muffin is really elusive. All the store has is Blueberry Muffin, Chocolate Chip Muffin, Cheddar Cheese Muffin and Butter Muffin. I bought my companions a muffin of their choice so they can taste this new find! And I bought myself a Chocolate Chip and Butter Muffins. (wink)

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Mall Shopper's Guide to the Movies (MSGM)

Unlike last Saturday's failure to accomplish all the activities lined-up for that day, today, everything went as planned, and much more...

First stop is the dentist. The appointment is 2pm. Had lunch first, brushed my teeth and was at the clinic 15 minutes before the scheduled appointment. Oddly, I know that I have set it today. But when the doctor's assistant checked her appointment book, she wrote my name for next Saturday! Good thing, no one was scheduled at that time; thus, the dentist was able to see me. After cleaning, she checked my teeth. The tooth I'm complaining is healthy. Can't say the same to the wisdom tooth beside it (sad...). She says she can't do pasta on it as it is hard to do it. She suggested that the tooth be removed (ow!). Hmmm.. decided not to have it done, it's not aching anyway. hehehe!

Next stop is the movies. Initially, I thought I won't be able to watch one today. But since the visit to the dentist took only 30 minutes, it is the movies for me! Now, what to watch? Would it be Monsters-in-Law or The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (H2G2)? I hope am not offending J Lo fans, but never "feel" for her. Thus, it's H2G2 for me. c",) The movie's story is quirky and it goes for the laughs. Although, I just can't understand, why would a towel be the most useful thing in the universe...?

Next would be at Brown Sugar Muffins to buy myself a Belgian Chocolate Muffin. Since it's 30 minutes before the mass (and the store is a long walk away), decided to buy instead a new set of toothbrush (must be the effect of the dentist's visit).

Then, participated in the anticipated Mass and ate dinner. We were supposed to eat at Pancake; but since they sitted a group of customer ahead of us even if we were there first, said my piece to the waitress and we transferred to Mexicali. Hmpt!

Before finally leaving for home, walked to Greenbelt 1 (believe me, it's a long distance from Glorietta) to buy that Belgian Chocolate Muffin. When I arrived at the store, the Belgian Chocolate Muffin is no longer available. And all the muffins on display were already reserved! Huh?! The one who reserved them must really be hungry. hehehe!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Idols

Finally, the "idols wannabe" was introduced to our unit. This is for us to know the contestants and "root" for our "idol".

ITG Idol (23Jun2005) Posted by Hello

Their picture was first posted on our floor. The other floors will also have their faces pasted on the walls in the succeeding days. An officemate edited the "collage" while I took the pictures of eight of the ten contestants. The two were not able to make it in our photo shoot. Thus, we have to make do with their ID pictures. Can you guess who these two are? c",)

Lens. Just got my Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM lens today... c",)

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Last Tic

My clock radio (or is it radio clock?) that has been with me for years finally tic-ed its last second. Am surely going to miss it as it reminds me when it's time to pack up and go home (hehehe!), listen to updates when there is something interesting in the news (like opening of the controversial envelope on the Erap case, death of the Pope, earthquake, etc.), help relax from the music while doing overtime work, etc.

Clock Radio, the old and the new. (22Jun2005) Posted by Hello

I did not readily give up on it. I've searched high and low for someone to repair it. Alas! The verdict was that it is beyond repair... (waaahhh!)

So, I've checked all shops in the malls to look for another clock radio. Unfortunately, they don't make it as they used to. Clock radios I was able to find only come with FM radio! I like my news! I like my tidbits of info! I want... no, I need my AM radio with my clock. Haayyyy... But I have to make do with the clock with FM radio. Simply because from the hundreds of stores I've checked, only one store carries a clock radio!

But, if ever I come across with a clock with AM/FM radio, I will not hesitate to purchase it... Do you know a store that sells it?

Monday, June 20, 2005

Bohol: Revisited

It is exactly two years ago today when I first step foot in Bohol. Luckily, I was one of those who will attend the seminar to be held at the Bohol Beach Club.

June 20, 2003, Friday. We left in two batches. I was among the first batch to leave Manila for Bohol. We arrived before lunch. While waiting for the others to arrive, we checked out the resort's facilities.

Bohol Beach Club. (20Jun2003) Posted by Hello

The seminar started after lunch, finishing in the early part of the evening. We had our dinner near the beach.

Bohol Beach Club Pool. (20Jun2003) Posted by Hello

June 21, 2003, Saturday. Have to wake really early, even before the sun rises, since an activity was arranged for us: whale and dolphin watching. Two big bancas were provided for us. To make things organized, our banca-mates are also our plane-mates.

Bohol Sunrise. (21Jun2003) Posted by Hello

Horizon. (21Jun2003) Posted by Hello

It took several hours and a lot of weaving back-and-forth before we spotted a group of dolphins. (Because of the tsunami which occurred last year, December 2004, to our neighboring countries, it was believed that family of dolphins were said to have travelled to Bohol. Thus, there are now several sightings of said mammal in this area.)

Afterwhich, we proceeded to Pamilacan Island where we saw a make-shift museum containing the jaws of dead whale and dolphins. Then, we moved to the other side of the island to eat our lunch at the (white) beach.

Museum at Pamilacan Island. (21Jun2003) Posted by Hello

The activity after lunch is snorkeling on another island. Since I was not "dressed for the occasion" (plus I don't know how to swim), I joined the group who would be returning to the Beach Club. Thus, the two boats left the island for different destinations.

Back to Bohol Beach Club, I decided to rest in the cottage for a few minutes before checking out the resort and to get some pictures. This is when I spotted the rainbow.

Rainbow. (21Jun2003) Posted by Hello

Banca. (21Jun2003) Posted by Hello

Bohol Sunset. (21Jun2003) Posted by Hello

We had our dinner again near the beach. But this time, it included a videoke. To make the videoke fun and to encourage everyone to sing, the first ten who will belt out a tune will be given a t-shirt. (I received a shirt. It seems like everyone is requesting me to sing... hehehe!) The first to receive a score of 100 will get an optical mouse. I did get a 100 but was not the first to do it. They promised me that I will receive an optical mouse once we get back to Manila. Up to this day, I have not seen that darned mouse! (LOL)

June 22, 2003, Sunday. Our last day at Bohol. We cannot leave the place without visiting the Chocolate Hills and the Tarsier. The night before, it was arranged that we would be hiring a van for the tour. It will be a tight schedule since we have to make sure that we are back in the resort by lunch time, enough time for a bite and leave for the airport.

On the way to chocolate hills, we can see a hill here and there. Not that exciting, really. Until we reached our destination, where we will climb several steps to see a better view. It did not prepare me for what I am about to see. All I can say was, "Whoa!". The beauty and the grandeur of it all cannot be captured by the camera. (I took pictures anyway. hehe!) One has to see it personally to witness its magnificence.

Chocolate Hills. (22Jun2003) Posted by Hello

Our next stop is the place where we can see the tarsier, which is considered as the smallest primate in the world. The tarsiers have enormous eyes, long tails, and pads at the end of each of their fingers and toes. The pads let them climb trees very well. I held one at the back of my hand. It is almost the same size (if not smaller) as my fist.

Tarsier. (22Jun2003) Posted by Hello

Then, like a well-oiled machine, we were back in the resort just in time for lunch and a take-off... c",)

Saturday, June 18, 2005

JanSport Begins

The following is the schedule (by sequence) for today...
1) Bring car to the service center for the 1KM check-up. -- Mileage is still 600M. If I wait for it to reach 1KM, my car would be one year old!
2) Go to the dentist.
3) Go with niece to buy the item we were not able to buy the previous night.
4) Pick-up the car.

Even with a well laid-out plan, it is meant to be broken. Murphy must have a hand at this! c",)

The only thing that went as planned is activity #1 as I was able to meet my 9AM appointment.

The neighborhood dental clinic is not open in the morning (although their sign says that clinic hours are from 9AM to 12noon and 1PM to 6PM). We were told that the dentist would be in by 2PM.

So, skipped first activity #2 and proceeded to do activity #3, hoping that we would be home by 2pm to go to the dentist. Now, I know what she wanted... a JanSport backpack. Have to peruse every corner of the mall to look for shops who sell JanSport. Good thing, we were able to buy one with her favorite color, yellow.

We were back home around 3pm and immediately went to the dentist. Tsk! Tsk! She has a patient that would take hours!! Decided to go to Makati again to look for another dentist... (Hmm... I didn't realize you need to have an appointment so that a dentist can see you. Never needed to do that before.)

Since my search for a dentist is not fruitful (scratch off activity #2), participated, instead, in an antipated Mass, ate dinner at Teriyaki Boy, then, went home.

When I arrived home, my other niece wanted to watch a movie. Guess what I did? Of course, accompanied her to watch Batman even if I don't want to (hehehe! as if!).

I like the movie. Period. c",)

Similar to the first three episodes of Star Wars, this Batman movie explained how Batman came to be. Also, even how he got those wonderful gadgetry. Fine, he has the money, but you need loyalty to keep everything under wraps. Having good people as parents, Bruce Wayne has inherited loyal family friends. A man (Bruce) who blames himself for losing his parents, a man who would be... (oops!) helped him develop his skills, even overcome his fears. Although, I find the actor who portrayed Scrarecrow much cuter than the actor who portrayed Bruce Wayne. Actually, I find Batman much cuter than Bruce Wayne! hahahaha!

BTW, wondered about activity #4? I asked my brother's driver to pick-up the car. That's what you call delegation... ;)

Friday, June 17, 2005


Our unit have a quarterly social activity to help build camaraderie among different divisions as well as to give us a "break" from our busy lives.

Last quarter, it was bingo (where was I? I can't recall playing bingo). This quarter, it would be the search for our unit's "idol"... much like the Talent Search TV show "American Idol". c",)

Today is the last day for would-be "idols" to register. Other divisions have at least one representative. Our division does not even have one!! Because of this, there are a lot of finger-pointing as to who should represent us. And I am one of them... hehehe!

Just to ensure that I won't be "forced" into this situation (LOL) and I can't imagine videoing myself while singing (I consider myself the unofficial offical videographer... ^-^), I went from table to table to "tap" hidden talents--hopefully, I won't find talents that we hope they keep hidden! haha! When I finally found one, like a spider who caught its prey by the web it spinned, I, with other officemates, was able to coax one to agree. Now, problem solved!

As one of our gimmicks, we would be introducing our would-be "idols" by posting their pictures in the different floors of our office. Thus, we would have a photo shoot this coming Monday, with moi as the photographer.

After office, I was waiting for my niece to call since she asked me earlier to join her and her friends when they go to Rockwell. When she did finally call, it was very late. Her and her friends' plan did not push thru; but, she still wishes to go to the mall. She picked me up at the office around 8:20PM. First, we were to eat a very late dinner; then, look for the item she wishes to buy.

The dinner is at Pancake. But, by the time we finished eating to go around the mall, the stores are already closed. Thus, we have no choice but go back to the office to finish my work, then, proceeded home. Ho-humm...

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Still felt queasy. Even had a slight fever the previous night. Thus, went to our company's clinic this morning.

According to the doctor, the symptoms I mentioned is caused by hyperacidity. Thus, he prescribed that I take Zantac two times a day.

I don't know, but everytime a doctor prescribes me a medicine, I always surf the internet to get some information about it.

But first, surfed about hyperacidity...

One site says that "one of the main reasons of hyperacidity is gluttony". Ouch! Hehehe! It added, "a man must eat just enough to fill half his stomach; one fourth stomach should be filled with water and remaining one fourth be kept empty for the gas". Hmmm... sounds logical.

According to the doctor, it is caused by the food we eat. As usual, this include my waterloo--chocolates. He explained the effects of caffeine (one of the ingredients in chocolates) as we digest it. Others to watch out for are soda, juice (certain fruit juice), alcohol, cigarettes, etc.

When I arrived home, that's when I remembered the medicine prescribed to me by my doctor, a gastroenterologist. According to her, I take Nexium when I feel something in my stomach.

Now, I am in a dilemma. Would it be Zantac or Nexium? Nexium or Zantac? Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Sin Food

Should have stayed home. Even before leaving the house to go to the office, my stomach feels queasy. Can't describe it, really. But, I decided to go because of the meeting I have this morning.

As expected, as soon as I arrived at the office, I have to "go"! Twice, in a span of one hour. Was able to make it to the meeting (late), and boy, was I uncomfortable.

So, I decided to take a half-day off since I'll surely not get some work done. Took some medicines before lunch, made another visit to the ladies room after eating and huffed off.

Meryenda. (14Jun2005) Posted by Hello

The mall is on the way home. That's when I noticed that the movie I wanted to watch last weekend is finally being shown in the morning (last week, the movie is sharing the cinema with another movie). Decided to take a peek at Sin City. Besides, the comfort rooms will not be that busy on a weekday... c",)

Basin City (minus the first two letters) is populated by bad cops, assassins and whores. The movie is fast-paced, telling a story about three men, Marv, Dwight and Hartigan, who loved hard and fought tooth and nail for it. With directors Robert Rodriguez and Frank Mill, plus guest director Quentin Tarantino, expect the film to soup up lots of blood and gore.

After the movie, was able to be home early and tried to rest. My niece, upon arriving from school, learned that I was home. So, she brought up a meryenda for me... Now, isn't that sweet? c",)

Friday, June 10, 2005

...and Another

Her husband was the one applying for work abroad. But it is taking a long time for him to be recruited. The country he is eyeing would rather source out their requirements (with his kind of skill and knowledge) locally first. Thus, that's when she tried applying. With her background, an employer was immediately interested.

Collage. (10Jun2005) Posted by Hello

It is her last day for work and we decided to treat her with a despedida lunch at Cabalen in Glorietta Mall, Makati City. Several joined to give her good wishes, even from other departments. As a surprise, an officemate made a collage of pictures of her stay with us. (I'm the one who printed the collage. Just want to get some credit... hehehe!) At the back (of the collage) are our messages and wishes for her. Good luck and God bless!

Mr. and Mrs. Smith. My niece and I decided to watch a movie after office. Met at Glorietta 4's Food Court for an early dinner and proceeded to watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The lead actors, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, have such chemistry, making the movie more interesting and fun to watch. After the movie, went to TimeZone to try our hands to some arcade games. Fun!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

A Despedida...

He was the second to the last from their section who would be resigning. I know of another one from their section who would follow suit. (Both are for local employment.) This leaves one staff, a rank and file, to "man" their section. If that's not "dissolving a section", I don't know what is... I think, that is enough for the "warning bell" to sound and for their division and/or department head to take stock of things? I wonder... c",)

Gerry's Grill. (09Jun2005) Posted by Hello

For lunch, we went to Gerry's Grill at the Ayala Center for his despedida. Even those who have already resigned from our company went there to give him well wishes. That just shows how good he is in pakikisama, aside from his odd sense of humor. As he said, "he will miss the company but not the company."

Lens. Just got my Canon EF 75-300mm III USM lens today... c",)

Sunday, June 05, 2005


For someone who caught the "photography bug", just the title of the movie ("Shutter") would tickle me "pink". I just have to watch it.

Thus, it is a treat (to myself) for going... again... to the office on a Sunday.

Shutter. (05Jun2005) Posted by Hello

Shutter is a Thailand horror movie about "spirit photos"--pictures with ghost-like figures. The ghost-like figures in the pictures taken by the photographer started appearing after he and his girlfriend had a car accident wherein they sped-off instead of helping the woman (or is it?) they hit. You can guess what is going to happen next, yet, still be surprised... (is that possible? hehehe!) And then, the twist in the story's ending...

Saturday, June 04, 2005

A Wedding...

She had a crush. He had a crush. But not to each other.

Somehow, we (my friend and I) don't "feel" the guy/gal they have a crush on for them. Actually, we prefer that they would be a pair. Thus, subtly (or not too subtle?), we tease them and try to pair them off.

Before they transferred to another company, they are already a twosome.

Wedding. (04Jun2005) Posted by Hello

Today, they are now husband and wife.

They were married at the National Shrine of the Sacred Heart Church. Reception followed at the Coconut Palace. Rain fell around the time the reception would start. Some consider the rain marred what was supposed to be a beautiful celebration of the uniting of two hearts. But, there is a belief that when it rains, it is a form of blessing from above. If that's the case, this marriage started on a good note... c",)

Another story... The girl was being paired before with another guy. But this did not pan. The guy did not take steps to follow-thru. I guess, it was a decision whether to keep the friendship he has with the girl or express his feelings for her. He only admitted his feelings to a friend of mine when somebody already owns her heart. BTW, he did not attend the wedding.
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Superstition and is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then, reject, renounce and rebuke it.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


"The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings." -- Dave Weinbaum

Today is the birthday of a friend.

Today, two friends have celebrated their birthday with us. The birthday of one of them is last week, the other is next week. As a compromise, they did it this week! (wink)

Seahorse. (02Jun2005) Posted by Hello

It was lunch at Triple V, a crossover buffet. Meaning, we can have our fill at Saisaki (Japanese cuisine), Dad's (American cuisine) and Kamayan (Filipino cuisine). Have to eat slowly so that I won't be full before I tried the dishes I want to taste... c",)

I ordered watermelon shake with my food. When the drink was served, it came with a small friend from the sea. Now, my bear, rooster and Bugs Bunny added a seahorse in their barkada.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Rainy Season

The "weather forecast" I made last January 6, 2005 must have some "truth" in it. Although, I am sure, my niece will contest this... hehehe!

I predicted that the rainy season this year will start this month of June. Although it was raining every night for the past few weeks, I consider this an effect of the extreme heat we experience in the day. That is, there's no other way for all that water absorbed by the clouds but to fall at night. (Palusot!)

This morning, rain fell without the humidity you feel when it does the past weeks (in Tagalog, singaw ng lupa). Guess, it's time to have our umbrella and raincoats ready...

Note: This is the link where I made my "prediction".